trump the traitor

Actually, he did blame on Obama along with a great many other things. And just to be clear - I was told to say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas - I was not asked.
If you have never been told then good for you.
Merry Christmas.

How big was this war? I’ve never been told I couldn’t say Merry Christmas. I saw Obama say it for 8 years. So was that Obama’s fault that your boss decided against saying it?

And it’s over now huh:

Odd, all of those photos had Christmas trees and Christmas themes but didn’t say anything about Christmas... so is the war over? Or is it on for Trump’s to say holidays instead and no one else? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
My apologies. I'm unable to fix that special kind of ignorance.

Oh sure, I could try going all James Comey on you, quoting bible verses or Psalms about blind that cannot see and deaf that cannot hear. But I sense no further enterprise in that.

Your idea that segregating into HBCUs so that you can beotch about segregation makes no sense to me, nor does using the criteria of race to qualify a candidate for much of anything, including a President.

But if your criteria for picking an institute of higher learning is based on race, I surely won't stop you. Of course, I would expect the same courtesy for those that choose religious based schools or schools that teach curriculum to provide the graduate with enough skills so they can earn a decent living and the pursuit of happiness, thus not having need of LIHEAP

Speaking of LIHEAP; there are some tidbits that, apparently they teach in those other schools, such as:

It was signed into law in 1981 and beefed up again in 1984. (Ronald Reagan, both times)

On 8 September 2017, the president signed House Resolution 601 into law, enabling the release of $3.03 billion in LIHEAP funding (Donald J Trump - in his first year)

My free advice would be, if you don't like the pay for a job, don't work there. As an added bonus, I'll add in at no additional charge, if you don't like low paying jobs, get a better education at the institute of your informed choosing. Plus, if you act now, I'll throw in a beautiful set of Ginsue knives.

Feel free to pick your own poison, I s'pose. But you should at least learn from which well it is actually emanating from. If you're unsure, review your Civil War history again. The truth is in there in black and white.
Wedge issues? Yes like NFL players kneeling, "monuments", a fictional war on Christmas, MS-13, etc. Those are all things Trump pushes to divide.

As for illegal immigrants and the job market. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs that average Americans want. They are working in fields getting paid very little for the amount of work they do. There have been people talk about how they've had white workers come out to the job and quit because it's not good enough pay for the work. They do the jobs people don't want to do.

Again I say, you have to think an overwhelming majority of African Americans are stupid if you can't understand that we vote Democrat because we know they have our best interests way more than Republicans. The unemployment rate for us went down under a Democratic president. An African American one at that. When have the Republicans put up an African American nominee? How many African American Senators are Republican? We look at these things. We know these things. We know that Donald Trump isn't for HBCU's. We know these things. The Democratic Party has done more for us than you know. We know about LIHEAP, a program by Obama that helped low income people (many African Americans) that Trump ended. We know these things. You aren't showing us anything. We aren't dumb like you obviously think. We know what's in our best interests and we aren't drinking from any poisoned stream. We aren't falling for your lies. What have the Democrats done for us? Plenty. What has Trump done for us? Nothing. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
My apologies. I'm unable to fix that special kind of ignorance.

Oh sure, I could try going all James Comey on you, quoting bible verses or Psalms about blind that cannot see and deaf that cannot hear. But I sense no further enterprise in that.

Your idea that segregating into HBCUs so that you can beotch about segregation makes no sense to me, nor does using the criteria of race to qualify a candidate for much of anything, including a President.

But if your criteria for picking an institute of higher learning is based on race, I surely won't stop you. Of course, I would expect the same courtesy for those that choose religious based schools or schools that teach curriculum to provide the graduate with enough skills so they can earn a decent living and the pursuit of happiness, thus not having need of LIHEAP

Speaking of LIHEAP; there are some tidbits that, apparently they teach in those other schools, such as:

It was signed into law in 1981 and beefed up again in 1984. (Ronald Reagan, both times)

On 8 September 2017, the president signed House Resolution 601 into law, enabling the release of $3.03 billion in LIHEAP funding (Donald J Trump - in his first year)

My free advice would be, if you don't like the pay for a job, don't work there. As an added bonus, I'll add in at no additional charge, if you don't like low paying jobs, get a better education at the institute of your informed choosing. Plus, if you act now, I'll throw in a beautiful set of Ginsue knives.

Feel free to pick your own poison, I s'pose. But you should at least learn from which well it is actually emanating from. If you're unsure, review your Civil War history again. The truth is in there in black and white. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Oh do please quote the Bible like Comey or pretend to know it like Trump, I’m fine with either.

