Obamacare has peaked...

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  • 10-14-2017, 07:15 AM
Which is wy i am glad i am a vet.. Our service and care from the VA covers us for not needing to get any of the ACA's "Dependable and low cost health insurance OR pay a bloody fine!" Originally Posted by garhkal
You do realize that that is a government run healthcare plan? I'm paying for your low cost healthcare....

bamscram's Avatar
No more obamacare now it is Trumpcare.
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  • 10-14-2017, 07:44 AM

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That is until the lawsuits start rolling in.
flghtr65's Avatar
Which is wy i am glad i am a vet.. Our service and care from the VA covers us for not needing to get any of the ACA's "Dependable and low cost health insurance OR pay a bloody fine!" Originally Posted by garhkal
If the cheapest health insurance policy in your zip code fom the government exchange is greater than 8% of your monthly income then you would qualify for the exemption. If you qualify for the exemption then you don't have to pay a fine or as ( Chief Justice Roberts calls it) a Tax.

goodolboy's Avatar
The cost of your health insurance in the individual market was cheaper because the health insurance companies manipulated the risk pool to their advantage prior to the ACA law being passed. They weeded out people who had pre-existing conditions or people who were "Already SICK". If the health insurance companies had sold a policy to high risk people in the past the cost of your insurance back then would have been higher(the risk pool would have had more risk). The premium spikes occurred with the ACA plans because they did not get the 35% mix of low risk to high risk policyholders on the government exchanges. Instead they only got about 25%. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Do you consider $1,250 a month with a 7K deductible for each person in a family of 3 affordable?
bambino's Avatar
That is until the lawsuits start rolling in. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A Virginia court already ruled the subsidies to the insurance companies is illegal. Dumb pig.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That is until the lawsuits start rolling in. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A Virginia court already ruled the subsidies to the insurance companies is illegal. Dumb pig. Originally Posted by bambino
he's dumb as a rock.

that lawsuit is currently working its way thru the courts.

you now have a situation with one group filing a lawsuit to save the insurance co. subsidies whereas a court already ruled the subsides to insurance cos were illegal.

I do not think they have a leg to stand on with this.

Trumps EO moves may make the lawsuit moot.

I read somewhere that someone said that Trumps EO on insurance company subsidies ends in 2019. If that is true, that's pretty disappointing as it should end now.!!!!
flghtr65's Avatar
Do you consider $1,250 a month with a 7K deductible for each person in a family of 3 affordable? Originally Posted by goodolboy
That is a high premium and deductible for just a family of 3. Is one of the adults over 50 years old? No, that is not affordable unless the household income = $10,000 per/month or $120,000 per/year. A family will qualify for a subsidy to help pay the premium for family size and income in the following ranges. This is going a away in 2019 unless the courts block Trumps EO or Congress votes to appropriate the money.

Family of 6 income < $125,000

Family of 4 income < $95,000

Family of 2 income < $64,000

Single person income < $48,000
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler will not succeed by cheating.

Isn’t that what you dipshits said about Obama?