trump the traitor

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My ex boss can't stand liberals or their agenda- especially the regulations that were imposed by Obama. Oh I can't tell you the bitching he did about environmental regulations.
Thank God I'm no longer in that profession. And good for you that you were never told what to say. But I was and so were a lot of other people. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Interesting. Your boss couldn't stand liberals yet he took what is considered a supposed"liberal" stance by forcing employees to say "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? Quite a non-sequitur.

As I said before, the regulations imposed by Obama and rescinded by Trump have almost no impact on the everyday life of most people in this country. Removing restrictions on the coal industry is not going to bring back jobs in that industry. Removing restrictions that will now allow the Keystone Pipeline to be built has negative environmental impacts. On 11/16/2016, 210,000 gallons of oil leaked out of the existing pipeline. As with most issues, there is an upside and a downside to imposing or removing environmental regulations. I'm sure you disagree, but I don't think that Trump has distinguished himself in this area. One day he says drilling of oil and gas off the Florida coast is fine and the next day he reverses himself.
It's because he had to- political correctness you know.
Not that I'm taking up for the guy, just saying.

Interesting. Your boss couldn't stand liberals yet he took what is considered a supposed"liberal" stance by forcing employees to say "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? Quite a non-sequitur.

As I said before, the regulations imposed by Obama and rescinded by Trump have almost no impact on the everyday life of most people in this country. Removing restrictions on the coal industry is not going to bring back jobs in that industry. Removing restrictions that will now allow the Keystone Pipeline to be built has negative environmental impacts. On 11/16/2016, 210,000 gallons of oil leaked out of the existing pipeline. As with most issues, there is an upside and a downside to imposing or removing environmental regulations. I'm sure you disagree, but I don't think that Trump has distinguished himself in this area. One day he says drilling of oil and gas off the Florida coast is fine and the next day he reverses himself.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It's because he had to- political correctness you know.
Not that I'm taking up for the guy, just saying. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So you're saying the order came from higher up in the organization. Sounds strange but I won't call you a liar. Could certainly be true.
I honestly don't know why racists are embolden by him. Now, if it were someone like George Wallace - you know who he was- that I could understand but not Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
“Haiti? Why do we want people from Haiti here? Then they got Africa. Why do we want these people from all these shithole countries here? We should have more people from places like Norway” - Donald Trump

Maybe comments like this is why they are embolden by him.
Yes, that is what happened. No lie.

So you're saying the order came from higher up in the organization. Sounds strange but I won't call you a liar. Could certainly be true. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It's common sense.

“Haiti? Why do we want people from Haiti here? Then they got Africa. Why do we want these people from all these shithole countries here? We should have more people from places like Norway” - Donald Trump

Maybe comments like this is why they are embolden by him. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
It's common sense. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
It’s common sense?? That comment she made is moronic. Why? Because with that logic the people coming from Norway who are desperate to come here would also be coming from shitholes too. So why would they be any more acceptable? Because they are white there and those other places he named have black citizens.

Also he categorized all of Africa as a shithole. So the whole continent is a shithole? That’s news to me.

And if you can’t see how racist that comment was, you’re helpless in understanding the issue. You’ve closed your mind on racism. You will accept anything that comes out your saviors mouth no matter how totally fucked up it is. If Obama had said that no more immigrants from white European countries but we can take people from Nigeria, we need more of those people, Trump people would have lost their fuck minds. And they would have had a right to. Because that would have been racist to do. But Trump says some racist shit and y’all pretend it was just the way “a guy at the bar” talks. That guy at the bar is a racist POS too.

So yes this is why so many people blame Trump for the embolden white supremacists. This is why we feel like there is a war against us. And people like you seem to be complicit in it.

Sidenote: I’ve noticed that you like to post pictures, videos, etc. from the very few African American Trump supporters, like that strengthens your view point. It doesn’t.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It’s common sense?? That comment she made is moronic. Why? Because with that logic the people coming from Norway who are desperate to come here would also be coming from shitholes too. So why would they be any more acceptable? Because they are white there and those other places he named have black citizens.

Also he categorized all of Africa as a shithole. So the whole continent is a shithole? That’s news to me.

And if you can’t see how racist that comment was, you’re helpless in understanding the issue. You’ve closed your mind on racism. You will accept anything that comes out your saviors mouth no matter how totally fucked up it is. If Obama had said that no more immigrants from white European countries but we can take people from Nigeria, we need more of those people, Trump people would have lost their fuck minds. And they would have had a right to. Because that would have been racist to do. But Trump says some racist shit and y’all pretend it was just the way “a guy at the bar” talks. That guy at the bar is a racist POS too.

So yes this is why so many people blame Trump for the embolden white supremacists. This is why we feel like there is a war against us. And people like you seem to be complicit in it.

Sidenote: I’ve noticed that you like to post pictures, videos, etc. from the very few African American Trump supporters, like that strengthens your view point. It doesn’t. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I agree. Until today I have never commented on Trump being a racist. After yesterday's comments I have to wonder. What's the main difference between Norway and Haiti? I think it's rather obvious.

