Houston Vs. Dallas

I'm with AR...where is the post? Huh? You being dumb again? Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
Are you?
We will see who will be ruff ruffing when the mods see you leaked information Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
RUFF RUFF. CO-ED is what I was referring to you DUMB ass, NOW YOU GO SIT DOWN NOW my middle chihuahua! Harvey meltdown co-ed post

tiatate's Avatar

New pro pics will be up next month! I'll be a shooting with an amazing photographer! She will be great at capturing at all my perfect curvy angles!!

Measurements: 36-28-40.
Big tits! Tiny waist! BEST ASS you have ever seen on ANY provider!
Be on the lookout, and I'll keep you gentlemen posted! Kisses!

*donation will be raised 1/1/18. Book now to be grandfathered in!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Only thing fat on me is this ass. Baby girl I have a 28in waist. I'm the perfect coke bottle shape.
But there is no measurements on what kind of insults you can throw at me. You are not my master bitch. I'll say what I want. And I'll make the ho cry if she wants to keep pushing. Originally Posted by tiatate
Point of order....

1) Ass AND mouf.
2) that other cokeBottleBitch got her some what-for....

Just sayin....
RUFF RUFF. CO-ED is what I was referring to you DUMB ass, NOW YOU GOT SIT DOWN NOW my middle chihuahua! Harvey meltdown co-ed post

https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...807&highlight= Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Lmfao no it wasn't because if it was you would have provided the link a long time ago.. Its ok I got it under control nice try though it only took you 2 hours to think of how to cover your ass.. But its not going to work

That's why you tried to edit your original post but see it didn't edit all of them.. To late now
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Ya'll are fucking stupid, your dumbass posted it on Coed: HERE!

https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...807&highlight= Originally Posted by Alyssa71

Where is the meltdown? Yeah No one talking about this thread!! Try again Alyssa!! Cause I know EXACTLY what you were talking about and so does every other girl who reads ur BS!! Your a liar and its been proven. You out ppl and that's been proven. You have several mandles and yet somehow still here!! Go AWAY!!
Lmfao no it wasn't because if it was you would have provided the link a long time ago.. Its ok I got it under control nice try though it only took you 2 hours to think of how to cover your ass.. But its not going to work Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
I said Harvey meltdown. In reference to the CO-ED post.
TryWeakly's Avatar
It's called a twist dumb ass. You do the pose and I'm sure your back rolls will be on fleek Originally Posted by tiatate
Where is the meltdown? Yeah No one talking about this thread!! Try again Alyssa!! Cause I know EXACTLY what you were talking about and so does every other girl who reads ur BS!! Your a liar and its been proven. You out ppl and that's been proven. You have several mandles and yet somehow still here!! Go AWAY!! Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
IDK What thread your talking about. PROVE IT ALEXIS.... SHOW ME THE LINK WHERE I OUTTED SOMEONE. Come on you follower.
I said Harvey meltdown. In reference to the CO-ED post. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Why did you edit your post then & why did it take you this long to give me a link?

Oh yea because I told you that you fucked up lmao

This isn't the post you were talking about

You said harvey meltdown post you said nothing about coed..

Who's smart now?
AlexisMoore's Avatar
RUFF RUFF. CO-ED is what I was referring to you DUMB ass, NOW YOU GOT SIT DOWN NOW my middle chihuahua! Harvey meltdown co-ed post

https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...807&highlight= Originally Posted by Alyssa71

No one but you is about to have a meltdown!! Cause that thread actually wasn't a meltdown dumbass. It is full of great info ppl provided that helped me ALOT!! Again, I know thread ur talking about and trying to cover ass about. You fucked up. Not anyone else.
Where is the meltdown? Yeah No one talking about this thread!! Try again Alyssa!! Cause I know EXACTLY what you were talking about and so does every other girl who reads ur BS!! Your a liar and its been proven. You out ppl and that's been proven. You have several mandles and yet somehow still here!! Go AWAY!! Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
The only liar is you. Goodnight scandalous whores.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Thanks for your concern. My next session is this upcoming Thursday. My other sources of income are also fine now after the initial panic of losing a good 70% of my normal income.

I'm not talking from my own perception. I'm not the only one on this thread who has pointed out that the weight you claim doesn't match the pictures you've posted. I'm just the one digging at you with it now because it gets under your skin so easily.

I know more than you think I do. I've been 115lbs, 200lbs, and everything in between.
No one but you is about to have a meltdown!! Cause that thread actually wasn't a meltdown dumbass. It is full of great info ppl provided that helped me ALOT!! Again, I know thread ur talking about and trying to cover ass about. You fucked up. Not anyone else. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
That's a meltdown to me but whatever you say. Shit, hold up... I thought I blocked you. Oops!!!!!!
TryWeakly's Avatar
That sounds like 2 times too many. Ima need you to put that effort in "alternative ways to make money.
Girl you are talking from your own perception and something you really don't know much about, as you are pretty fucking flabby yourself.

[OtherFartNoises] Originally Posted by tiatate
I love it when the real "color" shows UITB .......fucking awesome sauce...