You got a source for "your" definition of forensic audit? When I look up the word forensic, guess what pops up?
pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law
So I'm a thunk'n that looking for proof and facts to prosecute fraud is right up in that thar wheel house.
But then, what vexes me, yes - I'm terribly vexed - is if you are so correct in your confidence in the truth of your universe; Wouldn't the most ardent thing you and your Demonicrat fiends would want to do is to lead a marching band down the middle of Main Street foisting a giant banner up high in front of all manner of Lame Stream Media, fraudulent fact checkers and other pole dancers that reads:
By all means and manner
Come audit our glorious and flawless election
That way your glee would be abundant, gushing and overflowing in the streets when you and your Demonicrats turn out to be correct with film at the top and bottom of each and every hour for days and weeks on end.
Yet strangely enough, you and yours have followed a different path of stealth in the night, obfuscation, denial, court challenges and on and on and on.
Why is that - exactly?
Thank you for the input. Those criteria do not meet the dictionary definition of "forensic audit" but they are valid ways to check on fraudulent votes.
As I continue to say, the Ninja turtles are being paid to find something, anything, that will at the very least cast doubt on the Arizona results being 100% accurate and Biden won. They will not find votes changed by the machines. They will not find ballots being scanned multiple times. They will not find votes cast by unregistered voters. They will come up with a scenario that, if it happened, would change the results. No proof that it happened though.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX