Obama Four More Years

we're fucked, excessive borrowing and spending with no limits and no cares. the economy will not recover and 10% unemployment will be the norm, the next two generations including many of the younger providers will have tax rates of 75% to pay back China for our credit card party we've had. but hey the takers won over the producers and i will personally do everything i can to shelter my income rather than support Obama voters who chose govt freebies over capitalism and freedom
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I want my Obummer phone....Give me free shit...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've already given you more shit than you can take, Myldeman!

Glad to see you boys are still on the prowl.

Unfortunately the sky ISN'T falling, and our new national health care plan just might cover your therapy.


And please, keep it American. The good guys won. The right wing up dots (and their followers) lost. it's pretty easy to see how and why. If you want to drown in De Nile, then be happy there'll be some Kind of government assistance available for your depressed asses!

Quit whining and come back to America!
Same president same congress and the media made several billions, who won again? And if you don't like Obama just think: It's his last four years.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The sky may not be falling you none shit giving old fart, but the stock market is and layoffs are starting.

You want a bad economy to get worse well it is going to happen. Obama care once in full force will shut down a lot of small businesses.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not mine.
nuglet's Avatar
nor mine.. it's done fine the last 8 years, in spite of Bush..
We're hiring.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
nor mine.. it's done fine the last 8 years, in spite of Bush.. Originally Posted by nuglet
Bush has not been in office for the last 4 years old man.
nuglet's Avatar
duh buddy. I know the few brain cells you still have firing, are doing their best just to keep you upright, but if you check your history.. 8 yrs ago, Bush was still running the show.. as he was up until 4 years ago.. wow, lack of memory is working well for you isn't it?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
The closest match to the Republican economic model is probably Ireland. Originally Posted by melessqr
Yes, but the closest match to the DESIRED Republican economic model is probably Somalia - LOL

HellY & Carl, you guys are great, tell it like it is, closest thing to a Bromance I'll probably ever get. If you had pussies and tits I might really be in love ROTFLMAO
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
we're fucked, excessive borrowing and spending with no limits and no cares. the economy will not recover and 10% unemployment will be the norm, the next two generations including many of the younger providers will have tax rates of 75% to pay back China for our credit card party we've had. but hey the takers won over the producers and i will personally do everything i can to shelter my income rather than support Obama voters who chose govt freebies over capitalism and freedom Originally Posted by Txfishkiller
You have no idea what you are talking about. First of all the stock market is up 75% since Obama took office (and it was headed way down right then).

Second, 66% of the debt is owed to us, yes us. Only about 33% is owned to foreigners and it is owed in dollars (which we can print at will).

Since we have a fiat money monetary system we don't have to borrow, sell bonds, pay interest or pay any attention to rating agencies. Those are all artifacts of the pre-1971 gold standard monetary system that Nixon, yes Nixon took us off of.

You are a FOX and Limbaugh educated know-nothing idiot who doesn't have the least clue how macro-economics works at all. "Takers and Makers" is FOX and right wing rhetoric that has no relation to reality just like Republican projections of a Romney landslide had no connection to reality. Get a grip (on reality).
ozmosys's Avatar
GOD BLESS VESPUCCILAND Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ah, Canadian ...
endurance's Avatar
austxjr - you make it sound like is so great that they can just print at will. Do you bother to compensate "gains" of something in a devalued currency, or can we just print our way to prosperity?

We pay interest, of course we do. You are starting to sound like an apologist for our corrupt banking system. Just like neocons can accept their team spending beyond their means for military-industrial charity, the progressives can accept financial industry charity and corruption at the expense of "the little people" as long as their team has the ball.

Just because you can see faux news is idiocy doesn't mean you have to accept the Krugman BS.

And that is how neo-feudalism works - divide and conquer two party system.
chefnerd's Avatar
Interesting how everybody focuses on how much US debt China holds. Has anyone checked out Japan's holdings? Not a whole lot of difference.
