Hillary leads all republicans by at least 10 points in new poll by CNN

Do I have to point out (I guess I do) that politicans like Mary Landrieu supported oil companies, that oil companies provide not only jobs, but tax money (a lot of tax money), and energy. It is kind of amazing that our oil companies can find oil, extract it, transport it, refine it, transport it again and all without destroying the environment like they did in Nigeria, East Germany, or so many other shitholes in the world. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not really. And without destroying the environment? Ask the people on the Gulf Coast about that.

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 06:30 PM
Not really. And without destroying the environment? Ask the people on the Gulf Coast about that.

http://thinkprogress.org/climate/201...-oil-tax-rate/ Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
He is talking about the jobs created cleaning up the mess from oil spillovers
He is talking about the jobs created cleaning up the mess from oil spillovers Originally Posted by shanm
Ahhh... ok.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Walker, Huckabee and Fiorina aren't going anywhere. They don't have the Koch brothers support. I will add them for you.

1. Chis ( "I closed that bridge") Christy

2. Sarah (" I am an Airhead") Palin

3. Mitt ( "My 59 point plan to get the unemployment rate to 6 per cent in 4 years, won't work") Romney

4. Jeb ( " My brother George W. left office with a 69% disapproval rating") Bush

5. Michelle ( " I am a triple Airhead") Bachman

6. Dr. Ben ( " Prison makes you gay") Carson

7. Ted (" I will shut down the government if I don't get my way") Cruz

8. Herman (" I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me") Cain

9. Rick (" If I am elected president I will get rid of the Dept of Energy, Education and, and, and OOPS") Perry

10. Rand ( I think like my father Ron) Paul

11. Rick ( " Don't have intercourse before you are married") Santorum

12. Mike ('" I am just a part time preacher") Hucklebee

13. Carly (" I ran Hewlitt Packard into the ground") Fiornia

14. Scott (" I don't have a college degree") Walker
Hillary will have no problem beating this group. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I have to point out that by your actions, you've destroyed your credibility if you ever had any. Like the local newspaper, they ruined their reputation one election by finding no one single republican worthy of being elected....then their choice for congress turned out to have Alzheimers and dementia. They approved of her over a black businessman. You are just full of shit and bitterness. I don't think we will see Hillary make it to the general election....again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sure there will be a bakery willing to sell UnderAverage and ShamWow a wedding cake for their special day.
Trey Gowdy is alleging that Hillary asked for two EXTRA weeks to respond for a request for documents and after those two weeks she claims that all emails were deleted from her private server. Yes, supposedly those emails were deleted during those requested two weeks and the server has been wiped clean.

Is Hillary still an officer of the court? Does it matter? Unfit to serve if Gowdy's allegations are true.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Unfit to serve??? What she did is just down right illegal. Toss her in jail and let her run her campaign with some bull dyke standing guard over her.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trey Gowdy is alleging that Hillary asked for two EXTRA weeks to respond for a request for documents and after those two weeks she claims that all emails were deleted from her private server. Yes, supposedly those emails were deleted during those requested two weeks and the server has been wiped clean.

Is Hillary still an officer of the court? Does it matter? Unfit to serve if Gowdy's allegations are true. Originally Posted by gnadfly
She will still have to produce the servers/hard drives.

#1: There's a high likelihood that there are "images" and "data tracks" of files on her drive(s), even though SHE can no longer SEE the emails. There are programs that can "lift" files (re-develop them if you wish) from a FORMATTED hard drive .. so "deleting" them means NOTHING.

#2: If she involved another party in the deleting/erasing process, then she will throw their asses under the bus and there is a high likelihood that the third-party will want to make a deal for some immunity to discuss the matter.

#3: The strategy of getting this crime out of the way sufficiently before the primaries/general election so that people will forget it and she can say it was old news, will not work unless she produces the material and "moves on." UNLESS she knows it is a violation of the law and she believes she will be prosecuted BEFORE the elections ... so in that case .... the closer it comes to the elections the easier she can claim it was only for "political" reasons.

#4: I felt like the announcement by Cruz would take her criminal activity off the front page, but she keeps putting herself back out there. Clintonistic!

Gowdy wants the data, but from a prosecutor's point of view it doesn't matter ....

.....possessing and destroying is the same for a conviction, but under the Federal sentencing guidelines the act of destroying that which you were not supposed to have in the first place will add sentencing "points" to the assessment/evaluation by a Judge.
  • DSK
  • 03-29-2015, 07:48 PM
She will still have to produce the servers/hard drives.

#1: There's a high likelihood that there are "images" and "data tracks" of files on her drive(s), even though SHE can no longer SEE the emails. There are programs that can "lift" files (re-develop them if you wish) from a FORMATTED hard drive .. so "deleting" them means NOTHING.

#2: If she involved another party in the deleting/erasing process, then she will throw their asses under the bus and there is a high likelihood that the third-party will want to make a deal for some immunity to discuss the matter.

#3: The strategy of getting this crime out of the way sufficiently before the primaries/general election so that people will forget it and she can say it was old news, will not work unless she produces the material and "moves on." UNLESS she knows it is a violation of the law and she believes she will be prosecuted BEFORE the elections ... so in that case .... the closer it comes to the elections the easier she can claim it was only for "political" reasons.

#4: I felt like the announcement by Cruz would take her criminal activity off the front page, but she keeps putting herself back out there. Clintonistic!

Gowdy wants the data, but from a prosecutor's point of view it doesn't matter ....

.....possessing and destroying is the same for a conviction, but under the Federal sentencing guidelines the act of destroying that which you were not supposed to have in the first place will add sentencing "points" to the assessment/evaluation by a Judge. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What if she removed the disks, sand papered them, then threw them in the Atlantic? That would ruin the data on them, and she could just claim the drive failed and she tossed it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Even if she did that she still committed a crime because it happened after
A. The state department asked for any security documents back.
B. After she signed paperwork saying that she understood the email protocols.
C. After she was told by the Congressional committee to preserve any paperwork, electronic or otherwise.

She broke the law.
Even if she did that she still committed a crime because it happened after
A. The state department asked for any security documents back.
B. After she signed paperwork saying that she understood the email protocols.
C. After she was told by the Congressional committee to preserve any paperwork, electronic or otherwise.

She broke the law. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
But who will prosecute her?
That is the venue of the Justice Dept. If the main stream media were not busy following the dictates of the DNC, demands that she be held accountable would be plastered on every front page and be the lead story in every news cast.

The silence is deafening.

This is what happens when The Media sells out for one political party, and one agenda.

The Constitution grants The Press a very special place in our Society.i doubt the Founding Fathers every envisioned a Press that is sold out to one idealology and one political party our Main Stream Media is now.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The election is almost 2 years away.....and her numbers are moving down. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Now where were we?
flghtr65's Avatar
Now where were we? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hillary leads all republicans in a new poll by the Washington Post. This is saying the same thing that the CNN poll said.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fluffy, there is no doubt that Hillary is dishonest and corrupt. There is also the real possibility that she recently committed Obstruction of Justice. I can understand being a liberal, but why on earth would you support someone you KNOW is going to lie to you?