trump the traitor

We have a President who is actively trying to provide cover for these operations and defend them by deflecting the "fake news" tag to legitimate news operations, and his followers are all too happy to amplify this.
It's astonishing. The President of the United States is actively defending a foreign governments propaganda campaign against the United States.
That is blatantly obvious, cannot be denied, and in my mind amounts to collusion with the Russian government to interfere in our democracy.
We can talk about backroom deals and bribery and pee tapes all day, and we need to find that out, but the question of whether or not Trump colluded with Russia has already been answered.
He does it publicly every day. The things he does in public are empirical proof that Trump is a traitor.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Still no evidence, eh?

We have a President who is actively trying to provide cover for these operations and defend them by deflecting the "fake news" tag to legitimate news operations, and his followers are all too happy to amplify this.
It's astonishing. The President of the United States is actively defending a foreign governments propaganda campaign against the United States.
That is blatantly obvious, cannot be denied, and in my mind amounts to collusion with the Russian government to interfere in our democracy.
We can talk about backroom deals and bribery and pee tapes all day, and we need to find that out, but the question of whether or not Trump colluded with Russia has already been answered.
He does it publicly every day. The things he does in public are empirical proof that Trump is a traitor. Originally Posted by Observing
Obama and Comey knew about this before the elections and did nothing and kept their mouths shut. Sounds like they were colluding with the Russians. And as Secretary of State under Obama, Clinton sold uranium to Russia. Looks like Obama was doing the colluding.
  • m2m
  • 08-07-2017, 10:49 AM
Obama and Comey knew about this before the elections and did nothing and kept their mouths shut. Sounds like they were colluding with the Russians. And as Secretary of State under Obama, Clinton sold uranium to Russia. Looks like Obama was doing the colluding. Originally Posted by centexguy
This is the typical narrative of someone who cannot defend Trump, who IMO Is going down soon. Deflect to Obama and Clinton. Really really weak dude. Let me explain to you something. Yes Obama knew about Russian meddling. He choose not to do anything because he didn't want to appear to be influencing the election. That is a fact. Perhaps it was a poor decision, who knows. But he had only two choices and choose that one. As for the uranium. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters. Another key fact is that the uranium remains in the US and cannot be exported.

I'm not a Hillary fan at all. But I'm less of a fan of spreaders of BS. Country before party dude.
  • m2m
  • 08-07-2017, 10:54 AM
Still no evidence, eh? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It's being collected as we speak. Grand jurys are not empaneled unless there is strong evidence of a crime. Your hero is a bad hombre and will go down.
You Guys are dumber than I stated its gonna be "Foie gras" policy...just be like the good whores on this site and just choke on our seed while we pump it down your liberal throats!! #MAGA
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's being collected as we speak. Grand jurys are not empaneled unless there is strong evidence of a crime. Your hero is a bad hombre and will go down. Originally Posted by m2m
If they had any it would have been leaked already.
If they had any it would have been leaked already. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Not from Mueller's team.

  • m2m
  • 08-07-2017, 06:04 PM
If they had any it would have been leaked already. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It is said that multiple news outlets have leaked information and are being asked to withhold reporting on it until the right time. Also NY state attorney has the entire Trump orgimazation under investigation for money laundering. Tick tick tick drip drip drip.
EagleEye's Avatar
You Guys are dumber than I stated its gonna be "Foie gras" policy...just be like the good whores on this site and just choke on our seed while we pump it down your liberal throats!! #MAGA Originally Posted by Allshadesofgrey98
Very insightful response with a nice rhetorical flourish.

