there are two distinctions. Trump and his attorneys said there was nothing there after there was a request. But that was proven false and there was stuff there.
for Biden, there was NO request for return of documents, (as it seems they were not missed) but rather there was disclosure of them upon location of the same. If there was no demand for them, nor any attempt to hide, or suggest that they weren't there, they were simply returned.
Hardly the same in context. One was done after requests for return and denial, ...the other was simply - here is some shit I found.
Originally Posted by eyecu2

That's not really what happened and I can't imagine you really believe that.
In any case, Senile Biden admitted committing a crime. President Trump did no such thing and was actively negotiating with the DOJ about the items in dispute when the DOJ decided to do a political hit job
Senile Biden has already admitted guilt publicly over his handling of classified documents. The statement by the White House that Biden “inadvertently misplaced” the classified documents is an admission of guilt, because mishandling them is a violation of the law
The statute that is implicated by Biden’s conduct is the Espionage Act of 1917 — the same law under which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was investigated, and which the Department of Justice is using to investigate Trump. Trump is the only one of the three who can argue that, as president, he had declassification authority with regard to the memorabilia and other documents he allegedly took to his private residence.