Houston Vs. Dallas

look at the cottage cheese ass.......are you visually impaired??? really dude??
op is kinda fat........

.....for how much again?

Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
do you have ANY shame? really that's good with you?? damn son I expected better from you....guess I need to take stock of the broes on here........
do you have ANY shame? really that's good with you?? damn son I expected better from you....guess I need to take stock of the broes on here........ Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
  • iquit
  • 09-23-2017, 02:32 AM
I feel bad for you so I'm going to stop.....but your hood tough attitude wont bring you any real business, the middle aged overweight white business men that keep this forum going ....want no part of a hood rat with a skinny pimp hiding in the shower waiting to rob, extort or whatever
take my advice or don't.....my bills are paid.....and then some, its called working for a living...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I thought u said u were gonna stop coz u feel bad for her. Why continue the thread like u got some shit to square off? Don't say u gonna stop, then continue when u don't have to. You are beginning to sound bitter, like something she said got u all riled up. Just hobby and be merry, is it too hard to stop? U r hurling insults and trying to impact her business. She already said she is here to make money, and u should stick to ur purpose, which is to hobby I presume.
To the op.

You need to know your place. You talk about guys can't afford you. Reality is this is disposable income to them. You need their money to survive. Its obvious your masters degree was for nothing since your a hooker now. So bringing it up doesn't help your cause. So you should apologize to the johns and move on.
wow! your large and nasty aren't you?....totally get why you wear a mask, like a luchador...do people really pay money .(.real money not lone star cards) to be with you?.......damn theres some sorry ass men in houston Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
LOL. You're one of them. You should read her shit talking before you call me nasty. Ignore.
Btw whore be original on your showcase hmm I wonder who you got FART BOX FROM LMFAO PATHETIC

Next your going to be trying to use throat punch & winky whisperer you can't be like me remember that..

I made all that shit up not you think of your own shit.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
I've been using fartbox. Your showcase doesn't say fartbox, so what are you talking about?
I thought u said u were gonna stop coz u feel bad for her. Why continue the thread like u got some shit to square off? Don't say u gonna stop, then continue when u don't have to. You are beginning to sound bitter, like something she said got u all riled up. Just hobby and be merry, is it too hard to stop? U r hurling insults and trying to impact her business. She already said she is here to make money, and u should stick to ur purpose, which is to hobby I presume. Originally Posted by iquit
He is bitter.
Fartbox is my word nobody used that shit ever I made that shit up her dumbass can't be original she needs to make her own shit up.. Pffft Her showcase has multiple words like my ORIGINAL SHOWCASE HAD TRYING TO BE SOMEBODY Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
You think way to highly of yourself to think I would want to be a miserable cunt.
The only thing I see adding up is the amount of lies and bullshit you post. SIT YOUR ASS DOWN. Leave the grownups to do the talking now ( or keystrokes)

Carry on. Show's over this potty mouth got her potty lying ass called out. Now, she wants to talk about points??!!! Ha! Not so tough now, are ya?
Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Fartbox is my word nobody used that shit ever I made that shit up her dumbass can't be original she needs to make her own shit up.. Pffft Her showcase has multiple words like my ORIGINAL SHOWCASE HAD TRYING TO BE SOMEBODY Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Which original showcase? Oh, is TG your pimp.. See I'm on your mind enough to know you read my long ass showcase. Pinche tarada.

My originality sticks, I don't have to Google shit unlike you. You really think you're God's gift to Eccie. And I act like my shit don't stink? Funny how that works. What happened to going to bed?
shes a hot mess, all dressed like a Mexican wrestler......and an attitude like her fart box don't stink.....I wouldn't spend a food stamp on that if I had a coupon.........nasty Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Before I put you ass on ignore:

Since you keep talking about food stamps..how are those working out for ya? Sure don't sound like a business man to me. Going around typing away like you have nothing better to do. Get your girl AR on a leash with all her thrashy ass loud mouth comments. Ha. You two are a match made in heaven. Take her on a date with your food stamps. You're both bitter as fuck, annoying, and get off on talking shit to others. Didn't someone teach ya'll to play well with others? Must've not gotten the memo.

TG: you belong in a strip club since that's all you review. They take your food stamps at the strip joint too? Damm, you should be happy that you at least have that going for ya. You can keep your stamps to yourself, I don't take stuff from the needy.
You think way to highly of yourself to think I would want to be a miserable cunt. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
Grace Preston's Avatar
To the op.

You need to know your place. You talk about guys can't afford you. Reality is this is disposable income to them. You need their money to survive. Its obvious your masters degree was for nothing since your a hooker now. So bringing it up doesn't help your cause. So you should apologize to the johns and move on. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Not only that, but assuming she has a masters degree, I'm gonna bet tax dollars helped pay for it. She doesn't speak like someone who came from money. Nothing wrong with using a comeup either to get educated... but to use tax dollars and then come here because you're so unemployable you can't find work? Sad.

Oh Sorry-- let me post her ad for her. I'd hate for her to miss another page:

New pro pics will be up next month! I'll be a shooting with an amazing photographer who actually knows how to photoshop out my flaws! She will be great at hiding all my rolls, cellulite, and flying squirrel arms!!

Measurements: 38-28-44.
Big tits! Average waist! Thick ass just like dozens of other, more respectable providers! Don't believe me? Go check my reviews... and my lovely post history.
Consider yourself warned, and I'll keep you gentlemen posted! Kisses!

*donation will be raised 1/1/18. Book now to be grandfathered in!
tiatate's Avatar
It's called hustle GP. I am employed & do this. Granted due to my donation amount, I make nearly double what I make at my real job, being in human services and all.
But we are not cut from the same cloth girl. I have have hustle, and would never be complacent enough for this to be my only source of income.
A man once told me: you will never get rich by having only one stream of income