trump the traitor

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... he is not in office anymore and she never made it... Originally Posted by Aroundagain
Two things to be thankful for for sure. Actually, seems I just can't stop saying it now. Kinda like one of those little ditties that gets stuck in your head. You know, like Ding Dong the Witch is Dead...
That's exactly what a good CEO does. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
This is not a corporation, this is a country! That is exactly why he is having so much trouble, he thinks he is running his own company!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is not a corporation, this is a country! That is exactly why he is having so much trouble, he thinks he is running his own company! Originally Posted by Aroundagain

If it ran more as a corporation we would NOT be $20T in debt. Ironically, exactly the reason I voted for him.
If it ran more as a corporation we would NOT be $20T in debt. Ironically, exactly the reason I voted for him. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'm glad you voted for him, you seem to want to express that in every post. Doesn't matter who you voted for this country is not on the right path no matter whom the President is! Lastly, with this tax bill, the deficit will be even worse, stated by Republicans themselves, unless they cut into SS and Medicare, which Trump has already planned to do. Don't have a problem with Trump the person, just his thought process on policies.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
this country is not on the right path! Originally Posted by Aroundagain

On this we agree, which is why TRUMP got elected- to get it back on track.

On the upside, we all owe an immense debt of gratitude to Old Hillbags for the opportunity. Had it not been for her narcissistic corruption, lust for all things self-enriching and willingness to sell anything to anybody - so long as it made her rich - we may well have had to choose between a Socialist and TRUMP and I'm not sure we would have survived that. But if you think Socialism is for you, might I recommend Venezuela, Cuba perhaps?

So in the bigger picture, TRUMP was the only reasonable choice available. Everyone else, to a person, was cut from the same cloth that got us to this hideous place that we have to claw our way back out of now.

My bad if I failed to mention it - but I voted for him and NOT being a Democrap, I only voted once.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
[QUOTE=Aroundagain;1060353614wi th this tax bill, the deficit will be even worse, stated by Republicans themselves, unless they cut into SS and Medicare, which Trump has already planned to do. [/QUOTE]

You do mean the existing deficit of some $20T+. Right? Keep your eye on the GDP growth. It's already about doubled since the last nightmare of an administration and seems poised to continue upward already

Be honest, do you really believe entitlements are underfunded? Or are thye over-bloated? Think honestly there.

In both vectors, the right answer is to "starve the beast". Quit spending borrowed $$ on things that do not return anything. I think the words that always stand out to me in the Declaration of Independence are "the pursuit of happiness", as opposed to "establishing a department of happiness". Or, if you are into biblical quotes - "go forth and subdue the earth" instead of "file a claim for your fair share of the earth". But no need to introduce the whole global warming thing into this whole discussion on this frigid winter day. Brrrr....

Did I mention that I voted for TRUMP?
Me too!

If it ran more as a corporation we would NOT be $20T in debt. Ironically, exactly the reason I voted for him. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Boy that Trump is on a roll this morning...

Why to show everyone you're stable, a very stable genius.

(1) He's insane because he's definitely not a genius.

(2) Anyone who is stable wouldn't be out tweeting like a kid with ADHD. He's talking about African American employment and how he's about it. He's not fooling us. He's signed EO's and legislation that is directing damaging to our community, he doesn't care about us. He has no control of who is hired by a company, but I'm sure he thinks he does. Why wouldn't he, he is a very stable genius.

(3) The best part is he's talking about Democrats taking a page out the old Reagan playbook when they talk about his mental stability/intelligence. You know he's not too intelligent if he didn't realize that this was a stupid argument to make. Reagan was only diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Maybe just maybe that's not the best example to us. But you can't argue with a very stable genius.

I tell you what, this guy is probably the worst president in the modern age, but he also provides plenty of laughs with his stupidity.
gfejunkie's Avatar
millsy provides plenty of laughs with his stupidity. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
FIFY Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Wow you took what I said and changed it. How impressive. How skilled of you.

Talk about Fake News. You are making shit up now.

We should all just do that now.

Here's a Trump quote from today: "The African American unemployment rate fell to 6.8%, the lowest rate in 45 years. I am so mad about this News!" There you go. Proof that Trump is against African Americans. How can y'all support a president against the prosperity of Americans?