You aren’t segregating into HBCU’s. Maybe look into them. They have white people attending them also. But I guess you wouldn’t know that. HBCUs offer an alternative form of education for those who can’t attended other universities.

And again I didn’t bring race into this, Trump did by trying to lie about what he’s done for African Americans. And how someone deals with race does matter in who I see as my president. Otherwise you are saying it’s ok for a racist to be president, is that what you think?

We do have schools based on religion and I don’t see anyone who looks like me criticizing it.

Maybe you should give that free advice to coal miners and not ms. I’m fine with my pay and my degree. Do you tell them that they should shape up and go get a better job or a better education and stop crying about their lack of pay or a job? Or do you say that the immigrants are taking those jobs too? Is there a mine full of immigrants that we don’t know about?

I’m good with history. And I’m not the only African American who is good with voting Democrat. So again I say do you think we are all stupid? Or can you just accept that we know what’s in our best interests? Because it seems like you think we are dumb. You think over 90% of a race is voting a way without any idea what we are doing.... Maybe open your eyes or your mind because we are voting for people we know have our interests at heart. Sorry it’s not your party but with people like you in it maybe there’s a correlation there.
Actually, he did blame on Obama along with a great many other things. And just to be clear - I was told to say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas - I was not asked.
If you have never been told then good for you.
Merry Christmas. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Well your boss straight lied to y’all. Obama can’t make them tell y’all not to say Merry Christmas. And why would he do that considering he routinely said it himself? Your boss my have wanted that policy or someone above him but the government never mandated that people say that. That’s utter BS.

And I see that you totally glossed over the tweets of Trump children saying Happy Holidays this past Christmas season. They are their own bosses, so who forced them? Me thinks they are full of shit.
No, Obama did not - but it was under his presidency- you know - the political correctness thingie--- Do not offend anyone. Well, fuck- I was offended by being told I had to say Happy Holidays. It's so stupid. Christmas was my favorite time of year until this political correctness bullshit took over. *** Grumble,grumble.*** But this year was so much better. Anyway - Christmas is over - now to the New Year!

Well your boss straight lied to y’all. Obama can’t make them tell y’all not to say Merry Christmas. And why would he do that considering he routinely said it himself? Your boss my have wanted that policy or someone above him but the government never mandated that people say that. That’s utter BS.

And I see that you totally glossed over the tweets of Trump children saying Happy Holidays this past Christmas season. They are their own bosses, so who forced them? Me thinks they are full of shit. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I love that beotch - I was schooled by a friend from England in the correct way to say that- I finally got it!

My apologies. I'm unable to fix that special kind of ignorance.

Oh sure, I could try going all James Comey on you, quoting bible verses or Psalms about blind that cannot see and deaf that cannot hear. But I sense no further enterprise in that.

Your idea that segregating into HBCUs so that you can beotch about segregation makes no sense to me, nor does using the criteria of race to qualify a candidate for much of anything, including a President.

But if your criteria for picking an institute of higher learning is based on race, I surely won't stop you. Of course, I would expect the same courtesy for those that choose religious based schools or schools that teach curriculum to provide the graduate with enough skills so they can earn a decent living and the pursuit of happiness, thus not having need of LIHEAP

Speaking of LIHEAP; there are some tidbits that, apparently they teach in those other schools, such as:

It was signed into law in 1981 and beefed up again in 1984. (Ronald Reagan, both times)

On 8 September 2017, the president signed House Resolution 601 into law, enabling the release of $3.03 billion in LIHEAP funding (Donald J Trump - in his first year)

My free advice would be, if you don't like the pay for a job, don't work there. As an added bonus, I'll add in at no additional charge, if you don't like low paying jobs, get a better education at the institute of your informed choosing. Plus, if you act now, I'll throw in a beautiful set of Ginsue knives.

Feel free to pick your own poison, I s'pose. But you should at least learn from which well it is actually emanating from. If you're unsure, review your Civil War history again. The truth is in there in black and white. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No, Obama did not - but it was under his presidency- you know - the political correctness thingie--- Do not offend anyone. Well, fuck- I was offended by being told I had to say Happy Holidays. It's so stupid. Christmas was my favorite time of year until this political correctness bullshit took over. *** Grumble,grumble.*** But this year was so much better. Anyway - Christmas is over - now to the New Year! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Lol so because it was under Obama's presidency it was his fault? And "political correctness" made your boss do it? That's a stretch there. Someone at your company wanted to do it and it had nothing to do with Obama. You can't blame him for everything.

