.... then maybe we should have a moral obligation to do what we can to help them out ourselves.
Originally Posted by Doove
its the forced, misplaced, wasteful, destructive, remove all incentive "help" through the government i object to. taxes take away the ability of man being able to help man, takes away the feeling of personal responsibility, allows people to feel good about themselves because they voted a certain way without them actually ever having to do a thing even though their vote was totally anti human nature and yeah , lets take your money and do it.
but yes we do have an obligation to each other. that still doesnt take away the nature of an economy that works, which is "trickle down". there always will be people of different skill levels, society valuing some skills more than others, risk takers, doers, and not doers. if there were no poor people, there would be no rich people.
I don't care about anyone's religious beliefs per se. I look at their actions and their priorities. And when i see religious hypocrites, only then will i care about their religious beliefs. Ok, now i'm pointing the finger at you.
Originally Posted by Doove
is it better for someone to have an ideal, and at least attempt to do what is right and stumble and fall sometimes therefore being open to the "hypocrite lable" so you can point a finger at them or to never give a shit in the first place?