Why did the GOP nominate Trump?

adav8s28's Avatar
H I M may not have handled the China virus as well as we would have hoped ..... Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
That's an understatement to the max.

"It's just one guy from China."

"We have 16 cases now that will go to zero"

"The CV19 virus will just go away like magic"

"When the snow melts in April the virus will go dorment"

"Maybe the doctors can try injecting a CV19 patient with a disinfectant, sort of like a cleaning"

Donald Trump.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump was also extracting us from the wars overseas and he didn't start any new ones...which I thought was something that lefties really cared about.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That's an understatement to the max.

"It's just one guy from China."

"We have 16 cases now that will go to zero"

"The CV19 virus will just go away like magic"

"When the snow melts in April the virus will go dorment"

"Maybe the doctors can try injecting a CV19 patient with a disinfectant, sort of like a cleaning"

Donald Trump. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Do you really want to compare the statements and reactions of Trump to Bunker Joe, Nasty Nancy, Karping Kamala, and Chuck the choker?
adav8s28's Avatar
If you say so.


Will happen in Georgia too

Pa will go the SCOTUS

Wisconsin judge is looking into it.

Nevada too. Originally Posted by bambino
Bino, team Trump is 0 for 20 in the courts so far. Several of the judges who ruled on the cases were judges that Trump appointed. Team Trump fired the woman who looks like Frankenstein and was on her way to being disbared with her crazy allegations. Rudy G, former mayor of NYC has not done much better. He should give the "just for men hair color" a chance to dry before he goes to court.
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 09:25 AM
We had the greatest economy in the history of the world. H I M was putting pressure on China for fairer trade deals. H I M was bringing peace to the middle east. H I M was bringing peace to North Korea, or at least made a step toward that goal.

The greatest thing was the economy. I can actually attribute my success to H I M's foreign policy. There are a lot of jobs in tech that get shipped out to foreign countries. I'm not talking about picking oranges here. H I M was changing that. H I M forced the company to hire American citizens, and H I M got me a job! That alone is enough for me to not hate the guy. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You're lucky. His trade wars killed more American jobs than they created.

On the other hand, the Ryan/Trump corporate tax cuts and Trump's executive orders to cut regulation created lots of jobs and improved the economy.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You're lucky. His trade wars killed more American jobs than they created. Originally Posted by Tiny
Are you talking about the farmers? A lot of farmers still supported H I M, because they knew that the trade wars were moving toward a goal that would be beneficial to them in the end.

Many people benefited from the America first policy H I M had.
Gotyour6's Avatar
love how for the last 5 years it has been all about people hating Trump yet if you look at everything he has done there is no reason other than he isn't a democrat.

Biden has been in politics for 48 years and has done nothing positive.
He ran on "I am not trump"
He picked a "black" running mate. Only picks women or people "Of color" regardless if they qualify for the position or not and has locked up more black people than anyone (This is both of them)

Keeping black people enslaved as they have always done.
The difference is they are now thanking him for it.

You can't make this shit up.

I hope the dems get all three.
Congress, Senate and presidency
We need a reset
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 09:41 AM
Are you talking about the farmers? A lot of farmers still supported H I M, because they knew that the trade wars were moving toward a goal that would be beneficial to them in the end.

Many people benefited from the America first policy H I M had. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
The farmers supported him because they were bought off with tens of billions of dollars in subsidies.

I edited my post, probably after you replied. I give Trump a lot of credit for the corporate tax cuts and deregulation, and believe many benefited from those. That helped lower unemployment to historically low levels and improve median household income. But I'm not aware of people who benefitted from the trade wars, except for around 5,000 to 10,000 people engaged in manufacturing washing machines and steel. And crony capitalists who can raise their prices when they don't have foreign competition.
matchingmole's Avatar
The entire OP is ludacris. The GOP does not nominate anyone. Republicans actually have primary elections to see who is going to be the nominee. The people choose. Now, in the democrat primary...well, the fix has been in since Obama in 2008. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Ludacris is richer than Trump
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The farmers supported him because they were bought off with tens of billions of dollars in subsidies. Originally Posted by Tiny
Bought off? Wasn't those subsidies part of the trade war? I wouldn't call that being "bought off." From my understanding, China stopped buying some shit, due to tariffs, so the farmers had to be compensated. Is that "buying them off?"
Bought off? Wasn't those subsidies part of the trade war? I wouldn't call that being "bought off." From my understanding, China stopped buying some shit, due to tariffs, so the farmers had to be compensated. Is that "buying them off?" Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Idiot, That’s the definition of buying them off.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Idiot, That’s the definition of buying them off. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How is it buying them off? By saying buying them off, it sounds like you're saying the farmers were given money to shut up and be coerced to support H I M. They were given money as part of the trade deal. It was part of the plan to fix the trade deficit with China.

Just sounds odd to me to call it buying them off, when it was part of a broader plan to eventually help the farmers by making China pay a fairer price for their exports.
LexusLover's Avatar
....other than he isn't a democrat.
Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Correction he has been a Democrat is whole adult life.

Schumer asked him to do a fund raiser down in Florida years ago.

He did have one for Schumer. That's what really pisses them off!
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 02:10 PM
Bought off? Wasn't those subsidies part of the trade war? I wouldn't call that being "bought off." From my understanding, China stopped buying some shit, due to tariffs, so the farmers had to be compensated. Is that "buying them off?" Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
That might not have been the best phrase. Because we imposed tariffs on China, the Chinese placed tariffs on our products. That would have put some of our farmers out of business so we subsidized them for the losses.

The big winners in the U.S./China Trade War were people like the Vietnamese, Malaysians and Brazilians. We stared buying more clothes, toys and cheap electronics from the Vietnamese and Malaysians. The Chinese bought more farm products from the Brazilians. Businesses, workers, and consumers in the U.S. and China were the losers.
How is it buying them off? By saying buying them off, it sounds like you're saying the farmers were given money to shut up and be coerced to support H I M. They were given money as part of the trade deal. It was part of the plan to fix the trade deficit with China.

Just sounds odd to me to call it buying them off, when it was part of a broader plan to eventually help the farmers by making China pay a fairer price for their exports. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Their continued support is predicated on his continuing to provide a subsidy for their products which they can’t otherwise sell because of his trade war. We Americans get the honor of paying more for products because we bear the burden of the tariff and we get to pay subsidies to farmers for products they’d otherwise be selling on the open market.

He clearly failed Econ 101 and we get to pay for it.