Hookers complaining about how SLOW business has become

Still Looking's Avatar
I assure you my job isn't minimum wage. I'm actually college edumacated

Imagine my joy?

And sir, you took it upon yourself to start driving yourself down here BEFORE even speaking with me.

HELLO, HELLO? You don't talk on the phone... REMEMBER? Your the REASON I no longer see providers with a 1-2 minute phone conversation before meeting.

Again, I don't have stupid or gullible written across my head. If that was a legitimate offer, you would have set up something before, not just hop in and start driving dummy. That was all your bad.

I'm the dummy? (Name calling? Hummmmm..) It's called a SURPRISE sugar britches. You know kind of like when you got knocked up. My Bad? You might be right... you know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished! Only THREE people knew I was doing this. One of which was the GODFATHER Whispers. PM him I'm sure he can refresh your memory.

I pay over four grand in bills. This was never my only hustle, and I haven't seen anyone in a week. Your little "shots" are like bb pellets to an elephant.

I always figured you for a small BBW.... go ahead...

You really need to get over your little "so and so won't see me, wah!" cry baby attitude.

Not sure what your talking about thunder thighs? I've had a couple of ladies cancel when they were told I was bring my digital scale. My reviews are full of beautiful ladies that were more than happy to take my money. See Tracy I fuck like you cry about needing money and how slow business is for you. Four to Five times a week. You see I need to keep up my batting average. I try VERY hard to spend what my ex cost me each year and I haven't come close.

Have fun with your piss poor attitude. I'm sure it will get you far. As for me, I wake up every morning happy, healthy and blessed. And my real life is amazing.

I hear yah Tracy. That's something we both have in common. We're both lard asses. And everyone knows big people are the happiest people on earth.
Originally Posted by Tracy Aine
I wish you nothing but the best until your next retirement ad!
Still Looking's Avatar
I gave a Mercedes to a hooker once....a nice one too. I didn't know that I had...Last thing I remember was making that O-noise...

..then waking up in a strange place...at least it was a nice place...and when the fog started to lift from my still drunken slumber...it was a rather familiar place...and then it all started coming back to me...my phone was dead...charger was in the car...put on last nights clothes and dragged my drunk ass out to where I remember parking my car...Hmmm? No car? that's odd.....Tried calling for it...whistling for it.. "come here boy!"...no car...then I remembered...no hooker...

.....hooker rode with me to hotel after an evening of heavy drincking..

....no hooker+no car=sads...

...started to walk back into the air conditioned hotel...spirits lifted, spotted car....confused because car used to sit level...walk up to car which was parked in the most unfamiliar parking spaceS...I'm anal about keeping my vehicle within the parking stripes.

....even more confused because I have never in my life taken my, at the time, one year-old E-63, off-roading...and I would have damned sure remembered running through a curb or whatever it was that collected the left front suspension..

..but it was a hella fun night, though. She and I still laugh about that night to this day. It wasn't so funny dropping a $6400 check off at MB of Boerne, to make Humpty Dumpty all better again, though.

But yeah, I gave a hooker a Mercedes once...like I said...I just wasn't aware that I had. Heh!



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Your story EVERYONE believes. A man hears about a single mom who has no car and is struggling, decides to bring her a car, that no one believes. LMFAO! I'm not the only decent guy out there.
davetheone's Avatar
SL. The points made are very well said and true. More could be added no doubt. Though from the start you nailed it!!
Whispers's Avatar
He has a way of making a point
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Your story EVERYONE believes. A man hears about a single mom who has no car and is struggling, decides to bring her a car, that no one believes. LMFAO! I'm not the only decent guy out there. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Haha! Funny how that works, isn't it?



Still Looking's Avatar
SL. The points made are very well said and true. More could be added no doubt. Though from the start you nailed it!! Originally Posted by davetheone
He has a way of making a point Originally Posted by Whispers
Haha! Funny how that works, isn't it?



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Still Looking's Avatar
No snappy come back Tracy???