Or how about this one:

Yes. WE RACISTS are. Doomed to the shitcan of history. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Proof of what I've known and said for sometime. GFEFLUNKIE is a racist.
Like my mom says..****with a German accent - kinda like Trumps first wife****...Never a dull moment with Trump in office!!!!!

Boy that Trump is on a roll this morning...

Why to show everyone you're stable, a very stable genius.

(1) He's insane because he's definitely not a genius.

(2) Anyone who is stable wouldn't be out tweeting like a kid with ADHD. He's talking about African American employment and how he's about it. He's not fooling us. He's signed EO's and legislation that is directing damaging to our community, he doesn't care about us. He has no control of who is hired by a company, but I'm sure he thinks he does. Why wouldn't he, he is a very stable genius.

(3) The best part is he's talking about Democrats taking a page out the old Reagan playbook when they talk about his mental stability/intelligence. You know he's not too intelligent if he didn't realize that this was a stupid argument to make. Reagan was only diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Maybe just maybe that's not the best example to us. But you can't argue with a very stable genius.

I tell you what, this guy is probably the worst president in the modern age, but he also provides plenty of laughs with his stupidity. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I hope the RNC has the thought process to run good commercials this season You paid your Demonicrat Senator salary of $100K, plus expenses, plus health insurance, plus travel, plus, plus and what did they do for you? Nadda, Zilch!
Trump tweeting again with this talking point I keep seeing about how low black unemployment is...

Can someone please give me one policy or EO that Donald Trump has pushed that was geared toward increasing the employment rate of African Americans… I will wait. He hasn’t. Black employment has been on the rise. President Obama actually did things geared toward increasing it. Things that worked and got the rate increasing. People constantly mentioning the unemployment rate isn’t going to increase Trump’s approval in the black community. He’s done too much to show that he’s not a friend to it. He needs to apologize for the Central Park Five before he can even start making ground. He will have a hard time living down Charlottesville. And a majority of the community will never be ok with his attack on the legitimacy of the first African American president.

And he constantly steps on his own toes. Even in the tweet this morning, he does the same thing so many white Republicans do. They tell us that Democrats aren't doing anything for us and we still vote for them. That statement can only mean: (a) an overwhelming majority of us are too stupid to see that Democrats don't do anything for us and keep voting or (b) we know that Democrats don't do everything we want but we know it's way more than the Republicans do. I'm sure many Republicans think it's (a) but in reality it's (b). It's so funny that White voters can have an issue they care about more than anything and will allow them to vote for scum. They can only be about abortion rates, or the 2nd Amendment, or the VA. We on the other hand don't have that luxury. We can't say well the unemployment rate is low for us (even though it's been getting lower during Obama), let's vote for Trump. No way. We look at the attacks on our voting rights he is ok with. We look at the promises he made HBCU's and then went back on. We look at his support of "monuments" that are a spit in our face. We look at all of his policies, none of which are geared toward us and many that directly harm us.

This guy needs to stop trying to get the African American community to vote Republican with tweets and that isn't going to work but maybe he should take some real steps to get us to at least not see him as attacking us.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump tweeting again with this talking point I keep seeing about how low black unemployment is...

Can someone please give me one policy or EO that Donald Trump has pushed that was geared toward increasing the employment rate of African Americans… I will wait. He hasn’t. Black employment has been on the rise. President Obama actually did things geared toward increasing it. Things that worked and got the rate increasing. People constantly mentioning the unemployment rate isn’t going to increase Trump’s approval in the black community. He’s done too much to show that he’s not a friend to it. He needs to apologize for the Central Park Five before he can even start making ground. He will have a hard time living down Charlottesville. And a majority of the community will never be ok with his attack on the legitimacy of the first African American president.

