Dames4U no more

Everyone who interacted with Joe had the same opinion of him/experience with him. Kind of amazing consistency
chizzy's Avatar
I actually never had a problem with him.......... cant really complain, banged a lot of damn good looking girls
I never had a problem with him either. Over 5 years I saw at least 15 different girls. There were one or two duds, but the rest were good to great. Seeing his hot 20-something girls sure beat the hell out of playing backpage roulette.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I heard if you say his name 3 times he jumps out of the mirror and calls your boss to get you fired from Burger King for fucking hookers
There is a reason he isn't around anymore. Whether the police threatened him, one of us threatened him somebody got to him and he got out. I remember someone on here gave me Joe's address once and said he could get to him if he had to but that Joe isn't worth anyones time. Has anyone ever actually met Joe? I don't even know what he looks like but he did blow up on me 10 yrs ago. I just swore back at him and ended up fucking Courtney instead. The guy wanted way too much info. Shabir at Stars was way cooler and easier to deal with Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers
I've often wondered that about him. How did he not get his ass pounded by someone. Probably because he was an information gatherer and the threat of being outed.
Funny thing is his girls hated him and shared his info. I know his real name, obviously where he lives and the name of the business he is currently involved in. I would never out anyone in this world, not even him....but it did give me piece of mind knowing all of that when I was stealing his girls. By the way the girls that gave me that info was not Lacey.
My guess is either he was threatened or the well just dried up because of his temper. He could not control himself.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Gentlemen, I believe this thread has run it's course.

The owner of this site has a zero tolerance policy on outing of members on this site.Revealing real world information or threatening to reveal real world information or implying that you will reveal real world information is a bannable offense.

Outing a person is a one year ban from this site. Do not think that it will not happen.
Creating a new handle while being banned just starts the ban clock over.

I strongly suggest that all of you read the guidelines for this site. Each time you log into this site you must agree to the terms of use which includes understanding the guidelines. Read them, then read them again.

The thought process should be; how would I like it if somebody posted on a hooker board where I live, where I work, what my real name is, what my phone number is, where you can find my facebook page, what kind of truck, car, bicycle I drive.

I very strongly suggest that you keep all that information to yourself.