January 6th Show: Expectations and Observations

I've never understood these Trump lovers thinking Buden WANTS high gas prices. Makes no sense if they had a clue towards cause and effect as it pertains to politics. Originally Posted by WTF
Biden doesn't know the Gas prices are high.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Biden doesn't know the Gas prices are high. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yet he knows for fact certain it's Putin's fault

Yet he knows for fact certain it's Putin's fault

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Of course Biden will get in trouble if he doesn't blame Putin, lol.
Michael8219's Avatar
Stand here. Say exactly what’s on the teleprompter. No, for the 1000th time do not take questions. No, you’re not a senator, you’re the president despite what the legal votes say.

Stop asking so many questions. Yes big guy you have to do what we say because you sold your soul a long time ago. And now he wants the “soul of our nation.” Kind of scary.
texassapper's Avatar
Back to the point of the Media charade regarding January 6th. The sole point of this theater is to lay the ground work to criminally indict President Trump. The Demotards are scared shitless that Trump is still not neutered. He can still wreck all of their corruption and expose the uniparty as anti-American.

I think Garland will do it, he doesn't have much of an option. He will do it and that way all of the unselect committees notes etc can be held under "criminal investigation" efforts. That means 14,000 hours of footage and the videos editing out Ray Epps etc will be disappeared while the Government claims to prosecute Trump.

A conviction isn't the goal.. the goal is to damage his electability. They can't have someone upsetting their applecart. It's Russia gate 2.0. Doesn't matter if it doesn't stick it hobbles him as a candidate.

Not sure it would really hurt him to be honest. I don't know fcuk all about Trumps policy proposals etc... all I know is that the enemies of America hate him.... and I'm a firm believer in Islamic philosophy on the point of enemies and friends.

It's also likely to create civil unrest... which the Feds would love too... another chance to strong arm the populace and suppress dissent. This all has to happen before the mid terms..
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Back to the point of the Media charade regarding January 6th. The sole point of this theater is to lay the ground work to criminally indict President Trump.
Or to distract from the fact that they’ve crashed the economy, seemingly on purpose. If it’s not on purpose, this is the most inept group of people ever assembled who would have a hard time managing a lemonade stand.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Back to the point of the Media charade regarding January 6th. The sole point of this theater is to lay the ground work to criminally indict President Trump. The Demotards are scared shitless that Trump is still not neutered. He can still wreck all of their corruption and expose the uniparty as anti-American.

I think Garland will do it, he doesn't have much of an option. He will do it and that way all of the unselect committees notes etc can be held under "criminal investigation" efforts. That means 14,000 hours of footage and the videos editing out Ray Epps etc will be disappeared while the Government claims to prosecute Trump.

A conviction isn't the goal.. the goal is to damage his electability. They can't have someone upsetting their applecart. It's Russia gate 2.0. Doesn't matter if it doesn't stick it hobbles him as a candidate.

Not sure it would really hurt him to be honest. I don't know fcuk all about Trumps policy proposals etc... all I know is that the enemies of America hate him.... and I'm a firm believer in Islamic philosophy on the point of enemies and friends.

It's also likely to create civil unrest... which the Feds would love too... another chance to strong arm the populace and suppress dissent. This all has to happen before the mid terms.. Originally Posted by texassapper

I think the Dems know they can't prosecute Trump in a court of law and win with what they have. What they have is an opinion that Trump "motivated" the crowd to break the law but if he never said those words, words beyond "I want you to to stand up and fight", which hundreds of politicians have uttered over the years with no prosecution and the government can't prove an actual conspiracy, where Trump himself or an emissary, talked strategy with the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers and I sure haven't seen that evidence yet.

The back up plan which was discussed extensively during the impeachments, is the 14th Amendment.


Disqualification from Public Office Under the 14th Amendment

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment was originally intended to keep former Confederate officials from gaining power in the reconstructed government following the Civil War. Known as the "disqualification clause," this section was fairly obscure until January 6, 2021, when supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the United States Capitol building.
The Fourteenth Amendment is better known for protecting civil rights. It grants citizenship to all people born in the United States, guarantees equal protection of privileges and immunities of citizens, and requires due process of law. But the events of January 6th brought the disqualification clause into the spotlight.
What the Constitution Says