And again, why no response to the Trump's saying Happy Holidays this past Christmas? Yeah tough to square that huh.
No,no - you can say anything you want now - I don't know how to express this - I do not feel like I am being forced to say say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas now. But this is just my perspective and experience.

Lol so because it was under Obama's presidency it was his fault? And "political correctness" made your boss do it? That's a stretch there. Someone at your company wanted to do it and it had nothing to do with Obama. You can't blame him for everything.

And again, why no response to the Trump's saying Happy Holidays this past Christmas? Yeah tough to square that huh. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
No,no - you can say anything you want now - I don't know how to express this - I do not feel like I am being forced to say say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas now. But this is just my perspective and experience. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You could say anything you wanted before. I had being saying it. Sorry you couldn't but that's on you and your boss. But plenty of people have been saying Merry Christmas. Nothing new this year.

Ok so if I feel like say, I'm being forced to accept racists now. Can I blame that on Donald Trump?? Because I'm having this feeling during the Trump presidency. Ok great. I blame Donald Trump for my feeling that I have to be accepting of racists and can't call out racism.

Again I see you trying your hardest to ignore what I posted. Donald Trump's kids and his company didn't say Merry Christmas but Holiday Holidays. I guess they are forcing that on us too. During the Trump presidency? OMG, I feel like since they are saying that, I can no longer say Merry Christmas. I blame this on Donald Trump too. That's my perceptive and experience.
Oh God no - racism is unacceptable - do you really think Trump is a raciest?
And the Trump kids are free to say whatever they want.

You could say anything you wanted before. I had being saying it. Sorry you couldn't but that's on you and your boss. But plenty of people have been saying Merry Christmas. Nothing new this year.

Ok so if I feel like say, I'm being forced to accept racists now. Can I blame that on Donald Trump?? Because I'm having this feeling during the Trump presidency. Ok great. I blame Donald Trump for my feeling that I have to be accepting of racists and can't call out racism.

Again I see you trying your hardest to ignore what I posted. Donald Trump's kids and his company didn't say Merry Christmas but Holiday Holidays. I guess they are forcing that on us too. During the Trump presidency? OMG, I feel like since they are saying that, I can no longer say Merry Christmas. I blame this on Donald Trump too. That's my perceptive and experience. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Oh God no - racism is unacceptable - do you really think Trump is a raciest?
And the Trump kids are free to say whatever they want. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Idk but racists have been embolden during his presidency, I can put that on him and his approach like you put on Obama’s “political correctness”.

As for his kids, yes sure they could say whatever they want but with this supposed War on Christmas it’s odd that Trumps family are fighting against saying Merry Christmas.
I honestly don't know why racists are embolden by him. Now, if it were someone like George Wallace - you know who he was- that I could understand but not Trump.

Idk but racists have been embolden during his presidency, I can put that on him and his approach like you put on Obama’s “political correctness”.

As for his kids, yes sure they could say whatever they want but with this supposed War on Christmas it’s odd that Trumps family are fighting against saying Merry Christmas. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No,no - you can say anything you want now - I don't know how to express this - I do not feel like I am being forced to say say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas now. But this is just my perspective and experience. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Do you think that your ex-boss, now that Trump is in office, changed his ultimatum? Here is a definition of political correctness:

po·lit·i·cal cor·rect·ness
pəˈlidəkəl kəˈrek(t)nəs/
noun: political correctness; noun: political correctitude
  1. the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
I have no problem with that, unless, as stated, it is taken to an extreme as in saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" which, again, I've never seen enforced verbally or in writing in my life.
My ex boss can't stand liberals or their agenda- especially the regulations that were imposed by Obama. Oh I can't tell you the bitching he did about environmental regulations.
Thank God I'm no longer in that profession. And good for you that you were never told what to say. But I was and so were a lot of other people.

Do you think that your ex-boss, now that Trump is in office, changed his ultimatum? Here is a definition of political correctness:

po·lit·i·cal cor·rect·ness
pəˈlidəkəl kəˈrek(t)nəs/
noun: political correctness; noun: political correctitude
  1. the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
I have no problem with that, unless, as stated, it is taken to an extreme as in saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" which, again, I've never seen enforced verbally or in writing in my life. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wanna see a "genius" at work??

then little over an hour later....

It's pretty obvious he didn't know what was going on and just watched Fox News. They had a view on the subject and he tweeted out the talking point. Then someone in his administration told him that they are actually suppose to be supporting the bill, it's Democrats opposing it. And so he switched positions. Way to go "genius".