That’s a ridiculous argument. You're really using multimillionaire pro athletes as your argument? Lol
You are also making the same argument. I’ll make this post and then I’m done with the same old shit here.
When the rest of this country starts seeing the AA community start looking in the mirror, look at what THEY can do better. Make an effort to be better fathers. Hold each other accountable for their off the chart violence, then, and only then will they see results.
Pointing at signs at a football field or any other of the asinine things people are constantly accused of being racist is counterproductive, including your point of view. Trust me.
Originally Posted by Charley3
Yep, because you want to give the most basic of statistics, with no analysis or adjustment for income, let alone the affects of hundreds of years of systemic racism, so I showed that amongst more affluent black people, the statistics are the opposite of the ones you presented. Even amongst affluent testosterone filled alpha males who are public targets.
But that doesn't even matter to the context of this thread, because all you keep doing is making justifications for people's racism. The belief that a race is inferior to another is a textbook form of racism, regardless of any statistics. There's not any caveat in the definitions that says "unless justified by statistics." Refusing to hire people because of their race is also a textbook example of racism as defined in the dictionary, and there's no caveat that says "unless you're worried about being branded as a racist."
It's clear to those who care to see the truth about it that there are more racists amongst the republican constituents than there are amongst the democrat constituents. The excuses that you, devo, and MAGA gurl keep making don't change that fact, and they don't excuse the racism.
You can't show the democrat equivalent of David Duke, a Klansman who never disavowed the Klan, getting 60,000 residents of a single state to vote for him as recently as 2016.
You can't show me a top writer from CNN who recently got caught being explicitly racist online when they thought they were anonymous like Carlson's top writer did.
You can't show me the racist democrat equivalent of Rush Limbaugh who when he had 20 million republican listeners made the racist statement that the NBA should be called the Thug Basketball Association, and that the teams should be called gangs.
You can't show me the racist democrat equivalent of the Unite the Right rally where they protested the removal of monuments to a white supremacist, and chanted "jews will not replace us."
You can't show me the democrat equivalent of Donald Trump, who became the most popular republican in history partly by spewing all kind of hateful rhetoric including racist mischaracterizations of the mexicans coming here, repeatedly questioning the country of origin of the first black president, claiming that he would ban all muslims, and telling a congresswoman to go back to where she came from (africa) etc.
All you can do is make excuses for their racism, but the simple fact of the matter is that there are more racists amongst the republican constituents than amongst the democrat constituents.