the Biden "secure Garage defense"Question for Merrick Garland:
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Will these top secret documents discovered by Senile Biden’s Corvette be spread out on the garage floor, photographed, then leaked?
well I understand the Merrick G, has assigned a special counsel investigator to review the situation. I am guessing that it puts pressure to either force a case on both TRUMP and BIDEN, or dismiss a case equally. It wouldn't be a good look to prosecute one and not the other. I really could give a shit since they are nothing burgers in the end, and nobody is gonna do shit, say shit, or even have a single consequence. More conspiracies to shield eyes from the real issues at hand, all the delicious investigations, that will result in a big nothing burger also.I think the one question, why did and was China allowed to donate over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank building?
I get it that all the angry ppl on the right feel that it's fair play and we will do what was done to Trump and all the investigations, (which were equally blocked, or not responded to at all) .....which in the end is a bunch of nothing. At some point do adults enter into the situation and take control, or is it tit-for-tat from here on out?
I can imagine just how wonderfully frustrated that this house of representatives will be when they get exactly NOTHING done- when nobody who gets subpoenaed don't show up.
Comer, Jordan, MCarthy, Scalise, Stephanik.....the furious Five like in Kung-Fu Panda.
Cept there won't be any sequel, there won't be an audience, and there won't be anyone but a few select FOX' people bemoaning in the chorus saying more more Murdoch, Hannity, and horse face Ingraham- and then cry cause nobody replies to a request for information...just as was done in the prior administration. FOIA's maybe, direct testimony, nope. whistleblowers, maybe, conspiracies...FUCK'N HELL YEAH!!
Regular Americans- middle america will simply look at the cluster-fuck shit-show and wonder what the fuck happened with this country's ability to get something done besides a bunch of cucks fluffing each other. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I think the one question, why did and was China allowed to donate over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank building? Originally Posted by chizzyIt get's worse Chizzy. Hunter Biden had access to the the classified material Senile Biden stole while he was busy selling access to his VP father to Chinese and Ukraine investors. This story gets worse and worse
You are missing the point completelythere are two distinctions. Trump and his attorneys said there was nothing there after there was a request. But that was proven false and there was stuff there.
There never should have been a raid on President Trump. It was a cheap political stunt by Senile Biden and his corrupt DOJ/FBI. I am pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the situation and how the media, leftists and others all reacted differently between the two Originally Posted by berryberry