Loose weight and look younger!!!

Check Total Tranformation program with Kat James at informedbeauty.com
She will be in Austin in a exclusive villa teaching a small group of people in beautiful resort setting about nutrition and how to stay and look younger, with good nutrition. Lake Travis villa June 24 - July 1....chefs, boat, limo, spa treatment, nutrition teaching, preparing meals, dancing classes, sample products of best nutritional and beauty natural products....it is more a lifestyle change.

Check this program - best nutrition and lifestyle.

This food industry is killing us with GMO, gluten laden crap, corn syrup and multiple additives and synthetic food ingredients that are not good for our body like nature intended.

Some people have large midsection because of stress and excessive carb intake. Also there is no need for medications. Some of you take Lipitor that is pure poison for your liver. Antibiotics kills your immune system by destroying lipase and digestive enzymes and in turn make you fat by not allowing you to digest you foods (vitamins, minerals and nutrients in general). The average person start the day with a carbohydrate meal that destroy their day causing a sugar spike that will make them eat more and feel fatigue all day long.

Meditation (decrease stress), great nutrition (best food, high quality foods), happy thoughts and sex and a declared war with prescription medications is all we need to be healthy .....just saying ...
Schmafty's Avatar
Also there is no need for medications... Antibiotics kills your immune system by destroying lipase and digestive enzymes and in turn make you fat by not allowing you to digest you foods (vitamins, minerals and nutrients in general). Originally Posted by Monica Austin
Please forgive me, Ms. Monica. I responded a bit to the thread you posted in the Austin forum and I wasn't planning on responding to this one, but sensationalist blanket advice like this can be very dangerous, and even kill people.

I have no love for pharmaceutical companies, but even if the quoted sentence above were accurate (it is not), I'd rather look old and be fat than look young and be dead. Please please please, if you're prescribed antibiotics by your doctor, take them!
You are so right!
And thank you for engaging in this intelligent conversation ......I don't take anything personally .... I don't judge or trying to impose my views ...I am just exposing what I know to be true in my realm....

Lifesryle is key .....daily behavior and habits that will sustain a healthy physique

Diet..is a four letter word, a "diet upgrade" is what allows us to make better food choices.
You do not need to buy anything to be healthy, just walking shoes and organic GMO free foods. And when we travel is a challenge but we can bend the rules a little. Luckily when we travel to most countries we eat "real foods" not this synthetic crap.

I am going to India in two days and I will try foods and know they are GMO free, (May get Delhi belly) but I have my grape seed oil, oregano and Ayurveda (and a little Cipro just in case)

My personal doctor is a functional medicine doctor, Harvard educated that understands and practices what she preaches.

The problem with medications is that should be use to correct medical conditions for a short time, not be pArt of our daily routine. As they get absorbed in our stomach, broken down by acis and enzymes and metabolized by our liver ...they are very powerful and in the process may cause a "bit" (bit is an understatement) of damage.

Again eat healthy, organic if you can afford it, sleep well, meditate, have sexy times, be happy and you will be ok...

Love and light