trump the traitor

No. Trump will not denounce his base. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
They were saying "Heil Trump" and Duke said that Trump had their backing. So unless he comes out and denounces them, his silence is a nod to that. Because this whole "both sides" statement was horrible. It's not both sides that have hatred for anyone not white, who are carrying guns, etc. And people want everyone to come together and support him for his warmongering. Yeah I can't support a guy and expect him to stand up to a foreign dictator when he can't stand up against the white nationalists that are terrorizing people here.
He did denounce it. That is such bull shit - Trump does not condone hate groups. And what do you mean by "warmongering" ?? Trump's not trying to start a war - North Korea is - because that little asshole - Kim Jung-un has short man's disease. Damn, I'm just glad that the Trump is in office to deal with that little shit.

They were saying "Heil Trump" and Duke said that Trump had their backing. So unless he comes out and denounces them, his silence is a nod to that. Because this whole "both sides" statement was horrible. It's not both sides that have hatred for anyone not white, who are carrying guns, etc. And people want everyone to come together and support him for his warmongering. Yeah I can't support a guy and expect him to stand up to a foreign dictator when he can't stand up against the white nationalists that are terrorizing people here. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
He did denounce it. That is such bull shit - Trump does not condone hate groups. And what do you mean by "warmongering" ?? Trump's not trying to start a war - North Korea is - because that little asshole - Kim Jung-un has short man's disease. Damn, I'm just glad that the Trump is in office to deal with that little shit. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No what you are saying is bullshit. He denounced the situation. He didn't denounce the white supremacists, the nazis and those people who were there and who were praising him as their leader. And if he's not denouncing them using him, his silence can't be interrupted as Trump doesn't condone hate groups. Because hate groups were there today and in his speech he said that it was bigotry on many sides. There aren't many sides. He didn't denounce the people peddling racial bigotry and so I can't blindly believe he doesn't condone them nor can I say he doesn't agree with them. Until he comes out and goes after them like I've seen him do CNN or any media people. Or how I've seen him attack so many other people. He seems to have no shorting of attacking people and organizations he disagrees with, he didn't do that today.

As for North Korea, Trump is definitely looking for a war. He set a red line of threatening actions. Not actual actions, but a threat. That's someone looking for war and someone in over their head. Which is why Tillerson came out to try to change the red line. Because guess what, NK will threaten, that's what they do. And Trump can't nuke them because the lost of lives that would occur because of his action would be catastrophic and not just for them but for us and South Korea. But Trump had to look tough so he went off script and got us in a situation that his advisors weren't ready for. Threatening NK won't work. It plays in their hands. Kim Jong-un keeps his people in line by constantly warning of the US coming to take their country away. And the president threatening just adds to that. The truth is, war with NK would be a win but at a huge lost. In the end, the world will come to an agree with NK similar to the Iran Deal that Republicans like to complain about and Trump will call it a win for him, while doing what Obama did previously.

As for Kim Jong-un's short man syndrome, idk, crazy man, with a bad haircut. Who lies a lot and has delusions of grandeur. I mean give Kim a some more height and we are talking characteristics of the guy representing in office. Maybe that's why Trump sung his praises in April.
There are about 16 active hate groups in the U.S.
Ku Klux Klan
Neo Natzi
White Nationalist
Raciest Skinhead
Christian Identity
Neo Confederate
Black Separatist
Anti Muslim
And General Hate - which is the category you are in. Yes, there are many sides. So In his statement Trump condemned all hate. That statement was clear.
There are about 16 active hate groups in the U.S.
Ku Klux Klan
Neo Natzi
White Nationalist
Raciest Skinhead
Christian Identity
Neo Confederate
Black Separatist
Anti Muslim
And General Hate - which is the category you are in. Yes, there are many sides. So In his statement Trump condemned all hate. That statement was clear. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Wait did you just try to put me a hate group? I hate no one. I don't like people but that's my right. But since you want to put me in a box, I will put you in the racists box. Cool? Ok.

As for him condemning, he didn't condemn the people who caused the incidents yesterday. He didn't condemn the views of a man who used a car and killed someone. Are we not against that? Aren't domestic terrorists our enemy? If so, I will leave you with a quote: "Anyone who cannot name our enemy is not fit to lead this country."
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
His statement was not clear. He SEEMED to condemn all the protesters. He certainly defended no participants.
And I will leave one with you - Martin Luther King Jr -
" Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;only love can do that."

Wait did you just try to put me a hate group? I hate no one. I don't like people but that's my right. But since you want to put me in a box, I will put you in the racists box. Cool? Ok.

