Obaminable's War on Cops Continues in Dallas

I was struck by a couple of things.. first, watching the local network coverage from 1:00 a.m. this morning.. a scene outside a downtown 7-11, where Officers formed a barricade line, while a group of mostly young blacks milled about.. there was a group of black guys cutting up, dancing, looking like complete Goons.. honestly I was shocked, in light of 12 Officers gunned down by sniper fire, a Police barricade guarding the 7-11 that had closed in response to theft shortly before, by young blacks.. and.. these individuals looked to be celebrating, mocking the Police and the situation.. no regard for how they represented the young black generation before live cameras. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You don't mind to divulge which "local network coverage" has demonstrated this kind of "professional integrity"...?
Hillary Clinton who courts Saudi Arabian dollars and befriends the Saudis and other Sharia-law loving Countries, who degrade women and kill political dissenters under the umbrella of State-sanctioned policy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No wonder you are not smart enough to figure out why the lifting of arms embargo to Vietnam is so strategically imperative to our national interest, unless you want the Vietnamese to stay hapless in the face of the Chinese aggression.
You don't mind to divulge which "local network coverage" has demonstrated this kind of "professional integrity"...? Originally Posted by andymarksman

Jesus Andrew, get your shit together it's all over the internet

I'm sure they would've, but didn't want to be mistaken as ATTACKERS and be shot.

Boy, you people are something else. Some of you are actually convinced that you don't do anything wrong these days, or ever in the last 400 years.

Again, this level of moronity is NOT possible. It defies all logic and exceeds all mathematical computations.

How...how are you guys doing this?? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
So how be things in Chicago, HOMIE !! You an dem Dindu Nuffins didn't just kill, what, on average, 2 PEOPLE PER HOUR, in odummer's HOMEY TOWN over the 4th of July weekend, right ?!?!?! That wasn't none of YOU homies, RIGHT ! But dem " pigs in a blanket, fry'em " chants from the #blackliesmatter crowd that the Dallas police were defending and protecting, thas auu-right ! Right homie !!
Yes, those incidents are so "rare," otherwise Baltimore, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Gardena, N. Charleston, and New York etc. would have to file for "Chapter 11," no pun intended.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Obama's DOJ has been sent down to "investigate" those and many other incidences.

Where are the indictments? Time is running out!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is a killer like that douchebag that killed nine black people in a church still alive, while a guy who sold CD's dead???

Why is that fool James Holmes, who killed in a theatre still alive, and a black dude selling cigarettes is dead???

Why is a kid who was walking home with Skittles dead, while a woman beating, child killer is alive, free, and allowed to sell a pea shooter gun that he used to kill a MINOR....A KID, with???

Fuck outta here with that bullshit!! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
So you think we need to kill a few white people to keep things even. Yeah. That should solve the problem.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you think we need to kill a few white people to keep things even. Yeah. That should solve the problem. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Are five Dallas police officers enough this month?
LexusLover's Avatar
Why is a killer like that douchebag that killed nine black people in a church still alive, while a guy who sold CD's dead???

Why is that fool James Holmes, who killed in a theatre still alive, and a black dude selling cigarettes is dead???

Why is a kid who was walking home with Skittles dead, while a woman beating, child killer is alive, free, and allowed to sell a pea shooter gun that he used to kill a MINOR....A KID, with???

Fuck outta here with that bullshit!! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I suppose the "church shooter" and the "theater shooter" decided to surrender to the arresting police as opposed to committing "suicide by cop" ..... as for the "Skittles kid" .... as suppose that's a reference to Trayvon Martin who attacked George Zimmerman, who was found NOT GUILTY after a Jury heard THE EVIDENCE (called Due Process) .... kinda like OJ Simpson got when he was found NOT GUILTY of killing his former WHITE WIFE and her squeeze for the evening....."DUE PROCESS"!

Did the Dallas Police Officers (and a couple of civilians) get any DUE PROCESS?

