Illegal = illegal.
Did they sneak in or overstay? Do you know?Apparently the IDGAF sentiment didn’t sink in.
Did they show up and get a CBP one appointment? Do you know? I don't know that you do.
If you do know, can you show it? There's a potential parallel I won't draw, but it does seem like a lot of assumptions are being made Originally Posted by HDGristle
It doesn’t matter how they “got in”.This is where the libs get slippery. They keep trying to shift more & more migrants into "documented" categories using loopholes like the parole program, the CBP One app, issuing TPS work permits, not counting those who showed up at a port of entry and immediately applied for asylum, etc.
Illegal = illegal. Out. Originally Posted by Green_Mountain
This is where the libs get slippery. They keep trying to shift more & more migrants into a "documented" category using loopholes like the parole program, the CBP One app, issuing TPS work permits, not counting those who showed up at a port of entry and immediately applied for asylum, etc.Sorry, as usual you're off base. Otherwise you need to throw shade at Trump 1.0, too. He used the same powers to grant parole. Some other powers as well to extend the stays of various migrants. And you validated that was true.
This is how they create new grey areas and try to re-define more & more migrants as quasi-legal. Then they deny there's a problem, even as cities are visibly bursting with new migrants putting a strain on public services and causing residents to complain.
The average wait time for an asylum-seeker's case to be heard in the US is now 4 years. While they wait and pop out anchor babies, are they legal or illegal?
Up to 90% don't even show up for their hearings. There are some 1.4 million migrants whose cases have been heard and asylum was denied, but they haven't returned to their home countries. They are squarely in the illegal category and should be found and deported immediately. Originally Posted by lustylad
And until then all you see are illegals everywhere because you're making some assumptions. It's ok to admit the bias. I won't judge. Originally Posted by HDGristleCut the crap. I don't make any assumptions or "see illegals everywhere". I know people who follow the rules to obtain a green card or Permanent Residency. They go through the trouble and expense of flying back to their home countries to renew their visas and keep their places in line. I have nothing but respect for them. When they're finally sworn in as naturalized citizens, they are generally more patriotic than Uncle Sam, more law-abiding than Eliot Ness, and more grateful than Donald Trump was after the Butler shooting.
We disagree. The assumptions are clear and yes, you do seem to have them. It's ok to admit it. We all have biases. Originally Posted by HDGristleNo. I don't profile people I see on the street as citizen or non-citizen, legal or illegal.
We disagree. The assumptions are clear and yes, you do seem to have them. It's ok to admit it. We all have biases.Who cares. I don’t worship at the altar of DEI. I’ll bias all day if I want.
Even me.
This whole convo is full of them from every participant. Conscious and unconscious. Originally Posted by HDGristle