As for him condemning, he didn't condemn the people who caused the incidents yesterday. He didn't condemn the views of a man who used a car and killed someone. Are we not against that? Aren't domestic terrorists our enemy? If so, I will leave you with a quote: "Anyone who cannot name our enemy is not fit to lead this country." Originally Posted by Austin Dude
And I will leave one with you - Martin Luther King Jr -
" Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;only love can do that." Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Hahaha you are in over your head quoting MLK. You know nothing of King if you think he would approve of the message Trump gave or that he would support Trump. Trump didn't bring light or love. He attacks everyone but couldn't attack the hate that killed a person. I can't believe people are having a hard time denouncing the hate group who killed someone yesterday without trying to equate them with other people. You guys are sick.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
I guess ALL protesters are " darkness."
MLK would condemn both sides?
I guess ALL protesters are " darkness."
MLK would condemn both sides?
Riiiiiiiight. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
Yeah I know. She's quoting Dr. King, yet the people on the right demonize BLM. Yet it was King who said that "riot is the language of the unheard". BLM isn't the ones rioting, it's opportunists. Yet the point remains, African Americans feel unheard. They want to quote him to make it seem like they are just understanding but don't want to go into the issues he pointed out. African Americans were unheard then and unheard now. African Americans say that Trump isn't standing up for us and against bigotry with his statement and they say no he is, you're wrong. How can you tell someone what's defending them?
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
No "Fire and Fury" for Nazis.
There are about 16 active hate groups in the U.S.
Ku Klux Klan
Neo Natzi
White Nationalist
Raciest Skinhead
Christian Identity
Neo Confederate
Black Separatist
Anti Muslim
And General Hate - which is the category you are in. Yes, there are many sides. So In his statement Trump condemned all hate. That statement was clear. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Try again.
Ya got your Kellyanne Conway "alternative facts",huh?

President Donald Trump's national security adviser says the violence that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, "meets the definition of terrorism."

It's worth noting that not just the vehicle attack was terrorism.
Their entire protest and premeditated riot was terrorism.
They came, armed and armored, to terrorize a community that a large portion of them didn't even live in. They inflicted violence in a community in defense of that statue.
They invited that riot intentionally. They came to fight. They came to cause fear.
This entire event was an act of terrorism, just like the KKK burning crosses.
This really was a premeditated act of violence.
I believe Martin Luther King Jr condemned ALL, let me repeat-ALL HATE. I thought you were college educated? What is so hard to understand about that sentence?
I don't know if he would of approved of Trumps message or not - but I do know he condemned ALL, once again, ALL HATE.
You're the one who's sick in the head - you twist everything up and you just spew out hatred. Go see a therapist or something. Hell, you're on a hooker board - go fuck a hooker- you need it.

Hahaha you are in over your head quoting MLK. You know nothing of King if you think he would approve of the message Trump gave or that he would support Trump. Trump didn't bring light or love. He attacks everyone but couldn't attack the hate that killed a person. I can't believe people are having a hard time denouncing the hate group who killed someone yesterday without trying to equate them with other people. You guys are sick. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Normally I'd have an issue with this but for actual freakin' Nazis... I'm willing to set aside my standards.
And they aren't being doxxed, they are in full public view without any indication of wanting anonymity.
Fuck'em. They're a liability to their employer.
1st amendment doesn't include anonymity.
Want to be a secret Nazi online or on the streets? You are going to be eventually found out and reported to schools, work places, and even your family/friends. Some of these Twitter groups identifying folks from the pictures from the past 48 hours have already made dozens upon dozens of identifications.
These people aren't protesters. They're a bunch of thugs gathered together to incite violence and demand the ability to torment others. That's not about free speech. It leads to murder. Second degree murder my fucking ass. That fucker ran into those people on purpose. He hit her, then reversed and hit her again.
If that's not premeditated I don't know what is. They were there for days whipping themselves into a frenzy and this is the result. It has to stop. TODAY.
You're right. Actually, I got my info from the same place but it was from 2016. You just proved my point - there are many more sides of hate.

Try again.
Ya got your Kellyanne Conway "alternative facts",huh?

President Donald Trump's national security adviser says the violence that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, "meets the definition of terrorism."

It's worth noting that not just the vehicle attack was terrorism.
Their entire protest and premeditated riot was terrorism.
They came, armed and armored, to terrorize a community that a large portion of them didn't even live in. They inflicted violence in a community in defense of that statue.
They invited that riot intentionally. They came to fight. They came to cause fear.
This entire event was an act of terrorism, just like the KKK burning crosses.
This really was a premeditated act of violence. Originally Posted by Observing