noleftturn's Avatar
I don't disagree with you but I think ALERTING the community was the right thing to do. Don't know when the info was posted in the PR but several could have been caught up in this mess by the time it leaked. Not everyone receives leaked information but every member has the right to read the open forums and as I previously posted this should have been an alert rather than a discussion.
Its not that the ladies didn't want the info out there or none of us were looking out for the guys, its how it was done. You guys do the same when its found out that locker room info was leaked.

No one deserves to have their info cataloged by a provider or hobbyist, but we all know it happens at some point. Some times we're made aware of it, other times we're not. Originally Posted by MsElena
couldnt have said it better msE
many other providers stated the same views as me. So why call me out? the answer is obvious i wont say again that i am glad she posted this for more reasons than one.
Its not that the ladies didn't want the info out there or none of us were looking out for the guys, its how it was done. You guys do the same when its found out that locker room info was leaked.

No one deserves to have their info cataloged by a provider or hobbyist, but we all know it happens at some point. Some times we're made aware of it, other times we're not. Originally Posted by MsElena
Well MsE...looks like we are going to disagree here...kind of like the old times,

Is this the first or last time a provider catalogs their info...probably not. However this is a case where a well documented, loose cannon, unpredictable...and I would say coco-for-coco-pops...provider has been over-the-top in cataloging info.

One of the cardinal rules in the hobby is no outing. An unstable provider, gathering such an unneeded level..without her client base being aware of, is that final step before potentially breaking that cardinal rule.

Can you imagine for even a minute what LE would do with that info...or some scorn boyfriend...or some pissed off religious family member. And that is beyond what the provider could do, in the some insane rage moment.. which we have had glimpses of both out in open as well as in discussions in the M/L???

At this point, hopefully, that danger has passed. But to shrugged one's shoulders and say someone's marriage, someone's job, etc could have been compromised with this type of info.

But then to say...well none of us girls wanted for that to happen...but heck it is against Eccie guidelines, and you guys get pissed off when our stuff is leak. Sorry not buying that.

Do we guys get pissed off at certain type of leaks...of course.

But if a lady's freedom, marriage or IRL situation was genuinely at risk, and it somehow got leaked out...shame on any of you ladies, for thinking that the majority of us guys would be more ( or equally) upset at the leak, than having that info shared out in the public.

I know, we as guys, have our moments when the little head takes over our thinking.

I know, we as guys, certainly have our share of DD started in some other post...who continue to show total and complete lack of class.

But don't lump us all in the same group. The vast majority of us, are good guys, just looking for a good time. Any specific real-time danger, that we would become aware of towards one of the ladies...we would have no problem with that info being leaked out.

Sure there would be a segment of guys...just like there have been ladies in this thread...which would be screaming "chicken little" the sky is falling, there has been a leak of Eccie info.

But I say, without hesitation, the majority of us would be glad to see that info being leaked, if it meant a potentially dangerous situation affecting a provider has acknowledged.

And yea the time of this posting, bailey sure has a lot to say...but very little to say about your question. I would imagine her back tracking to begin in 1,2,3..go!!!
Whether this post is right or wrong she pissed off a whole lot of providers, and put us all at risk. What is that expression don't shit where you sleep? Or Something like that. I am as drama free as it comes and even this pissed me off.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
First, I am the one who was notified first about what happened and I had to do what I had to do. I, for one, appreciate PS for realizing that it was my duty as a Mod.

Personally, I wish she would have come to me first. I think I could have help craft a good post about the concern she, and others, had about PersionLilly's position on keeping detailed records as well as other concerns. Apparently it was known even before a revealing post was made.

I, for one, am sorry all this came up and had to happen. What I would like to ask, is that we all learn that there can be another way. If you have a concern, then ask for help. I am always available (though it may take an extra day if I am touring), as are the other lady Mods...

PS felt it was something she had to do her way and has accepted responsibility for it.

