Biden delivers knockout to maga

eyecu2's Avatar
Trump goes after individuals, and he’s pretty good at it. What he doesn’t do is go on stage and attempt to demonize a hundred million people. Biden’s speech was straight out of Mein Kamph and wins over nobody that wasn’t already radicalized. Someone needs to give him, actually his handlers, a lesson in what leadership looks like. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
OMG- are you living in an alternate universe? Trump calls Dems and the entire party- Leftist, Socialists, Fake, Radicals, Fascists, Liberals, and so on. Even FOX news has taken to reference of anyone who isn't a MAGA moron as the same or worse. It's literally the angri-tainment of the airwaves, and a complete fucking shit show on TRUMP TV. There is NEVER one ounce of acknowledgment of the positive things that are happening until FORCED TO do so. Even Charles Payne, - "the economy is doing pretty good and these numbers are a victory lap", or the same from history major and economics moron, Larry Kudlow- who gave Biden an 'at-a-Boy', for having robust employment and reducing CPI numbers.

All While the entire ruse of the country slipping out of energy independance, and border crisis remains a focus on the administration. Facts are:

We produce more oil now and import less oil than we have EVER. The whole -"we were energy independant under Trump", is a joke. We always have purchased oil as necessary commodity due to the same reasons suppliers have 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier suppliers in the their supply chain. If one is disrupted, you have a backup. Well we are producing more oil under Biden than under trump;

EIA data show that under Biden, the U.S. has been a net exporter of petroleum products for 27 months in a row, far longer than under Trump. Data on U.S. net imports of crude oil and petroleum products show an uninterrupted streak of negative net imports — reflecting a streak of American exports of petroleum exceeding imports — from October 2021 to December 2023, the last time the chart was updated. That 27 month long streak far exceeds the longest streak of net exports during the Trump administration, which between October 2019 and April 2020 lasted just 7 months. [Energy Information Administration, accessed 3/7/24]

When it comes to the border- REPUBLICANS are falling in line under Trump, to keep and administrative win from the Biden administration.

The facts are - there isn't enough money to support any EO's and courts have ruled against all the pandemic related stay out of the USA, orders. There needs to be legislation on how to pay for these actions on border and asylum issues, which the GOP had a few fledglings help craft, but then shut the door when the ORANGE ASSHOLE declared it 'bad'.

Remember it was the GOP who tied Ukraine funding to the bill, and then later complained that the bill had Ukraine funding in it.

The ineptitude of the MAGA morons is best described by Katie Britts' horrifying handmaiden's response to the SOTU address.

(Breathy) We .....Hear......You.....and .....WE....Dont'....Care.

When it comes to facts TRUMP and the GOP are fucking dipshit lying machines, who cannot tell the truth if their lives or wallets depended on it. Just ask Donald who will be producing another bond for over 450 million dollars more for being a lying piece of shit. And that is not to mention the future appeals for fraud relating to Stormy Daniels.

Holy fuck'n Christ on a cracker, who doesn't he owe money too? But our Fox n 'friends' don't care that he is a lying rapist, tax evading, fraudster! They love it! Thats because he hugged a flag in a display of pure pandering, and held a bible upside down once after clearing a group of protestors not unlike Mussolini, or Hitler after a good book burning.

Everything Biden said about the MAGA movement is absolutely correct. They are heretics and zeolets over religion aka the Christian Nationalists, who are trying to take over our democratic republic by installing radicals just like the fucking "god bless you crew" on Fox news.

As long as your are a christian or a jew in this country- you're protected. But all others should watch out...they are coming for you next.

All in the name of their religion and co-mingling of church and state.

The founders would punch everyone of you MAGA's straight in the fucking face.
... Kinda looks like Joe Biden was the one knocked out.

New HarrisX/Forbes poll from after the SOTU address has
Trump up HIGHER... Before the address - Trump +4.
And NOW - Trump +5 ... ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your point? Are you suggesting President Biden was under the influence of illegal substances?

And actually, we are better off than we were during Trump’s pandemic.

And yes, Biden’s message to the GOP was “Come on, man. get your shit together and get to work for America.” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Biden's message is FUCK AMERICA

of course he wasn't on "illegal substances" the white house physician only administers "legal" medication to keep Joey awake past his nappy time


... Kinda looks like Joe Biden was the one knocked out.

New HarrisX/Forbes poll from after the SOTU address has
Trump up HIGHER... Before the address - Trump +4.
And NOW - Trump +5 ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

he knocked himself out

Biden doesn’t have to knockout MAGA. Trump does it on his own. Idiot trolls Kimmel while the award show is going on with more of his stupid troll shit.
I can’t stand Kimmel but Trump handed him a layup in front of millions of viewers.
He can’t stay out of his own way.
berryberry's Avatar
... Kinda looks like Joe Biden was the one knocked out.

New HarrisX/Forbes poll from after the SOTU address has
Trump up HIGHER... Before the address - Trump +4.
And NOW - Trump +5 ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
How humiliating for Senile Biden and the trained seals known as the DNC media for falsely trying to spin this

And the sad thing is some people fell for the fake spin
Trump goes after individuals, and he’s pretty good at it. What he doesn’t do is go on stage and attempt to demonize a hundred million people. Biden’s speech was straight out of Mein Kamph and wins over nobody that wasn’t already radicalized. Someone needs to give him, actually his handlers, a lesson in what leadership looks like. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lol. It's kind of amazing that you expect anyone to believe this.

trump attacks, and attempts to demonize everyone, individually and in groups. There are literally hundreds of examples of him doing this to groups of people (as well as individuals - who then have to live the rest of their lives getting death threats from members of his retarded cult).

All Biden did at the SOTU was rightfully call out the do-nothing GOP for their sheer ineptitude. Sometimes the truth can hurt.
Lol. It's kind of amazing that you expect anyone to believe this..

All Biden did at the SOTU was rightfully call out the do-nothing GOP for their sheer ineptitude. Sometimes the truth can hurt. Originally Posted by tommy156
... It surely DIDN'T hurt Trump much-any...
Trump got a BUMP in the polls! ...

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Trump delivers a knockout punch!!!

Trump officially secures enough delegates to win the GOP nomination!

The Deep State’s attempts to derail Trump’s campaign have failed. Barring a drastic turn of events, Trump is going to win.

Their only chance is to cheat.

They have 7.5 months to act. What’s it gonna be?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... It surely DIDN'T hurt Trump much-any...
Trump got a BUMP in the polls! ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Not true.
winn dixie's Avatar
Biden received a huge bump. Half the poles are split tween the two. And all the poles are a dead heat. Trumpf losing female voters and the dnc knows how to turn out on election day. Bad news for trumpf. In fact a knockout.
... ...

#### Salty