You could have a SINUS headache... If you do, absolutely nothing except Sudafed will work!!!
Sinus headaches are very, very common this time of year...I get them all the time during Spring with my horrible allergies.
I usually lie down with a cold washcloth on my head until the Sudafed kicks in!
Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I avoid all drugs, but if a sinus headache gets unbearable, I go with a generic brand of Sudafed. The active ingredient is
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
which is available in drug store brands for a lot less money than Sudafed.
It is behind the counter, so you have to show id to the pharmacist. People were buying it up to use in illegal concoctions. The good thing is it doesn't make you drowsy, so you can still drive.
Remember, Grandmaw might be right!
A backrub is always nice, but what if you don't have anyone who loves you?
Hope you feel better soon!