trump the traitor

He's reducing regulations which increases employment, for everyone. He's reducing illegal immigration which increases job opportunities for all legal citizens. But all that doesn't matter because Democrats are into identity politics and that's why you are always bringing up race, not matter what the facts are. Originally Posted by centexguy
You just made my point. He isn't doing these things for African Americans. As I said before, employment for African Americans has been on the rise. But as you pointed out, he is doing these things for other people not for us. Yet he is trying to present it like he's trying to point out African Americans. And I'm not the one who brought race into this:

That there is your guy bring race into it. Donald Trump is all about identity politics. He ran on and governs through wedge issues which tend to focus on identity.

Now why he thinks his repeating of this statement is going to change the minds of African Americans... Idk. Maybe he thinks we are as dumb as other Republicans do.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He's reducing regulations which increases employment, for everyone. He's reducing illegal immigration which increases job opportunities for all legal citizens. But all that doesn't matter because Democrats are into identity politics and that's why you are always bringing up race, not matter what the facts are. Originally Posted by centexguy
Please cite one EO reducing regulations by Trump that has led to a significant increase in employment.

Most of the jobs filled by illegal immigrants are jobs that people in this country don't want. They aren't taking the high salaried professional jobs.
Please cite one EO reducing regulations by Trump that has led to a significant increase in employment.

Most of the jobs filled by illegal immigrants are jobs that people in this country don't want. They aren't taking the high salaried professional jobs. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I bet you actually believe that government regulations don't affect business and labor costs, or that supply and demand doesn't apply to labor costs.

Let me ask you this, which segment of the population is most impacted negatively by imported cheap labor? Who does it help the most? Where are most high salaried professional jobs located and how do they tend to vote? Why does big business love open borders and H-1B visas? It's not that hard to connect the dots.
You just made my point. He isn't doing these things for African Americans. As I said before, employment for African Americans has been on the rise. But as you pointed out, he is doing these things for other people not for us. Yet he is trying to present it like he's trying to point out African Americans. And I'm not the one who brought race into this:

That there is your guy bring race into it. Donald Trump is all about identity politics. He ran on and governs through wedge issues which tend to focus on identity.

Now why he thinks his repeating of this statement is going to change the minds of African Americans... Idk. Maybe he thinks we are as dumb as other Republicans do. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Look what that racist Trump just did:
On Monday, January 8, 2018, the President signed into law:

H.R. 267, the “Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act,” which redesignates the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site in the State of Georgia as the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park.
Reducing regulation and controlling regulation costs.
Signed January 30th,2017.

Please cite one EO reducing regulations by Trump that has led to a significant increase in employment.

Most of the jobs filled by illegal immigrants are jobs that people in this country don't want. They aren't taking the high salaried professional jobs. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I bet you actually believe that government regulations don't affect business and labor costs, or that supply and demand doesn't apply to labor costs.

Let me ask you this, which segment of the population is most impacted negatively by imported cheap labor? Who does it help the most? Where are most high salaried professional jobs located and how do they tend to vote? Why does big business love open borders and H-1B visas? It's not that hard to connect the dots. Originally Posted by centexguy
You didn't answer my questions. Any reason why?

Yes, government regulations do affect businesses and there are reasons why those government regulations are put in place. Not everyone will agree with those reasons but many do. Right now supply of labor is low in this country. Demand high. Yet salaries are almost stagnant.

Definitely the lower level jobs are impacted the most by imported cheap labor. Those are also jobs that are available to those born in the U.S. but very few want.

Most high salaried professional jobs are in major cities and most major cities vote Democratic in elections.

I personally do not want open borders. I would love to accommodate all people who want to emigrate to this country but that is not possible. I also do not favor discriminatory immigration policies that limit immigration to English speaking people with high-level job skills.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Reducing regulation and controlling regulation costs.
Signed January 30th,2017. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Please be more specific. What EO was signed and how many jobs did it create? The one EO order I can think of that will lead to job creation was the one concerning the Keystone pipeline. But here again was another Trump lie. He stated 28,000 construction jobs would be created by his EO restoring the pipeline. The actual number according to the State Department should be 3,900 jobs, all of which are temporary.

Got anything else?
Look what that racist Trump just did: Originally Posted by centexguy

Hooray!!!! He gave it national park status. People in the African American community are going to see pass that. He doesn't share our thoughts on what I mentioned before. The spit in the face that is "monuments" to people who fought to keep us in chains. He thinks that those things should be protected. You can't believe that and then believe in the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr., so this signing means absolutely shit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Donald Trump is all about identity politics. He ran on and governs through wedge issues which tend to focus on identity.

