I am however someone that will call out someone that is childish and disrespectful. Originally Posted by slingbladeWhen you are "calling yourself out," .....
................ do you pretend to be talking on your phone to someone else?
You are a disgrace to yourself, your family and your service branch (if you served). Beau Biden, the VPs son, served in Iraq. Perhaps you'd like to tell him to his face that his son didn't put his ass on the line. You are a disgrace to this country. You are everything that is wrong with this country. You have no honor. You are a disgrace. Originally Posted by WombRaiderTHOUGHT woomby, THOUGHT !!!!
THOUGHT woomby, THOUGHT !!!!You're a disgrace to your family and this country. You're a full-on neanderthal, retrograde shitstomper. Once again for the lying republitard hypocrite that YOU are!!!Show ,ONCE AGAIN for the lying liberal HYPOCRIT that YOU are !!!!!
And tell us, how much time YOU have spent in the service of YOUR country ?
Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You tell a litany of lies every single time you post. And that doesn't seem to bother you. Yet you persist in calling ME a liar, when the only one lying here is YOU. Originally Posted by WombRaiderHow many times have you lied about your previous handles, sewer rat? You could've come clean when I called you out on your second day of posting under your current handle, but you didn't. You're too much of a lying libtard. That was your choice - and it showed everyone you are the biggest lying POS on this board.
How many times have you lied about your previous handles, sewer rat? You could've come clean when I called you out on your second day of posting under your current handle, but you didn't. You're too much of a lying libtard. That was your choice - and it showed everyone you are the biggest lying POS on this board.Crazy train is leaving the station again. I'm saying that you're easy to fuck with. The more you keep following me around, the more it looks like you want something from me. I'll give you what you want, just tell me what it is. How many handles do you have, IB? You know what, keep saying whatever you want. It doesn't make me look bad, it makes you look awful. Look at Rey, he's a muttering, stuttering fool whose every post is some amalgamation of gloryholes and cocksucking and buttfucking. That doesn't make me look bad. It makes him look awful. And then there's IB, who you've turned into the biggest joke on this board for YEARS. Good luck to YOU with getting anyone to forget those two cocksuckers.
Quote - "And that doesn't seem to bother you."
Rey's stories about all your cum-guzzling at the gloryholes are highly credible in view of all the posts you've made here about how much you love to suck dick. Oh wait, now you're trying to walk it all back and tell us you were just fucking with us and all your homo talk was a bunch of lies? So lemme get this straight, sewer rat. You say you originally lied about being a fag and now you're calling Rey a liar for reinforcing your lies?
Good luck with that, you lying cocksucker! The more you protest, the more you expose yourself as the biggest lying POS on eccie! How many eccie handles do you have again?
Wombraider = Underconstruction!
. Originally Posted by lustylad