Houston Vs. Dallas

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-27-2017, 01:16 PM
Just because someone is louder and takes up more room ....

... doesn't mean they "rule"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What I really meant is we have more fat chicks than skinny ones, louder chicks always suck
TryWeakly's Avatar
Point of order...

The larger ones are said to be "better" as sucking....

Carry on...
LexusLover's Avatar
....but I am not looking forward to trying to stick to plan when I'm back to touring. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
When I'm the road it is tough to find food that fits with the home program/menu. When I've made repeat visits to the same area it's a little easier, because I previously scouted. If one does it with sufficient frequency one sometimes get that "your usual?"

Of course the hotel manager already waved at me when I arrived.
Grace Preston's Avatar
At least in Dallas, Houston, Chicago, and Philly-- I can hit Snap Kitchen. May not be keto- but its still healthier choices and I can at least stay under my calorie line.
Mmmmm sweet chili glazed salmon
DarthMaul's Avatar
So out of all the rude post on here your going to single him out lmfao like you cant be serious.. FACEPALM Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Yes...totally serious. His was just an example. Just think if I sat here and went post by post, I would be legitimate in giving out points.

We (the staff) do not wish to stifle conversation but we do want conversation to stay on the subject matter.
Yes...totally serious. His was just an example. Just think if I sat here and went post by post, I would be legitimate in giving out points.

We (the staff) do not wish to stifle conversation but we do want conversation to stay on the subject matter. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
do you want an opinion from the outsiders? or are you so confident in your moddom.....you don't care?
cause yeah your putting a butt plug in the conversation.......but I suspect you don't care/wanna hear it .....cause your a mod
Yes...totally serious. His was just an example. Just think if I sat here and went post by post, I would be legitimate in giving out points.

We (the staff) do not wish to stifle conversation but we do want conversation to stay on the subject matter. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
unless it offends our friends ...or the folks we take our mod anal with.......we don't want to stifle conversation......just discuss things we like.........or see my wrath do not cross the mod......for mine is the power and the glory....and all that shit
DarthMaul's Avatar
unless it offends our friends ...or the folks we take our mod anal with.......we don't want to stifle conversation......just discuss things we like.........or see my wrath do not cross the mod......for mine is the power and the glory....and all that shit Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Uhh no...We would rather the conversation stay on the subject matter and stay away from the insults. That is all. I would rather be looking at reviews and ads than jumping in on a thread, where people who will never meet try to "fight" on a thread.

That being said Dallas has a lot of smaller, younger providers than Houston.
DarthMaul's Avatar
unless it offends our friends ...or the folks we take our mod anal with.......we don't want to stifle conversation......just discuss things we like.........or see my wrath do not cross the mod......for mine is the power and the glory....and all that shit Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Uhh no...We would rather the conversation stay on the subject matter and stay away from the insults. That is all. I would rather be looking at reviews and ads than jumping in on a thread, where people who will never meet try to "fight" on a thread.

That being said Dallas has a lot of smaller, younger providers than Houston.
  • Heman
  • 10-01-2017, 07:58 AM
...Quantity vs Quality...
chicagoboy's Avatar
That being said Dallas has a lot of smaller, younger providers than Houston. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Is Darth implying that the Houston herd is well-marbled ?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-02-2017, 07:50 PM
...Quantity vs Quality... Originally Posted by Heman
What is she's fat in Dallas and fat is Houston? Does Houston adore fat providers and see them as higher quality there than in Dallas? A pig is still a pig everywhere it goes.
DarthMaul's Avatar
What is she's fat in Dallas and fat is Houston? Does Houston adore fat providers and see them as higher quality there than in Dallas? A pig is still a pig everywhere it goes. Originally Posted by BLM69
Houston just has better restaurants.