Wow, I am almost at a loss for words right now (I did say almost, not totally, lol). I truly am touched by all the PMs, emails and text messages that continue to come in regarding my moms condition. I’m sincerely sorry that I have not had a chance to reply to each message personally yet or that I have not taken the time to update this thread.
As far as how my mom is, well she is still in the ICU but the doctors have said she is over the “hump”.
She had a tracheotomy Friday and is now breathing at 100%. She looks great and has been smiling and is very up beat. Once she is stable from the surgery, she will be moved down to a regular floor and then on to an assisted living facility where she will stay for a few months as she recovers and regains her strength. So hopefully she will be home before the holiday season begins.
Right now I’m just trying to get adjusted to my new way of life. Between taking 4 classes this semester, going to the hospital 2 or 3 times a day to see my mom and squeezing in a few appointments a week, I am beyond busy and some nights I only get in 2 or 3 hours of sleep.
It's funny because quite a few times I have thought to myself ... "damn, I miss the days when I could post and bullshit on Eccie for hours" ... I've been interacting with so many of you on almost a daily basis for so long, its weird to have to stop just about cold turkey.
I also wanted to thank everyone who volunteered their time to help me draw up a power of attorney for my mom. I had so many attorneys contact me and offer their services for free that I lost count. Receiving all those emails and PM’s was simply overwhelming. It's deeply touching to know how many people care and are willing to help out a stranger they have never met.