and the lady's can not debate in Encounters
and well I think the debate be more fun with both sides of the coin
I can see some lady's agreeing, and others

guys I see 4 sides johns agree n disagree example the suck up's n not so
and also the WhiteKnights. The I see as dumb ones thinking can save and gain lots of points.
and the wiser like me that only for a few and knowing ya never have more than 1 point. Use it fast or forget it example I gave a UTR lady a ride ta see a client that at times likes ta watch her getting it at times. I knew before even picking her up the Brownie point for the ride was history if he not in the mood for that, or wanted ta pick another guy.
I hate it when they dump seeing you for making them feel like a whore or slut when fact she is a whore or a slut. I'm waiting to be told bye by a whore for making feel like a slut or other way aroundOriginally Posted by offshoredrilling
ya ta all, but brownie points are a strange deal. No matter the deed you only get 1. And ya have ta cash em in fast. Don;t matter if a stripper, whore or bar slut, Or even if a nice girl, wife or GF.. Any deed no matter how big or small, even if important or not to her ya get 1. Value lasts for a hour ta 24.
Lets say wife wants a new deck. Its big job but she really wants. After weeks of building ya done and have a beer. ya go in ta chase her ta cash in, You got the floor dirty or slipped fell go to hospital for a few hours or longer, Forget it, that point is history.
take a lady or slut shopping, her car dead. Cash in that brownie point right then when ya get her home, But if she busy Mr Next on way, its history also.
you can count them points, all worthless unless ya can get in it now. So no matter the number of deeds you only have one, better use it fast as taint no saving for two.
in this case Whiteknight tells her what site now. He best be in her arms before saying where. If he calls or text her, she says thanks can you come over now. Its history before ya got there. So its wasted just getting in the door, If you can't right then n now, its gone. Get in line
now lets say a she does something for you. You will be paying for that brownie point to her for a few years. And she can save them and cash in any time she wants for years on end. Where end is ya dead and so all her points are finely worthless. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling