trump the traitor

There is no rebuttal - Trump supporters are against racism-period, What you are talking about is an extremest group. And they are both on the left and the right. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

You say there is no rebuttal... Yet one Trump person on here said well you guys aren't owning the Democratic Party's past history with the KKK. That sounds like a defense. If people weren't trying to defend it, they would just say yes we have a problem with racists feeling like they have a voice with the president. Instead it's well what about you guess back in the 20's.

Also those extremist GROUPS I'm talking about have said they support the president and feel he supports them. They voted for the president. So it's a lie to make the blanket statement that Trump supporters are against racism-period. Because there are groups of Trump supporters who are all for racism. And that's the problem with him not denouncing them, then kinda denouncing hate, then not denouncing them again. He doesn't have a leg to stand on morally until he can truly denounce these groups who killed someone and who are pushing for the return of a time when people who looked like me were lynched and killed for being a different color.

So when people try to say talk about the past, maybe they should talk about that and maybe they will realize why someone like me doesn't care about the Democratic Party's past history. I'm worried about the present and those groups of people who voted for Trump trying to do it again.
I wish I could say I understand that - but I guess I can't. I grew up military - I had 7 good friends - not one of them had a white,American mother- very diverse so my prospective is different. I grew up with all types of backgrounds and we all considered ourselves equal.
Personally, the hate groups are repugnet to me. The KKK is a hate group. They are a fringe group that are - just crazy people.

You say there is no rebuttal... Yet one Trump person on here said well you guys aren't owning the Democratic Party's past history with the KKK. That sounds like a defense. If people weren't trying to defend it, they would just say yes we have a problem with racists feeling like they have a voice with the president. Instead it's well what about you guess back in the 20's.

Also those extremist GROUPS I'm talking about have said they support the president and feel he supports them. They voted for the president. So it's a lie to make the blanket statement that Trump supporters are against racism-period. Because there are groups of Trump supporters who are all for racism. And that's the problem with him not denouncing them, then kinda denouncing hate, then not denouncing them again. He doesn't have a leg to stand on morally until he can truly denounce these groups who killed someone and who are pushing for the return of a time when people who looked like me were lynched and killed for being a different color.

So when people try to say talk about the past, maybe they should talk about that and maybe they will realize why someone like me doesn't care about the Democratic Party's past history. I'm worried about the present and those groups of people who voted for Trump trying to do it again. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I wish I could say I understand that - but I guess I can't. I grew up military - I had 7 good friends - not one of them had a white,American mother- very diverse so my prospective is different. I grew up with all types of backgrounds and we all considered ourselves equal.
Personally, the hate groups are repugnet to me. The KKK is a hate group. They are a fringe group that are - just crazy people. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

That's what American should be. Diversity in every positive way. And I will be the first to admit that, while I believe that the KKK is deeply Republican right now. I've never said that there aren't good Republicans. And those are the people who need to be the standing up to the KKK more than anyone. They are the ones who get that stink and they are the ones that can truly push that hate away. No matter how small those groups are in numbers, if there is 1 person speaking that hate, there will be people listening and people being open to those ideas.
gfejunkie's Avatar
the KKK is deeply Republican Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Prove it.
Prove it. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Idk let's see those guys marching who killed a person said they supported Trump, the Republican head. Maybe David Duke. Maybe the Republican AG saying he would have joined them. Maybe the views of Steve King. Maybe the strong fights by Republicans in red states for the Conderate and their symbols. This isn't an opinion. It's a FACT. Deal with it. Or keep denying it and show yourself to be either a dumb racist or a dumb bigot. Your choice.
lustylad's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Junior, you should learn from your own bullshit.
lustylad's Avatar
Oinkboy, aren't you late for your next Austin Reacharound Crew circle jerk smear session?
Pretty sure there was more than 1 of those idiots gathered for the rally
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 08-20-2017, 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by lustylad
Because the idiot white supremacist is sitting in the White House and they voted for him. That's kind of what representation means.
Because the idiot white supremacist is sitting in the White House and they voted for him. That's kind of what representation means. Originally Posted by Gamer
Hey Gamer, your hallucination is duly noted.
lustylad's Avatar
Because the idiot white supremacist is sitting in the White House and they voted for him. That's kind of what representation means. Originally Posted by Gamer
Holy fuck! So you're saying there are at least 63 million white supremacists in this country. I had no idea. Please tell Roger Simon (the guy I quoted in post #754) his numbers are way off!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Idk let's see those guys marching who killed a person said they supported Trump, the Republican head. Maybe David Duke. Maybe the Republican AG saying he would have joined them. Maybe the views of Steve King. Maybe the strong fights by Republicans in red states for the Conderate and their symbols. This isn't an opinion. It's a FACT. Deal with it. Or keep denying it and show yourself to be either a dumb racist or a dumb bigot. Your choice. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Still can't prove it, eh? Just like the Russia/Trump connection. Nothing but lies, innuendo, and FAKE NEWS. Fuckin' loser!

Unless you have a certified copy of KKK membership along with their party affiliations you should probably STFU. Making accusations you can't back up just makes you look like an idiot.
lustylad's Avatar
And I've never seen Communists taking to the streets protesting and killing someone. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Ok, millsy. That's the last straw. Time for you to call up UT and ask for your tuition money back. Your ignorance is jaw-dropping. Communism is one of the most efficient killing machines in the history of the planet.
lustylad's Avatar
This isn't an opinion. It's a FACT. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Well, that clinches it! When millsy declares his opinion to be FACT, then it's game over!

And communism never killed nobody, understand? It's a fact!