I've always been amazed by language and words and the power that these made up utterances have over people. Is it a breast a boob or a tit or a hooter? Just utterances. In over a hundred languages. I have never been offended by a word of any kind. I have never had an emotional attachment to a particular word.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
These racial words seem so controversial. But what about spic or greaser or kike or wop or anything? Why is this N word thing singled out among the dozens of derogatory racial words? And what if me and my friends have a derogatory hateful word to describe a race and you don't know it then we can use it all we want? What if I say the N word to a guy who only speaks Farsi? Then I am not a bad guy.It's not about the word it's the about the listener obviously.
Lenny Bruce said there is no such thing as dirty words just dirty minds.
I used to hang out with a real Swami who used to say "We are hurting ourselves constantly by reacting to and accepting suggestions from the outside world". What he meant is that when you know who you are on the INSIDE you will not be affected by what people say about you.
Like if I said NikkiWhite I think you are sexy and gorgeous and smart (which BTW I think she is) does it make her feel good? How about if I said Miss X I think you are hideous and gross and an idiot? Does that mean she will be hurt? Well if each of them knows who they are on the inside then neither comment will even have an effect. The people of color who have been able to rise up and shine in our racist society have always had a deep conviction about who they are on the INSIDE and that is why they have success. Originally Posted by uparoundnoon