Help me make this viral folks

"You have no idea wtf our government is doing behind the scenes in this matter."

Show me where they are doing something and I'll show you where the only thing they are capable of is wasting our money.

A five minute phone call would likely bring this guy home. He could do that from his presidential limo parade on the way to the golf course. Originally Posted by boardman
You Monday morning QB's crack me up. You have no intel regarding this case. Obviously Obama and his Admin does. Obama has been the greatest advocate of soldiers in presidential history but he's also fair and level headed. Here's the official administration response. Keep in mind the guy is not being tortured or threatened with execution like soldiers would be overseas. It's a fair and balanced response.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White House said in an official response Friday.

The Obama administration said that while specifics can’t be discussed, Secretary of State John Kerry and other U.S. officials have spoken to Mexican officials at the highest levels regarding Sgt. Tahmooressi’s case.

“Mexican authorities have been very willing to engage on this issue. They have provided prompt and continued consular access and visitations,” the statement continued. “We respect the rule of law and expect the judicial process of sovereign nations to protect other U.S. citizens who might find themselves in similar circumstances in the future. We will continue to monitor the case and work with the Mexican authorities as this case proceeds through the Mexican judicial system. We continue to urge the Mexican authorities to process this case expeditiously.”

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Sounds like there may be some information not being leaked about why the guy actually went over their with weapons. It could have been (not saying it was) but it could have been to participate in some criminal mischief. He knew he had the guns and he knew it was illegal. You cannot say oops it was an accident or I forgot when you are packing heat. Ooops is NOT a valid explanation. For example:

Oops is just not acceptable:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Oops is just not acceptable:
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies

A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It's acceptable in his case. It wasn't a debacle debate performance. Try again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's acceptable in his case. It wasn't a debacle debate performance. Try again. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Only in your lib-retarded, Kool Aid sotted mind is it "acceptable" to have an elected official blatantly and repeatedly lie to the American electorate, zany.
Only in your lib-retarded, Kool Aid sotted mind is it "acceptable" to have an elected official blatantly and repeatedly lie to the American electorate, zany. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're hopeless and angry. Hillary winning will help you get over your anger and hurt of putting so much energy into seeing Obama lose and he won not only once but twice.

On the other hand you don't really have to get over it you can carry it to your grave. That's perfectly ok by me too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're hopeless and angry. Hillary winning will help you get over your anger and hurt of putting so much energy into seeing Obama lose and he won not only once but twice.

On the other hand you don't really have to get over it you can carry it to your grave. That's perfectly ok by me too.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Hildabeast won't win the dim-retard nomination, zany, and you're very delusional if you fantasize that she will.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope. They would credit Sarah Palin. Originally Posted by Old-T
That's not a bad idea. If they had to listen to Palin, they'd send him back in a minute, just to shut her up.
She wants the government to do her whims....kinda like that faux Libertarian COG. If he was not on government business then it is not the taxpayers responsibility to get him out of jail.

All it is is SOTF's way of bitching about Obama, she cares about the Marine about as much as the Mexican Government does.

Maybe she can go down to the border an warn people not to take guns into Mexico. What is a shame is that he is being used as a political pawn by the Right. Which to me is really the sickening part of all this. Originally Posted by WTF
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do not presume you know anything about me at all. Do not presume to know what I care about and what I don't. You only make a complete jackass of yourself - as always.

You do understand that Mexico does not have the Death Penalty and we do. Should we not convict Mexican nationals of the Death penalty? If your answer in no the you are just using the Marine as a political subterfuge to bash Obama. You should be ashamed.
Originally Posted by WTF
What does the death penalty have to do with anything. Since I've never commented on the death penalty in this forum, I will enlighten you. I don't agree with the death penalty. Once again you make ASSumptions, and read shit that just ain't there.

You Monday morning QB's crack me up. You have no intel regarding this case. Obviously Obama and his Admin does. Obama has been the greatest advocate of soldiers in presidential history but he's also fair and level headed. Here's the official administration response. Keep in mind the guy is not being tortured or threatened with execution like soldiers would be overseas. It's a fair and balanced response.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White House said in an official response Friday.

The Obama administration said that while specifics can’t be discussed, Secretary of State John Kerry and other U.S. officials have spoken to Mexican officials at the highest levels regarding Sgt. Tahmooressi’s case.

“Mexican authorities have been very willing to engage on this issue. They have provided prompt and continued consular access and visitations,” the statement continued. “We respect the rule of law and expect the judicial process of sovereign nations to protect other U.S. citizens who might find themselves in similar circumstances in the future. We will continue to monitor the case and work with the Mexican authorities as this case proceeds through the Mexican judicial system. We continue to urge the Mexican authorities to process this case expeditiously.”
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

And you actually believe that bullshit? Is being restrained on a bed frame part of the rule of law? Is being threatened with rape and torture part of the rule of law? He's been held for months now, with no arraignment, no bail hearing, and no court date. Do you call that the rule of law? Is that what you call expeditious? Shortly after Tahmooressi was arrested, Obama actually met with the President of Mexico face to face. Obama, the "leader" didn't even bother to discuss Tahmooressi's case with him.

It's acceptable in his case. It wasn't a debacle debate performance. Try again. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Unbelievable. So a debate flub, which has no real world consequences other than to make the person look bad, is "unacceptable". However, an outright lie, that has very real consequences for people who have lost their coverage due to Obamacare, or seen their premiums skyrocket - this is acceptable to you.

Damn dude, you really are a piece of work.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do not presume you know anything about me at all. Do not presume to know what I care about and what I don't. You only make a complete jackass of yourself - as always.

What does the death penalty have to do with anything. Since I've never commented on the death penalty in this forum, I will enlighten you. I don't agree with the death penalty. Once again you make ASSumptions, and read shit that just ain't there.

And you actually believe that bullshit? Is being restrained on a bed frame part of the rule of law? Is being threatened with rape and torture part of the rule of law? He's been held for months now, with no arraignment, no bail hearing, and no court date. Do you call that the rule of law? Is that what you call expeditious? Shortly after Tahmooressi was arrested, Obama actually met with the President of Mexico face to face. Obama, the "leader" didn't even bother to discuss Tahmooressi's case with him.

Unbelievable. So a debate flub, which has no real world consequences other than to make the person look bad, is "unacceptable". However, an outright lie, that has very real consequences for people who have lost their coverage due to Obamacare, or seen their premiums skyrocket - this is acceptable to you.

Damn dude, you really are a piece of work.
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I dont expect you to understand any position I may hold. I will keep the reason why to myself.

Carry on.
That goes for your repub buddies as well. ;-)
I B Hankering's Avatar
I dont expect you to understand any position I may hold. I will keep the reason why to myself.

Carry on.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Only in a wholly lib-retarded, depraved and Kool Aid sotted mind such as yours, zany, is it "acceptable" to have an elected official blatantly and repeatedly lie to the American electorate. There's no legitimate rationale that can support your "position", zany, and you're delusively stupid for imagining there is an acceptable excuse for Odumbo's many lies.
Ok will be back. Im going for steak and shrimp at Americas. Lol
boardman's Avatar
Sounds like there may be some information not being leaked about why the guy actually went over their with weapons. It could have been (not saying it was) but it could have been to participate in some criminal mischief. He knew he had the guns and he knew it was illegal. You cannot say oops it was an accident or I forgot when you are packing heat. Ooops is NOT a valid explanation. For example:

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
That's why he told the Mexicans about the guns and asked to just be allowed to leave.