And he constantly steps on his own toes. Even in the tweet this morning, he does the same thing so many white Republicans do. They tell us that Democrats aren't doing anything for us and we still vote for them. That statement can only mean: (a) an overwhelming majority of us are too stupid to see that Democrats don't do anything for us and keep voting or (b) we know that Democrats don't do everything we want but we know it's way more than the Republicans do. I'm sure many Republicans think it's (a) but in reality it's (b). It's so funny that White voters can have an issue they care about more than anything and will allow them to vote for scum. They can only be about abortion rates, or the 2nd Amendment, or the VA. We on the other hand don't have that luxury. We can't say well the unemployment rate is low for us (even though it's been getting lower during Obama), let's vote for Trump. No way. We look at the attacks on our voting rights he is ok with. We look at the promises he made HBCU's and then went back on. We look at his support of "monuments" that are a spit in our face. We look at all of his policies, none of which are geared toward us and many that directly harm us.

This guy needs to stop trying to get the African American community to vote Republican with tweets and that isn't going to work but maybe he should take some real steps to get us to at least not see him as attacking us. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Large corporations that will benefit the most from Trump's tax plan will be the ones most likely to add jobs. Trump was very smart during the campaign in that he promised jobs to coal workers and steel workers and auto workers in 2 of the critical states he won -- Pennsylvania and Michigan. Hasn't happened. Despite rollbacks via EOs affecting the coal industry, estimates are that only 1,200 coal mining jobs have been added in 11 months, slightly better than Obama's record. Trump has said he has created 45,000 mining jobs. Another lie.

Jobs in auto manufacturing are down or at best steady since Trump took office. No U.S. companies that manufacture cars in foreign countries, mostly Mexico but some to China, have moved their car production back to this country. Under Obama, the number of jobs in auto manufacturing went from .66 million in 2010 to .94 million in 2016. 42% increase!!

The U.S. steel industry? Jobs have been lost by the thousands to foreign countries since the recession of 2008. This is an area that Trump has promised to make changes. So far nothing concrete has been done.

"Unfortunately, the import surge continues to grow. Through the first eight months of this year, steel imports have increased by 21 percent compared to the same period last year. And in June, imports of finished steel matched the record level of 30 percent.

Foreign steel producers continue to find every way possible to circumvent trade laws and dump products in our market."

The main point is that while Trump and others have focused on tax reform and repealing Obamacare, workers in the coal, steel, and auto industries which are being hammered are seeing no policies to promote job creation. Which was a campaign promise.

Trump tweeting again with this talking point I keep seeing about how low black unemployment is...

Can someone please give me one policy or EO that Donald Trump has pushed that was geared toward increasing the employment rate of African Americans… I will wait. He hasn’t. Black employment has been on the rise. President Obama actually did things geared toward increasing it. Things that worked and got the rate increasing. People constantly mentioning the unemployment rate isn’t going to increase Trump’s approval in the black community. He’s done too much to show that he’s not a friend to it. He needs to apologize for the Central Park Five before he can even start making ground. He will have a hard time living down Charlottesville. And a majority of the community will never be ok with his attack on the legitimacy of the first African American president.

And he constantly steps on his own toes. Even in the tweet this morning, he does the same thing so many white Republicans do. They tell us that Democrats aren't doing anything for us and we still vote for them. That statement can only mean: (a) an overwhelming majority of us are too stupid to see that Democrats don't do anything for us and keep voting or (b) we know that Democrats don't do everything we want but we know it's way more than the Republicans do. I'm sure many Republicans think it's (a) but in reality it's (b). It's so funny that White voters can have an issue they care about more than anything and will allow them to vote for scum. They can only be about abortion rates, or the 2nd Amendment, or the VA. We on the other hand don't have that luxury. We can't say well the unemployment rate is low for us (even though it's been getting lower during Obama), let's vote for Trump. No way. We look at the attacks on our voting rights he is ok with. We look at the promises he made HBCU's and then went back on. We look at his support of "monuments" that are a spit in our face. We look at all of his policies, none of which are geared toward us and many that directly harm us.

This guy needs to stop trying to get the African American community to vote Republican with tweets and that isn't going to work but maybe he should take some real steps to get us to at least not see him as attacking us. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
He's reducing regulations which increases employment, for everyone. He's reducing illegal immigration which increases job opportunities for all legal citizens. But all that doesn't matter because Democrats are into identity politics and that's why you are always bringing up race, not matter what the facts are.