MS Elena is spot on... back channeling is the best way to go. Want men to be aware, which a number of guys on here are glad she did it, then you can always craft a post in such a way as to not betray a private forum.

Anyway, I am hoping we can put this one to rest...


First off, I would like to personally thank Pleasant Surprise for posting a very valid alert

Second, just like I said in Sins', WTF thread...had I gotten a totally rude and crude pic PM'ed to me, I don't care about Eccie guidelines...I would have done, what I felt was the right thing, and outed the guy directly to Sins.

IMO, this is another, right is right situation. Eccie guidelines do not trump doing the right thing in such critical areas such as this....I mean come on ladies!!!

As far as the providers, who are all butt hurt...thanks for showing me, that Eccie guidelines trump doing the right thing by potentially saving guys from giving up our privacy and discretion.

I will not put this at the same level as the ladies protecting their security and well being. But I will definitely place this as our #1 priority. And that would be miminizing our exposure and respecting our discretion. In this day and age, such information can be used to build all sort of IRL information, with very little time and effort.

We, as guys, deal with info such as ROS or M/L info being leaked out into the open all the time.

I tell the other guys....just deal with it, it is unfornuately a part of doing time on Eccie. Now I say the same to the ladies. No lady, other than the subject matter of this thread will experience any harm from the release of this info. I know this will not win me any brownie points...but that's not the purpose of this post. Welcome to the reality of Eccie....never assume anything, posted anywhere is completely safe. And yes, that does occasionally also include the powder room info.

This provider has shown a well documented trail of unpredictable anger, lack of stability and general total lack of understanding on how this hobby safely functions.

Now would any of the married guys, guys with high-profile jobs (like someone in the teaching profession...and you know who I am talking about) or just the rest of us guys who play in the hobby for pure fun....

Trust any relative stranger...much less someone who has proven themselves again and again as an extremely unstable or unpredictable provider with information that either she, or a possible scorn boyfriend could potential use, in a moment of anger, rage or jealousy? And I am not even touching on how such info could be used in the hands of LE!!

Again, thanks Pleasant Surprise for your attempt...and thanks to some of the other ladies, who have shown far more concern about Eccie guidelines, rather than sharing potential danger to the gentlemen how utilize your services. What was it that SG used to say...I'm making my list Originally Posted by vkmaster
What ever dude, don't you think us ladies weren't discussing how un-safe & un-professional PersianLilly was being!

Don't you think we were trying to get a mods attention about PersianLilly's screening practices.

She has revealed herself as being unstable...So all you men have already been warned!
There was no need to start this thread in Co-Ed.

You are a fool for thinking we weren't keeping the men's safety in the forefront!

Some people are so so so ...ugh... no more words to express how disgusted I am right now.
I respect both Lea M as a lady, Mod, and her post here. She makes some solid points in her post, that we hopefully can all learn from.

So out of respect to her, this will be my final post in this thread.

As far as Bebe's post, lol, I'll take the high road...and start off by saying I do agree with her at one level. The provider had indeed revealed herself as being unstable, to the point that I, and most of the veteran hobbists, would never had consider seeing her. Long, long before this thread. But there were others who chose to take a chance...and no criticism direct towards them...only a suggestion to further work on their research methods and perhaps listen to what was being said else where, before making their hobby decisions.

However, while you may have been discussing how unsafe this lady was to us "dudes"...Pleasant S was willing to post to us "dudes" the specifics regarding this provider.
Unfortunate that she had to break Eccie guidelines...but I, as many others, am glad she realized that sometimes guidelines are not nearly as important as doing the right thing.
Lea M has been kind enough to offer guidance as to how future situations can be handled so guidelines and extremely help knowledge can be synchronized!

Many of us are connected to various back channeling communications...however to assume everyone is, IMO, is simply incorrect. Personally, I had no idea as to what this provider
was doing, in terms of gathering the amount of info...and far more importantly there were many others who also did not know. That is what this site is all about. Not only providing an avenue for providers and hobbist to make inform choices. But also to protect the safety and privacy of all of us "dudes and dudettes".