Now why he thinks his repeating of this statement is going to change the minds of African Americans... Idk. Maybe he thinks we are as dumb as other Republicans do. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Wedge issues?!? Like more jobs, higher stock market, expanding economy, reducing regulation, returning lands back to the states/peoples and national security? If you get a wedgie from that, I just don't know what to tell you. Pull harder maybe... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that reducing the supply of illicit cheap labor would free up jobs. Ironically (sad actually) it reminds me of the shenanigans the Dimocraps pulled on them after the Civil war, where they banded the Unions against them to keep them from taking jobs for less $$ than the Northerners. Face it, the Demonicrats have been repressing the lower skilled AAs forever. They never wanted them off of the plantation and they still want them subservient and under their rule. However, this time around, they have big gubment as their plantation because they cannot earn enough a living as jobs go to illegals. What TRUMP has said before and should say it just about every day (I'm assuming you can set up auto messages on Twitter) What have the Demonicrats done for you lately? We can show them where the stream is, but it's up to them to figure out to drink from it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Please be more specific. What EO was signed and how many jobs did it create? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Let me 'splain it to you Lucy: It ain't a this for that reality in this country. I realize some people and other single celled critters can only process information that way, but in the adult world of this great experiment of a country, all we ask for is the opportunity to "pursue happiness". What we want and need is an environment so we can each git jiggy with it and then the ball is in our court to make the most of it, so long as we don't repress others to raise ourselves up It's really not that hard to understand
Wedge issues?!? Like more jobs, higher stock market, expanding economy, reducing regulation, returning lands back to the states/peoples and national security? If you get a wedgie from that, I just don't know what to tell you. Pull harder maybe... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that reducing the supply of illicit cheap labor would free up jobs. Ironically (sad actually) it reminds me of the shenanigans the Dimocraps pulled on them after the Civil war, where they banded the Unions against them to keep them from taking jobs for less $$ than the Northerners. Face it, the Demonicrats have been repressing the lower skilled AAs forever. They never wanted them off of the plantation and they still want them subservient and under their rule. However, this time around, they have big gubment as their plantation because they cannot earn enough a living as jobs go to illegals. What TRUMP has said before and should say it just about every day (I'm assuming you can set up auto messages on Twitter) What have the Demonicrats done for you lately? We can show them where the stream is, but it's up to them to figure out to drink from it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Wedge issues? Yes like NFL players kneeling, "monuments", a fictional war on Christmas, MS-13, etc. Those are all things Trump pushes to divide.

As for illegal immigrants and the job market. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs that average Americans want. They are working in fields getting paid very little for the amount of work they do. There have been people talk about how they've had white workers come out to the job and quit because it's not good enough pay for the work. They do the jobs people don't want to do.

Again I say, you have to think an overwhelming majority of African Americans are stupid if you can't understand that we vote Democrat because we know they have our best interests way more than Republicans. The unemployment rate for us went down under a Democratic president. An African American one at that. When have the Republicans put up an African American nominee? How many African American Senators are Republican? We look at these things. We know these things. We know that Donald Trump isn't for HBCU's. We know these things. The Democratic Party has done more for us than you know. We know about LIHEAP, a program by Obama that helped low income people (many African Americans) that Trump ended. We know these things. You aren't showing us anything. We aren't dumb like you obviously think. We know what's in our best interests and we aren't drinking from any poisoned stream. We aren't falling for your lies. What have the Democrats done for us? Plenty. What has Trump done for us? Nothing.
Hold up there. There was a war on Christmas. Before Trump - during the Obama years - I was told and followed up with a memo from a former corporate employer -- that myself and all my employees are not to say Merry Christmas but to say Happy Holidays instead.
No, the holiday is Christmas. Anyway, the war is over now.

Wedge issues? Yes like NFL players kneeling, "monuments", a fictional war on Christmas, MS-13, etc. Those are all things Trump pushes to divide.

As for illegal immigrants and the job market. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs that average Americans want. They are working in fields getting paid very little for the amount of work they do. There have been people talk about how they've had white workers come out to the job and quit because it's not good enough pay for the work. They do the jobs people don't want to do.

Again I say, you have to think an overwhelming majority of African Americans are stupid if you can't understand that we vote Democrat because we know they have our best interests way more than Republicans. The unemployment rate for us went down under a Democratic president. An African American one at that. When have the Republicans put up an African American nominee? How many African American Senators are Republican? We look at these things. We know these things. We know that Donald Trump isn't for HBCU's. We know these things. The Democratic Party has done more for us than you know. We know about LIHEAP, a program by Obama that helped low income people (many African Americans) that Trump ended. We know these things. You aren't showing us anything. We aren't dumb like you obviously think. We know what's in our best interests and we aren't drinking from any poisoned stream. We aren't falling for your lies. What have the Democrats done for us? Plenty. What has Trump done for us? Nothing. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Hold up there. There was a war on Christmas. Before Trump - during the Obama years - I was told and followed up with a memo from a former corporate employer -- that myself and all my employees are not to say Merry Christmas but to say Happy Holidays instead.
No, the holiday is Christmas. Anyway, the war is over now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

How big was this war? I’ve never been told I couldn’t say Merry Christmas. I saw Obama say it for 8 years. So was that Obama’s fault that your boss decided against saying it?

And it’s over now huh:

Odd, all of those photos had Christmas trees and Christmas themes but didn’t say anything about Christmas... so is the war over? Or is it on for Trump’s to say holidays instead and no one else?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Let me 'splain it to you Lucy: It ain't a this for that reality in this country. I realize some people and other single celled critters can only process information that way, but in the adult world of this great experiment of a country, all we ask for is the opportunity to "pursue happiness". What we want and need is an environment so we can each git jiggy with it and then the ball is in our court to make the most of it, so long as we don't repress others to raise ourselves up It's really not that hard to understand Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I was told in this thread that the EOs signed by Trump increased the number of jobs in this country. Is it unfair to ask those people to support their claims with FACTS? To me, the majority of the EOs signed into action by Trump were pure fluff, with very little substance behind them. If others think otherwise, fine, then tell me the positive impact that the EOs have had on you and me.

Is that too hard to understand?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How big was this war? I’ve never been told I couldn’t say Merry Christmas. I saw Obama say it for 8 years. So was that Obama’s fault that your boss decided against saying it?

And it’s over now huh:

Odd, all of those photos had Christmas trees and Christmas themes but didn’t say anything about Christmas... so is the war over? Or is it on for Trump’s to say holidays instead and no one else? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I have to agree. I have heard many people who are enraged over having to say "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" but I have never seen anything in writing, or given to me in a verbal directive, that said I had to do that. NEVER.

If someone says "Happy holidays" to me, I do not get offended at all. It's much better than no greeting at all.