Too many of the CIM providers on this site are NQBS... so, unfortunately, no fattening up of the liberals livers.
NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND DEMAND TO VACATE THE PREMISES TO: DONALD J. TRUMP President of the United States and all other guests and/or subtenants AT: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW The White House (also known as The People's House) Washington, DC 20500
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that because your landlord, we the People of the United States of America, has reasonable grounds to believe that you have been engaged in unlawful treason and other high crimes against the country, your lease for the above referenced property is hereby terminated.
These violations are as follows: A - During your campaign you actively collaborated with Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation to secure your successful election, as evidenced by: 1) The appointment of Paul Manafort, a known associate of agents of Russian foreign influence in Ukraine, as Chairman of your Presidential campaign. 2) The keeping of council with Roger Stone, an admitted back channel connection with Julian Assange, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks, a known proxy used in the of execution Russian intelligence operations, as well as an admitted contact of personal Guccifer 2.0, a known Russian cyber-agent. 3) Publicly requesting the assistance of Russian intelligence to engage in hacking and cyber operations to aid your campaign and damage your political opponent. 4) The public endorsement of Wikileaks activities done under the direction of the Russian government to influence and destabilize American democratic processes to the benefit of Russian interests. 5) The acceptance, approval, endorsement, and promotion, both overtly and tacitly by way of persistent undermining of legitimate domestic news sources and promotion of fringe tabloids and obscure publications of negligible merit or credibility, of propaganda created by the Russian government for the promotion of Russian influence and interests. 6) The advance knowledge of your adviser Roger Stone of the release by Wikileaks of emails from the DNC and John Podesta as a means of causing political damage to your political opponents, such damage being the fruition of an objective of Russian intelligence operations. 7) Multiple contacts between agents of the Russian government and members of your political campaign and other individuals among your inner circle, including your son-in-law and now appointed Special Advisor to the President, Jared Kushner. 8) Persistent demonstrations of guilt regarding your ties to Russia by yourself and your associates in the form of continual lies, amended lies, and re-amended lies. B - The appointment of Michael Flynn, an agent of Russian influence, as National Security Advisor, and willfully ignoring intelligence reports that he lied about contact with foreign agents and that he was compromised. C - The political appointment of your son-in-law Jared Kushner and your daughter Ivanka Trump as Advisors. D - Fleecing American taxpayers for your personal profit through frequent and excessive travel that require substantial payments be made by the government to businesses owned by yourself, due to Secret Service and other staff accommodations, as well as similar expenses associated with accommodations at your place of residence in New York City. E - Parading foreign Heads of State on diplomatic visits as marketing opportunities for your personal business ventures. F - Directing, allowing, or otherwise condoning, whether tacitly or overtly, national resources under your official control to promote personal business interests of yourself and/or your family members. G -Squandering national resources for needless travel and other costs associated with political campaigning mere weeks and months after assuming office. H - Using the office of the President to encourage or require individuals to buy merchandise sold by your businesses. I - Refusal to appoint and otherwise staff the vital functions of the Executive Branch of the government, such as the Department of State. Therefore demand is hereby made that you remove yourself and your belongings from the said premises.
Trump has been in office a little over 200 days and North Korea now has a the capability to reach the US, guiding systems, and a miniature nuclear warhead? That Trump really dropped the ball on that one. Maybe because he was telling us in April how impressive what Kim Jong-un was. Idk what happened but Trump let all of this occur and how we may be in for another war. And they told us Hilary was the hawk and Trump was all about America and not fighting wars.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump has been in office a little over 200 days and North Korea now has a (sic) the capability to reach the US, guiding systems, and a miniature nuclear warhead? That Trump really dropped the ball on that one... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Hey there, millsy! Under your messiah odumbo, we pursued a policy of "strategic patience" toward NK for 8 fucking years... how'd that work out for us, dipshit?

Bonus question - how many nukes did that fat asshole in NK test during odumbo's 8-year tenure? How many missiles did the fatboy test while odumbo twiddled and twaddled?

But hey, let's turn this whole crisis into another partisan cheap shot against Trump. Party before country, right jackass?
Will Donald Trump ever denounce white supremacists, Nazis and the bigots as much as he denounces and attacks when things are done by Muslims?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Will Donald Trump ever denounce white supremacists, Nazis and the bigots as much as he denounces and attacks when things are done by Muslims? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
No. Trump will not denounce his base.