Your favorite BIG TAMALE
Still Looking's Avatar
Didn't I read Tracy got with a personal trainer recently? What's that like her 3rd or 4th one... Geeeez!? Maybe she is busy work out? That's OK Tracy I understand where your coming from. I'm constantly on a diet. Matter of fact I'm on two of them... one wasn't feeding me enough.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Why are you ragging on Tracy so hard, SL?

Just wondering...I mean, I understand that you don't like her but, dude...

Business was slow, she decided to pursue other avenues, what's wrong with that?

So she declined your offer of the car...and you drove down from WilCo for nothing...sorry. But is is necessary to continue to rag on her for it?

From this vantage point, it's not painting you in a very good light. Not just because it's getting tedious..and not because it's making you seem like you have a difficult time letting things go...and ...well, maybe it is...I don't know..?

Do what you want, ijs that you're not coming across as the friendly, fun-loving chap we all love to joke around with....in fact, far from it. That's all.




Still Looking's Avatar
Why are you ragging on Tracy so hard, SL?

Just wondering...I mean, I understand that you don't like her but, dude...

Business was slow, she decided to pursue other avenues, what's wrong with that?

So she declined your offer of the car...and you drove down from WilCo for nothing...sorry. But is is necessary to continue to rag on her for it?

From this vantage point, it's not painting you in a very good light. Not just because it's getting tedious..and not because it's making you seem like you have a difficult time letting things go...and ...well, maybe it is...I don't know..?

Do what you want, ijs that you're not coming across as the friendly, fun-loving chap we all love to joke around with....in fact, far from it. That's all.




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SKF I have no quarrel with you. Not once have I addressed you or answered for SLAVE while you have been after her. How about just letting Tracy do her thing. She can play with me and sling some more of her crappola around but I will be right there to point her back to the reality of her conduct. Or she can simply keep her big mouth shut and let this thread drift off to page two. The choice is hers. Also I know your a fair person and won't take you but a minute to go back and evaluate who started what. Like my daddy use to say.. "I can't stopem from comin, but I'll slow their departure!"
flinde's Avatar
tell that tub of manteca skf.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Well, I'd have to guess that the reason you haven't commented about me "going after", Guinivere is probably because you agree with me and that what she did was wrong...Way wrong...and the fact that she hasn't addressed the matter nor apologized for her indiscretion is even wronger. Way wronger

And I can't let Tracy do her thang...she got herself BANNEDED!

But I was just asking what the dealio was

and since you asked... You threw the first jab. Haha! You did. Even though you were joking, and I totally get that, but you threw the topwater and she blew it up ...just like you knew she would. so, well played, I guess, but she got herself BANNEDED...and hopefully not over all of this schtuff.

But no, I was just wondering why you were ragging on her like you were. trying to figure out what was going-on because you seemed a little puffy over the deal. That's all.



If in fact she is banned, She already had six retirement threADS so now that she got tossed on her ass that she obviously couldn't sell here and the shit is real I hope she likes it! Most people are there own worst enemies. They can bitch about slow business is and all their other bullshit drama but they are here to please the customer it's our money and it's a buyers market there is pussy everywhere if she is not more convenient and cheaper than a real woman than what do we need them for? there are way to many courtesans willing to provide a great service so damn some common old drama whore, I hope the door hits them in the ass so hard on their way out they feel like a survivor of an overnight session with bonn11.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well, I'd have to guess that the reason you haven't commented about me "going after", Guinivere is probably because you agree with me and that what she did was wrong...Way wrong...and the fact that she hasn't addressed the matter nor apologized for her indiscretion is even wronger. Way wronger

And I can't let Tracy do her thang...she got herself BANNEDED!

But I was just asking what the dealio was

and since you asked... You threw the first jab. Haha! You did. Even though you were joking, and I totally get that, but you threw the topwater and she blew it up ...just like you knew she would. so, well played, I guess, but she got herself BANNEDED...and hopefully not over all of this schtuff.

But no, I was just wondering why you were ragging on her like you were. trying to figure out what was going-on because you seemed a little puffy over the deal. That's all.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Ragging Manteca.... hummmmm I like it!
Still Looking's Avatar