Memorial Day

What do I need to prove ?
I've seen grab'em by the pussy in action.
I've heard the firehose of garbage that flows from his mouth!
What was claimed he said about the military being suckers and losers goes right down the same path that all of the other garbage that came out of his mouth did.
So it dose not surprise me that he said such things!

Now a regular people, you might say hey I didn't hear him say it so I'll give him the benefit of a doubt, but not him.
Trump doesn't get that with me!
And as far as me proving anything on here, this isn't a court of law, I don't know why I have to keep reminding the same half dozen Nazis that this is a hooker board!
I don't have to prove anything to you!
I know that you all see this as Berry's soap box, buts it still a hooker board nonetheless!

And as far as your prior military friends go, it is not my fault if your buddies have forgotten their oath.
Your fellow traveler Steward Roades obviously had forgotten his.
I know it's easy to forget such a small thing like that!
If your going to found a group called oathkeepers then your going to have to remember that you took that pesky oath to begin with!
And hopefully remember what it represented too!.
Apparently he like you failed in that regard!

Speaking of him.
Now you all make sure that Brother Roades has plenty of commissary. 18 years is along time to sit around with your thumb up you ass without a bit of love from his fellow Nazis!
Who knows, hitler wrote Mein Kampf in five years, well just think of what your brother Steward might accomplish in 18, perhaps he will write "His Kampf", hell he might get out of there and you might have someone even trumpier than trump!
But I digress!

Hitler had A LOT of prior military that propped him up too!
So I really don't want to hear about your like minded Nazis!
A Nazis a Nazi no matter where you find them!

As far as trump goes I love how everything he says is taken out of context, the poor boy is so misunderstood!
It must be hell being an entitled asshole with visions of autocracy dancing in his head and to be so misunderstood!

He didn't say this, he didn't say that!
Fuck him and that trash he calls a family!

And as for how he treats active duty military, let look at Colonel Vindman!
When trump was extorting Ukraine with congressionally approved funds!
Vindman remembered the oath that he took!
And apparently that guided hom in doing his duty and suffering terribly afterwards.

Trump says he would stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, first of all he is the reason for the war!
"See the above paragraph!"
And as I said earlier I'm sure he would end the war in 24 hours.
That would probably be one of the few time that he would have told the truth!
And that would probably amount to us attacking Ukraine from the west!
Trumps a piece of shit!
And if you follow him and carry his water what dose that make you?

And as far as Viktor Orbans family friendly policies go, well those only apply to pasty white Hungarians.
Minorities need not apply!
So of your Roma, Slovak, or any of the 13 other minorities living there you get shit!

I know that that is a policy that would warm the cockles a Nazi's heart!

So piss off with your bitch slapping Bam!
Why don't you jump up and bitch slap me instead of cheerleading when you fellow travelers make the attempt!
A bit intellectually challenged are we?
Next time do your own bitch slapping Bam, if you think you can?
I've embarrassed you before I'll do it again!

The burden of proof is on the one making the accusation. That’s you. Back up your statement with something better than women’s intuition. Until you can do so, it’s just blather.
I’m glad you’re so sure, even though you don’t have the slightest clue wtf you’re talking about. 90% of my friends are current or former military, not one of them is dumb enough to believe unsubstantiated statements designed to profit the person making them.
I can only LOL at this gem.
Given that the ‘Intelligence services’ have been recently proven to be completely full of shit, filled with men who should be swinging from ropes for their actions, it would appear President Trump had good instincts.
Actually, it’s themselves who are looking like traitors. How’s that Russian disinformation letter working out for ya?

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Seems to me the people who back a coup against a duly elected president are the traitors. That’s usually how it works, but rooting for the American Stasi is your choice to make.

So a government who supports and rewards it’s citizens with family and culturally friendly laws is a bad thing now. Good to know, but I’m sticking to avoiding leadership that flouts its own nation’s sovereignty.

Doesn’t matter who you believe or don’t believe, that’s not how it works. It’s your accusation to prove, do so with something better than ‘just because’ or spread your fertilizer on a different field.
That’s an interesting take, considering your post looks like a copy-pasta from Mein Kampf.
B^2 can call you whatever TF he wants. Probably 1P will cry to the mods but I doubt it’s the first points he’s gotten.

