Thank you border czar

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Encounters is different from illegals entering the country. Encounters means that people were caught trying to enter the country illegally and most all were sent back across the border.You believe, correct me if I'm wrong, is that the number of illegals entering and staying in the country under Biden was 10 million. That is incorrect.

The "Muslim ban" to which I was referring was Trump's EO 13780 banning ALL people from 6 majority-Muslim countries from entering the country. Yes, there are many terrorists in those countries for sure. The day Biden entered office he rescinded all of Trump's travel bans, except for the one prohibiting U.S. citizens from traveling to North Korea. And to-date there is no reason to believe, after almost 4 years, that any terrorists from those countries have entered the country.

As was the case then and continues today -- Trump governs using fear as a campaign tool. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

we all know that the vast majority are being let in. the Biden admin want them in the country. the only ones intentionally avoiding encountering Border Patrol are the "bad hombres" Trump warned about. they aren't here for anything but illegal activities. they are gangs/cartel members. the last thing these guys want is Johnny Law in their faces.

have these "bad hombres" been coming over the border for decades? of course but now thanks to Biden and Harris it's easier than ever because they know Border Patrol is overwhelmed and Biden had no intention at all to increase the number of agents on the border.

thanks to Biden and the "Border cunt" Harris is there any surprise violent crime is becoming rampant in the big cities? story after story of these "fine people" raping and killing Americans.

Thanks Joe! you asshole.

now about that ban. the list did come from Obama's DOJ who identified them all as supporting terrorism. Trump didn't just say "I hate Arabs" and ban travel for no good reason and everyone in this forum knows it. yet that's exactly what many here claim and of course the bulk of the media. the media is ignoring all these crimes because they are intentionally covering it up. they want all these millions in the nation as bad as the Democrats do.

presidents from both parties have at times banned travel. funny that only "Evil Republicans" get called "racist" and "hateful" for it. only Carter gets off scott free and we know why. his ban on Iran was a direct result of the Iranian hostage situation when they took over our Embassy.

what's "racist" or "hateful" about banning travel from nations who openly despise the US and are known to support terrorists who would love to bomb some building in the US? these people chant "Down with America" and burn our flag in public.

give me one good reason we shouldn't ban these people to keep them out of the country?

Biden and Harris are not only knowingly allowing millions in the nation they are setting up another 9/11 too.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
If you guys love illegals so much, why not allow a family of them to share a spare room if you have one. I mean, after all you want them here. My boss at work had a saying and this goes to electing the worthless cunt harris, 'be careful what you wish for'.

Not are only Russia, China, Iran, and N. Korea rooting for her, but lawyers who specialize in bankruptcy are also rooting for her. At least I'm not on the same side as Russia, China, Iran, and N. Korea like harris voters are.

You think voting for a person just because they aren't Trump is so cool, until a month after the bitch has her inauguration, reality sets in and you wonder how you could set yourself and your family up for failure. People have credit cards maxed out and can't afford groceries. This isn't some fucking game, people are hurting or dying due to the 'sweet little immigrants' that are invading our country, beating up people, raping women, and killing people.

biden/harris are flying in immigrants in the middle of the night, and IMHO they are traitors breaking the law with every person brought across the border, and the people who support them are also traitors, and for every person killed by illegal immigrants, biden/harris and their supporters also have blood on their hands.

My hands are clean.