On one of the newscasts today, a comparison was made between Donald Trump and Archie Bunker. Both born in Queens, NY. Both white. Both bigots with absolutely no filters when talking.
Interesting Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Lol you probably stop taking your points from this girl, it doesn't make anything less racist.

But here's something interesting:

So old Donald has hired more people from Haiti to work at his resort than almost any other country. That's odd that he thinks they offer no service to the country unless it's the extremely cheap labor they offer.

But even better:

So now that Trump is saying he didn't call Haiti a shithole country... do you and your mouthpiece now go back on them as shitholes being "common sense"?
I guess I'm more of realist.

Lol you probably stop taking your points from this girl, it doesn't make anything less racist.

But here's something interesting:

So old Donald has hired more people from Haiti to work at his resort than almost any other country. That's odd that he thinks they offer no service to the country unless it's the extremely cheap labor they offer.

But even better:

So now that Trump is saying he didn't call Haiti a shithole country... do you and your mouthpiece now go back on them as shitholes being "common sense"? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I guess I'm more of realist. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yeah Haiti is a country that was devastated by an earthquake and it looks pretty bad. I wonder if you called New Orleans a shithole after Katrina? Because it wasn't looking the best. The country is torn but calling it a shithole, that's only the first part of what makes the comment racist. It was that he then compared it to a very white country. The white country is the country we want coming in. That's the nuance of the racism. If he had said Haiti/Africa is a shithole but we would welcome people from Chile or Argentina. That's a stupid and tackless statement but it doesn't quite have the same race undertone. Not to mention again that he described an entire continent as a shithole. An entire continent that happens to be the blackest one.

But none of that matters. Because unless you know that every part of Norway and countries "like that" don't have any parts that aren't in tatters, than you are basing it off of race.

You guys continue to loss your minds. An overwhelming amount of African Americans in this country have said it's racist, there are white Americans saying it's racist, there are Hispanic Americans calling it racist, there are leaders from the countries offended calling it racist. And yet your privilege and your lack of understanding won't allow you to believe that all of these people are right and it was racist.

Lastly. Even if you want to go with the Haiti has "bad beaches", etc. That doesn't make it any less racist. Just because your racist notion is confirmed, doesn't stop it from being right. If you said all Asian are bad drivers and then you saw a few accidents with Asian drivers, it was still a racist comment to make.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Interesting Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Okay. What did Hillary Clinton do to turn Haiti into a "shithole"?

I seem to remember Haiti under the "leadership" of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and, later, his son Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier. If you want a reason why Haiti is what it is today, look no further than those 2 men.

And Trump wants to deport about 60,000 Haitians living in the U.S. under temporary protected status (TPS). 24,000 of them live between Miami and Palm Beach, Florida and have live there an average of 13 years and have more than 10,000 American children. So 60,000 Haitians have until July 2019 to pack their bags and leave the country. And leave behind their children. This being pushed by a man, Donald Trump, who said "“Whether you vote for me or not I really want to be your biggest champion.” back when he was running for POTUS. Another lie.

Haitians are gainfully employed in Florida as farm workers and in the hotel industry. And poorly treated by their employers.

Here is a statement by Marco Rubio:

If TPS is not extended, Haitians sent home will face dire conditions, including lack of housing, inadequate health services and low prospects for employment. Failure to renew the TPS designation will weaken Haiti’s economy and impede its ability to recover completely and improve its security.

South Florida has benefited greatly from the remarkable contributions made by many Haitian Americans in politics, business and culture. I have seen firsthand the potential of the Haitian community when given the opportunity.

Haitians who have been in the United States under TPS have played a significant role in rebuilding their country. Personal contributions from the Haitian community in the U.S. make up nearly 25 percent of Haiti’s gross domestic product. Many Haitians depend on the financial support from family members abroad, which amounted to $2.4 billion in 2016 and has grown steadily every year since 1998.

Read more here:
Oh and let's not forget that Trump woke up this morning lying again. Saying he isn't going to London for the embassy unveiling because Obama struck a bad deal.

The Brits have come out and said he had been planning to come for some time and that he isn't coming because he has gotten the hint that he would be met with protests.

Oh and that he is lying, blaming the black man again. Obama had nothing to do with the deal. It was a deal struck by the Bush administration. That was done because of security reasons. But hey, Trump minions don't care about facts. Blame the black people and they will eat it up.
I really thought this guy was supposed to bring people together, but he is doing exactly the opposite. Kudos to those of you who say their 401k is booming, happy for you. But why was it necessary for him to even make that statement? He wanted to rile up his "base" and you can see by the comments here that is exactly what he did. The one thing people can say he has done is a "tax break" that is not long term, so your whole focus is on money. Money is the root of all evil, so keep praying to your sire hoping he puts more money in your pocket as he puts millions into his and his friends pockets.