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:​
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Constitution say about insurrection?
Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits anyone who has previously taken an oath of office (Senators, Representatives, and other public officials) from holding public office if they have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. This means, at least theoretically, that politicians who participate in or encourage a rebellion against the government can not only be removed from office but prevented from holding state and federal offices in the future. However, how disqualification works under the 14th Amendment has never been clear.
Could the disqualification clause prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024?
Theoretically, yes. Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to disqualify someone who has already held a public office from holding "any office" if they participate in an "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States.
But since this mechanism has never been used against a president, there are still questions to resolve. The disqualification clause applies to current and former federal officials, state officials, and military officials. However, legal scholars are split on whether the disqualification clause applies to the presidency. It's likely the 14th Amendment will continue to come up in conversations approaching the 2024 presidential election.
Is disqualification different than impeachment?
Yes. Someone who is impeached could be disqualified from holding public office in the future if they are convicted, and Congress applies such a punishment. But this is separate from disqualification under the 14th Amendment. Under Sections 3 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress could bar someone from holding office. But unlike an impeachment conviction, that decision could be overturned by the courts. Most importantly, under the 14th Amendment, disqualification requires only a simple majority vote, not the two-thirds vote needed to convict during an impeachment trial.

I think that is the outcome Dem's think they can win but they only have 5 months to get that done before Congress changes hands.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe they are invested in oil companies and love love love seeing those companies finally make a buck! Originally Posted by WTF

finally? when over time weren't they? the big oil companies have over time been very profitable. another failed post.

Except that almost none of our electricity is generated by petroleum. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

even if overnight you eliminated combustion engines petroleum is still important. it's vital to other things like making plastics. think of how many things are made of plastic so they aren't made of metal.

No they don't love it. That really doesn't speed up the green revolution. In fact, it sets back the revolution, because Democrats may lose control of Government for a good Decade. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

by design Biden is responsible for the high gas prices because of his green revolution bullshit and his anti-energy policies. even WTF knows that.

I've never understood these Trump lovers thinking Buden WANTS high gas prices. Makes no sense if they had a clue towards cause and effect as it pertains to politics. Originally Posted by WTF

Biden does want high gas prices the question is why. it is political. for someone who constantly blabbers about seeing the big picture your claim makes you look like one of the three blind mice

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2022, 05:58 PM
finally? when over time weren't they? the big oil companies have over time been very profitable. another failed post.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Why am I not suprised you are still invested in Netflix????

The S&P 500 energy sector .SPNY registered a meager 6% gain this decade, compared with a more than 180% rise for the benchmark S&P 500 stock index, according to Refinitiv data.

Including dividends, the energy sector's total return rises to roughly 39%. But that pales in comparison to the S&P 500's over 250% total return and is only slightly above the roughly 37% return of the ICE BofA Merrill Lynch Treasury index .MERG0Q0, a barometer of U.S. Treasury bond performance.

Over the past decade, including estimates for 2019, the energy sector’s total earnings have declined 14.8%, while all other major sectors have seen growth of at least 28%, according to Refinitiv data.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2022, 06:05 PM
even if overnight you eliminated combustion engines petroleum is still important. it's vital to other things like making plastics. think of how many things are made of plastic so they aren't made of metal.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So tell me Grasshopper....why didn't you load up in the energy sector instead of that lockdown dependent. Netflix?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2022, 06:13 PM

Biden does want high gas prices the question is why. it is political. ] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you think the President wants to lose the House and Senate during the midterm and the Presidency in 2024 because of high gas prices?

How does that work? What kind of influence does the party out of power have?
Big oil lost all time record profits under trumpy

Dah...they are banking record profits under Biden while fuckin the middle class

Cult bots need no gas or fun though
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Big oil lost all time record profits under trumpy

Dah...they are banking record profits under Biden while fuckin the middle class. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Democrats should definitely run on that, maybe you should be a campaign advisor.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So tell me Grasshopper....why didn't you load up in the energy sector instead of that lockdown dependent. Netflix? Originally Posted by WTF

i have energy stocks i've told you that before. Kinder Morgan and valero ring any bells?

netflix is a small part of my holdings. it isn't going to drop to nothing. why would i dump it when long term it's going to recover like everything else will? and probably even increase. netflix is the mac daddy granddad of steaming services. they invented it. and their self produced shows are mostly profitable, more so than hulu and others.

you should appreciate the fact i don't do panic selling. a trait we both seem to share. possibly the only one but wtf, right?

So you think the President wants to lose the House and Senate during the midterm and the Presidency in 2024 because of high gas prices?

How does that work? What kind of influence does the party out of power have? Originally Posted by WTF

stop being dense if that's possible. it isn't the party out of power doing this. it's the Bernie progressives running the Biden show behind the scenes. and Obama. they are trying to ram though as much progressive crap as they can now and they don't care if Biden gets re-elected or not. the damage will be done and it already is. that green bullshit infrastructure bill alone will fuck this country for a decade if not longer even if the Republicans gain back both houses and the white house for a decade.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Big oil lost all time record profits under trumpy

Dah...they are banking record profits under Biden while fuckin the middle class

Cult bots need no gas or fun though
Originally Posted by Tsmokies

total bullshit. prove it.