He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

berryberry's Avatar
the Biden "secure Garage defense"
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Question for Merrick Garland:

Will these top secret documents discovered by Senile Biden’s Corvette be spread out on the garage floor, photographed, then leaked?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Special Prosecutor? LMFAO! If you think they’re going to assign a person who will do anything but run cover for biden/garland you’ve been spending too much time in the basement with hunter.

Nothing. Will. Happen.
chizzy's Avatar
well I understand the Merrick G, has assigned a special counsel investigator to review the situation. I am guessing that it puts pressure to either force a case on both TRUMP and BIDEN, or dismiss a case equally. It wouldn't be a good look to prosecute one and not the other. I really could give a shit since they are nothing burgers in the end, and nobody is gonna do shit, say shit, or even have a single consequence. More conspiracies to shield eyes from the real issues at hand,.....like all the delicious investigations, that will result in a big nothing burger also.

I get it that all the angry ppl on the right feel that it's fair play and we will do what was done to Trump and all the investigations, (which were equally blocked, or not responded to at all) .....which in the end is a bunch of nothing. At some point do adults enter into the situation and take control, or is it tit-for-tat from here on out?

I can imagine just how wonderfully frustrated that this house of representatives will be when they get exactly NOTHING done- when nobody who gets subpoenaed don't show up.

Comer, Jordan, MCarthy, Scalise, Stephanik.....the furious Five like in Kung-Fu Panda.

Cept there won't be any sequel, there won't be an audience, and there won't be anyone but a few select FOX' people bemoaning in the chorus saying more more more.....like Murdoch, Hannity, and horse face Ingraham- and then cry cause nobody replies to a request for information...just as was done in the prior administration. FOIA's maybe, direct testimony, nope. whistleblowers, maybe, conspiracies...FUCK'N HELL YEAH!!

Regular Americans- middle america will simply look at the cluster-fuck shit-show and wonder what the fuck happened with this country's ability to get something done besides a bunch of cucks fluffing each other. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I think the one question should.be, why did and was China allowed to donate over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank building?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I think the one question should.be, why did and was China allowed to donate over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank building? Originally Posted by chizzy
10% for the big guy.
berryberry's Avatar
I think the one question should.be, why did and was China allowed to donate over 50 million dollars to bidens think tank building? Originally Posted by chizzy
It get's worse Chizzy. Hunter Biden had access to the the classified material Senile Biden stole while he was busy selling access to his VP father to Chinese and Ukraine investors. This story gets worse and worse

Hunter declared to the Delaware DMV that he resided in the home on Barley Mill Road.

And the Senile Biden WH is still refusing to provide access to the Visitor Logs from that home.
berryberry's Avatar
The media can’t even figure out how many different stashes of classified documents there are now. Who had access to these places? Who knew about this and hid it from the American people?

Karen Diversity Hire is repeatedly insisting that the documents were "inadvertently misplaced." Yet, they had to be not just inadvertently but repeatedly misplaced. These documents had to have been moved, distributed and divided to end up at different locations.

A reporter asks: if the second set of documents was found a long time ago, why did the White House pretend yesterday that there was only one set of documents?

It is becoming more apparent that they didn’t suddenly just “find” a box of highly classified documents next to Senile Biden’s corvette that had been stolen for by him for over 6 years.

A lot more going on here than meets they eye.

A lot more.
berryberry's Avatar
More on the friendly Special Counsel they appointed to look into Senile Biden

Hur, the new Senile Biden Special Counsel is FBI Director Christopher Wray’s former assistant.

Hur was involved in the FBI’s infamous Christopher Steele communications. Robert Hur was also among those "officials who handled, participated in, or have personal knowledge of the FBI's relationship and communications with" dossier author Christopher Steele.

So we have

1. Robert Hur was the longtime protégé of Chris Wray.

2. Chris Wray was the longtime protégé of Rod Rosenstein, Obama's only 8-year Bush 43 U.S. Attorney holdover.

3. Robert Hur became the protégé of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who managed Mueller probe against President Trump.

4. Chris Wray was also the longtime protégé of James Comey, who Wray replaced as FBI Director when President Trump fired Comey.
berryberry's Avatar
COVER-UP: Senile Biden White House withheld from the public "discovery" of classified papers stashed at Senile Biden's private DC office for at least 2 months.

Senile Biden White House withheld the "discovery" of a second stash of classified docs in Senile Biden's Wilmington garage since Dec. 20

Senile Biden and his personal lawyers engaged in "rolling disclosures" to FBI agents regarding classified documents kept at various unsecured locations, which led US Attorney to recommend the appointment of a special counsel, according to people familiar with the investigation

berryberry's Avatar
Some speculation on why this is coming out now

Speculation growing on Hill that US Attorney David C. Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden, may have pressured the sudden "discovery" of Senile Biden's private, far-flung stash of classified White House materials

Also, last year NBC reported on 3 "war rooms" with big dark money budgets run by Dem hitmen like David Brock to combat House GOP probes against the Bidens. Those pricy lawyers required access to Joe’s secrets to effect the cleanup. Hence the searches and, no doubt, the sanitizing.

If Hunter is found guilty of a small part of laundering money bribes he more than likely can’t be found guilty of all of it, double jeopardy.

All this about documents with Biden just now being found may be part of a bigger plan.
What will be interesting is what will be the end game. Biden taken down to get Trump with both parties in on it.
The swamp republicans don’t want Trump elected just as much as the Liberals.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If something isn’t done to get back to elections where votes actually matter, we could end up with Gavin Newsom or some other debacle running what used to be The United States. We’re a late stage republic and the clock is ticking.
berryberry's Avatar
Some Glenn Greenwald on the whole Senile Biden stealing classified documents

It's really worth watching what almost every leading Democrat said -- including Adam Schiff and Joe Biden himself -- during the Mar-a-Logo episode. They kept saying how there are few things more dangerous or intolerable than leaving classified docs in unsecured places

One almost feels sorry for Democrats and their media spokespeople at CNN and MSNBC because there's just no way out. For instance, they'd have an argument if the docs Biden tossed around weren't Top Secret. But as even CNN admits, they were Top Secret - about Iran and Ukraine.

To illustrate how craven Dem politicians and liberal journalists are, you couldn't write a better script.

Oh, among the material Biden left strewn around unsecured in various places were Top Secret docs "about Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom."
Was this around the same time that his son Hunter was being paid $50,000/month by a Ukrainian energy company? Those would be valuable.

Even CNN is struggling to justify this, and they have years of training and practice defending anything and everything Democratic Party leaders do. So if they can't handle this, who can?


It appears quite clear that Hunter Biden had access to the garage in which Joe Biden -- for motives still unclear -- decided to improperly, perhaps criminally, scatter classified documents.
berryberry's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
You are missing the point completely

There never should have been a raid on President Trump. It was a cheap political stunt by Senile Biden and his corrupt DOJ/FBI. I am pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the situation and how the media, leftists and others all reacted differently between the two Originally Posted by berryberry
there are two distinctions. Trump and his attorneys said there was nothing there after there was a request. But that was proven false and there was stuff there.

for Biden, there was NO request for return of documents, (as it seems they were not missed) but rather there was disclosure of them upon location of the same. If there was no demand for them, nor any attempt to hide, or suggest that they weren't there, they were simply returned.

Hardly the same in context. One was done after requests for return and denial, ...the other was simply - here is some shit I found.

But I understand that neither should have them in possession which on the face is not a good look for either. That said, I can see why the normal return of docs needs to happen and nobody should get special treatment on either side. Fair enough?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You don’t actually believe that, I hope, because it’s nowhere near reality.