My deepest sympathies. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
berryberry's Avatar
Did anyone try and read the latest load of who knows what that has nothing to do with the thread topic, Memorial Day?

If so, can we please have the literate cliff notes version? Thanks

Back on the subject of this thread, it is clear how Senile Biden has disrespected the military from his bullshit stolen valor claims about his son being killed in Iraq to who can forget this disrespect to the 13 soldiers Senile Biden got killed with his fuck up in Afghanistan?

Did anyone try and read the latest load of who knows what that has nothing to do with the thread topic, Memorial Day?

If so, can we please have the literate cliff notes version? Thanks

Back on the subject of this thread, it is clear how Senile Biden has disrespected the military from his bullshit stolen valor claims about his son being killed in Iraq to who can forget this disrespect to the 13 soldiers Senile Biden got killed with his fuck up in Afghanistan?

Originally Posted by berryberry
Big Daddy Joe isn't the one who started the desecration and politicization of Memorial Day in this thread. That was started with the first two posts. Furthermore, Big Daddy Joe served. Did you?
berryberry's Avatar
Big Daddy Joe isn't the one who started the desecration and politicization of Memorial Day in this thread. That was started with the first two posts. Furthermore, Big Daddy Joe served. Did you? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
This thread was made to honor those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice to this country. The only people desecrating it were the leftists.

It started "On this Memorial Day, remember those who served and gave their lives to our country

And went on to say Be like President Trump - with a great example of what to do - unlike Senile Biden who provided a great example of what NOT to do
Memorial day is not political. You're not honoring anyone by making it political. If you truly wanted to honor those who served, you would have left the two draft dodgers out of it.

Big Daddy Joe, thanks for serving.
berryberry's Avatar
Memorial day is not political. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
And yet look at the comments here from the guy formerly known as The Operator aka Hoochi Coochi Man aka Dogface.
bambino's Avatar
In the present day, everything’s political.
HDGristle's Avatar
Only if you make it political
Jacuzzme's Avatar
One of the most distinguishing qualities you find in men and women who were in the service is humility. It’s not often you’ll find someone who feels the need for constant reassurance that everyone around them is aware of it, and considers themselves somehow above a plumber or car salesman. The braggadocio in this thread just doesn’t sit right.
And yet look at the comments here from the guy formerly known as The Operator aka Hoochi Coochi Man aka Dogface. Originally Posted by berryberry
I haven't seen any of those handles in this thread, but if someone else responded to your political comments, how does that excuse you making it political? You started the thread with two posts that made it political. It would be much more respectful just to honor the veterans without bringing two draft dodgers into it.
berryberry's Avatar
I haven't seen any of those handles in this thread, but if someone else responded to your political comments, how does that excuse you making it political? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You will have to ask him why he is on his 4th handle now when site rules only allow one. And if you can't understand how comparing and contrasting how two Presidents treated our fallen warriors relates to what to do or not to do with respect to Memorial Day, I can't help you
You will have to ask him why he is on his 4th handle now when site rules only allow one. And if you can't understand how comparing and contrasting how two Presidents treated our fallen warriors relates to what to do or not to do with respect to Memorial Day, I can't help you Originally Posted by berryberry
I would never want or need help from someone who makes a mockery out of memorial day.
I can't help you Originally Posted by berryberry
Wrong word usage, coming from a republican, this should read.
"I won't help you!"
berryberry's Avatar
One of the most distinguishing qualities you find in men and women who were in the service is humility. It’s not often you’ll find someone who feels the need for constant reassurance that everyone around them is aware of it, and considers themselves somehow above a plumber or car salesman. The braggadocio in this thread just doesn’t sit right. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Very true. I have a number of those in my family that still serve or served including one at a very high level who recently retired. I never once heard any of them brag about their service or accomplishments.

To me, someone who feels the need brag and seek constant reassurance is a not a good human and likely have a host of issues
How about someone who disrespects the soldiers by making Memorial Day political? Is that a sign of a good person?