You really need to take YOUR BULLSHIT and be "outta here"!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
So you think we need to kill a few white people to keep things even. Yeah. That should solve the problem. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Creed is a part of the problem, and is not interested in any peaceful solution.
ChanelDiamond's Avatar
I do believe Obama made police more aggressive. I haven't seen him make on executive order against brutality nor to stop violence against black people or whomever being scrutinized by government officials.
I suppose the "church shooter" and the "theater shooter" decided to surrender to the arresting police as opposed to committing "suicide by cop" ..... as for the "Skittles kid" .... as suppose that's a reference to Trayvon Martin who attacked George Zimmerman, who was found NOT GUILTY after a Jury heard THE EVIDENCE (called Due Process) .... kinda like OJ Simpson got when he was found NOT GUILTY of killing his former WHITE WIFE and her squeeze for the evening....."DUE PROCESS"!

Did the Dallas Police Officers (and a couple of civilians) get any DUE PROCESS?

You really need to take YOUR BULLSHIT and be "outta here"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What if the alleged shooter had been arrested and tried and found not guilty....and this happened over and over ... where black men shot white cops and a jury of their peers found them not guilty....do you think there might start being some civil unrest in the white community?

If you walk a mile in theirs shoes , you have a better understanding of their POV.
LexusLover's Avatar
What if the alleged shooter had been arrested and tried and found not guilty....and this happened over and over ... where black men shot white cops and a jury of their peers found them not guilty....do you think there might start being some civil unrest in the white community?

If you walk a mile in theirs shoes , you have a better understanding of their POV. Originally Posted by bobbeemagee
Pleasssseeeeee ...

... "what if's" are a waste of time ....

... So you also think it's OK to ambush and shoot police officers who are escorting a "Black Lives Matter" demonstration/march to assure that the participants, particularly little Jeff Hood, can yell ..... "Goddamn White America" .... and encourage the crowd to retaliate against the cops?

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
I do believe Obama made police more aggressive. Originally Posted by ChanelDiamond
.... you do, do you?

Do you also believe he made ISIS/ISIL "more aggressive"?

When one wages war on someone else, unless the someone else is an absolute wimp, like Jeff Hood, then the someone else responds aggressively to the assault and/or threat of an assault.

Since most (if not all) penal/criminal codes in this country provide for "self-defense" (and apply the same standard to the police), then it seems appropriate for the police to respond aggressively to an assault ..... you know, like Sterling resisting arrest!!!!!! .... and some crazy bastard slaughtering peaceful, law abiding police officers escorting a "Black Lives Matter march and made sure that Jeff Hood could scream "Goddamn White America" and pump the crowd up about retaliating against the police .....

... the crazy bastard refused to surrender after he killed police officers ....

... so he died.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So, the Dallas shooter belonged to the "New Black Panther Party" ....

Micah Xavier Johnson's -- the 25-year-old law the Dallas shooter -- social media accounts reveal he was a member of several Black Panther organizations, including The New Black Panther Party Houston Chapter. (TMZ)

That would be the militant party Odumbo and Holder wouldn't prosecute for voter intimidation at the beginning of the Odumbo administration. Yeah, Odumbo and Holder let their message of hate spread and metastasize.

What if the alleged shooter had been arrested and tried and found not guilty....and this happened over and over ... where black men shot white cops and a jury of their peers found them not guilty....do you think there might start being some civil unrest in the white community?

If you walk a mile in theirs shoes , you have a better understanding of their POV.
Originally Posted by bobbeemagee
Why don't you talk to your boy Odumbo about why he is all buddy-buddy with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who are still walking around free after being involved in an organization that killed a policeman.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why don't you talk to your boy Odumbo ......
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
... Odumbo wouldn't give the wimp the time of day!

Perhaps he should cozy up with Jeff Hood ..... reportedly ......

.. the White gay Muslim Christian preacher who was cheerleading the marchers!

.. just before the ambush started in Dallas!!!!

"Goddamn White America"!!!! A Rev. Wright want-a-be!!!!!

Speaking of Odumbo's friends!!!!