So with that Bebe....what's that is cheap, but actions are priceless. So thanks PS, for not just talking, but acting.

Now "the dude"...what was that movie, the Big Lebowski?? wrapping up a wonderful evening with a very special lady, by heading to First Watch... then off to bed!

Happy hobbying to all...and be safe to everyone!!!

Unfortunate that this thread had to happen...but certainly has been a learning experience, and in more than one way!

Good night to all...errrrr, or would that be good morning to all, lol
many other providers stated the same views as me. So why call me out? the answer is obvious i wont say again that i am glad she posted this for more reasons than one. Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
In my opinion, your posts in this thread have defiantly defended privacy and secrecy above safety, at all costs to anyone! You are glad the information was posted, but did you do anything to alert your clients about the situation they may have or might have found themselves in?

Did you take any back channel action to help anyone or alert anyone or did you just sit and post from your position of general grumpiness thinking damn the guys I want what is in the Powder Room to stay in the Powder Room even if it hurts someone?

dirty dog's Avatar
Whether this post is right or wrong she pissed off a whole lot of providers, and put us all at risk. What is that expression don't shit where you sleep? Or Something like that. I am as drama free as it comes and even this pissed me off. Originally Posted by 8Eve

Just how exactly was her leaking the information putting you at risk?
dirty dog's Avatar
Several ladies have said they were aware of this situation, my question is when did you become aware of this, a week ago, a day ago , when, which of you PM'd any of the guys to make them aware of this. I guess a better question would be guys how many of you received a pm warning you about this. Ladies if the answer is no, when were you going to begin doing this. What was the emergency action plan to notify the male members of this board? when was it going to be implemented?
dirty dog's Avatar
In my opinion, your posts in this thread have defiantly defended privacy and secrecy above safety, at all costs to anyone! You are glad the information was posted, but did you do anything to alert your clients about the situation they may have or might have found themselves in?

Did you take any back channel action to help anyone or alert anyone or did you just sit and post from your position of general grumpiness thinking damn the guys I want what is in the Powder Room to stay in the Powder Room even if it hurts someone?

Hmmm? Originally Posted by scorpio31
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-21-2013, 07:16 AM
DD, I believe 8eve was referring to PersianLilly and not PS for leaking this info. So I'm curious, how many guys were back channeled about this? Show of hands? And ladies care to honestly step forward and confirm they let some guys know?

This has been one hell of a thread, and for the most part, everyone was respectful, considering the importance here. There was a fine line to be drawn here on what to do. PS might of broken some guidelines, but I won't condemn her for it. This type of info needed to come out. PersianLilly has indeed shown herself to be unstable even before this, but we are guys, and sometimes we are dumb thinking with only our little head. She was still getting business and guys were still putting themselves at risk. Hopefully this will help some, but there will still be guys going to see her, believe it or not, but now they know their own safety is at issue and will have nobody to blame but themselves.
What was it that SG used to say...I'm making my list Originally Posted by vkmaster
I sincerely hope I'm on that list, because I believe discretion is the better part of valor.
I will not betray my fellow provider's trust just so I can get a few extra clients.
PS now has seriously limited the number of providers who will give her a reference, just as Persianlilly has.
And Persianlilly's invasive screening methods have been backchanneled to some of you by some of us, it is not our fault if this info was not parceled out to you other hobbyists.
In my opinion, your posts in this thread have defiantly defended privacy and secrecy above safety, at all costs to anyone! You are glad the information was posted, but did you do anything to alert your clients about the situation they may have or might have found themselves in?

Did you take any back channel action to help anyone or alert anyone or did you just sit and post from your position of general grumpiness thinking damn the guys I want what is in the Powder Room to stay in the Powder Room even if it hurts someone?

Hmmm? Originally Posted by scorpio31
how was i supposed to back channel if i diddnt get the chance i only found out of this hours before this op was made?? wow so its my fault lol this girl in quesiton showed her true colors many times.