What's your price

Plastic Man's Avatar
lets stay on topic please and personal attacks?

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
buts ya gotsa ...admit it be sortsa ...satisfyin whens it done be ol commie ...mummy on the receivin ...end
I've been on bothe SA and WYP. What I found is you have to read between the lines when scouting women there. There are some who realize what most guys are looking for and and willing to accommodate as long as they can be a regular. Also, the sites are better than the "backpage" sites where many of the women are Staff Edit DD at best, thieves at worst.
One woman did approach me on SA a couple years ago. Originally I was going to bang her a couple times and move on. Two years later I'm still seeing her (hey, she's a good fuck and a good friend). She even has me cooking dinner for her on occasion. (I am a good cook)
Just me 2 cents.
jokacz's Avatar
Efficiency doesn’t equal reliability- much like your lame envious messages. Quick to respond and happy to say anything on an anonymous board no matter how libelous , yet a pathetic quiet little mouse when I sat 5 feet from you. A sad pathetic little jealous man happy to spread venom until face to face when you cower like a little mouse. Originally Posted by Taskmaster

The truth hurts, I guess. And truth is an absolute defense against libel. I act with civility in public places. Some can't even dress appropriately.
SA has been great for me.
I like the ladies i meet there. Yes it is time consuming, but once you find a girl the expectaion is your pretty regular with her and meet on a frequent basis.
Which is what i like personally.
But everyone has there own interests and if you go in treating them like escorts, you will not be successful.
It really works well for traveling also. I can usally find a girl in any city i go to for a single night of playtime.
Jessica Alba is Hot's Avatar
...if you go in treating them like escorts, you will not be successful. Originally Posted by Boatguy
Which is why I am not successful on that site.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Which is why I am not successful on that site. Originally Posted by Jessica Alba is Hot
I hate it when they dump seeing you for making them feel like a whore or slut when fact she is a whore or a slut. I'm waiting to be told bye by a whore for making feel like a slut or other way around
Jessica Alba is Hot's Avatar
I hate it when they dump see you for making them feel like a whore or slut when fact she is a whore or a slut. I'm waiting to be told bye by a whore for making feel like a slut or other way around Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Spot on!

They tell me "I am not an escort. I don't have sex for money. You are paying me for my time. If I choose to have sex with you, it will have nothing to do with money"
Spot on!

They tell me "I am not an escort. I don't have sex for money. You are paying me for my time. If I choose to have sex with you, it will have nothing to do with money" Originally Posted by Jessica Alba is Hot
cool can I just fuck u for free then
SA has been good to me as well. Hook ups from actually free to $300 for an entire evening.

It takes work, and you’ve got to pay dues of $90 per month. But I now have enough steadys and potentials that my two months of dues will keep me busy for at least a couple of months, if not longer.

If I need a quick fix I can always head to PPS for a quickie. But I rarely have reason to do that.
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
It works
The truth hurts, I guess. And truth is an absolute defense against libel. I act with civility in public places. Some can't even dress appropriately. Originally Posted by jokacz
No , the truth doesn't hurt, as the truth is that suit your pathetic carcass will be interred and the world will be a better place for it. Amen.
WYP never held any interest for me when there are so many other easier ways to get relief. I’m surprised the site is still around. It’s an offshoot of SA (or seems to be). I’d never try it. Putting up coin first with no assurance of any value returned—NOT FOR ME.

SA is great if you have time and coin and are a young stud. If you have all three you will be swimming in pussy.

I wouldn’t even waste my time with WYP.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Spot on!

They tell me "I am not an escort. I don't have sex for money. You are paying me for my time. If I choose to have sex with you, it will have nothing to do with money" Originally Posted by Jessica Alba is Hot
Now THAT young lady is FUCKING PRICELESS!!!
Xxoo annie.

Omg I peed myself..
someone would pay you for that
blackops2424's Avatar

SA is great if you have time and coin and are a young stud. If you have all three you will be swimming in pussy.

I wouldn’t even waste my time with WYP. Originally Posted by Maximum4

Agreed, probably the reason I’m swimming in it