The Democrat party...cancelled.

Rep. Louis Gohmert today demanded the party of Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, and George Wallace change its shameful name or not be allowed to bring that racist shit into the House of Representatives. The Democrat party has a sordid history of supporting racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sexism, and the Confederacy in the Civil War.

What do you think would be an appropriate name?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Rep. Louis Gohmert today demanded the party of Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, and George Wallace change its shameful name or not be allowed to bring that racist shit into the House of Representatives. The Democrat party has a sordid history of supporting racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sexism, and the Confederacy in the Civil War.

What do you think would be an appropriate name? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

so many choices ..

The PussyHat party

The Kancel Klan Party

The Demons from Hell party

The Dumbass party

The Islamic Terrorist party

The Black Looters Murdering party

i like this one best ..

The Party that Lost to Trump party

adav8s28's Avatar
Rep. Louis Gohmert today demanded the party of Jefferson Davis, Woodrow Wilson, and George Wallace change its shameful name or not be allowed to bring that racist shit into the House of Representatives. The Democrat party has a sordid history of supporting racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sexism, and the Confederacy in the Civil War.

What do you think would be an appropriate name? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Wallace should have the joined republican party, just like his buddy Strom Thurmond. You remember Strom right, the segregationist who had a child with a black woman.

You can make this stuff up, you really can't.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
What do you think would be an appropriate name? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wallace should have the joined republican party, just like his buddy Strom Thurmond. You remember Strom right, the segregationist who had a child with a black woman.

You can make this stuff up, you really can't. Originally Posted by adav8s28

can you make this up?

Joe Biden Mourns Byrd
hotrix1's Avatar
The Democrat party has a sordid history of supporting racism, Jim Crow, segregation, sexism, and the Confederacy in the Civil War. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The Dummycratic party just got better at hiding their true agenda. Defunding the police will adversely affect the black on black crime. In the hood, or anywhere else. The rate of black on black killings already far outpaces what any LE entity could ever try keep under control. The Dims just make it look like it's the Republicans responsible for keeping the black population dowtrodden and keep them beholden to the Dims. Who dies in ATL's protests? Black People. Seattle's? Black people. Who controls those cities? Dimtards. What did the only Black Dummycrat President ever do to uplift black lives from the power of the whitey? He gave them ObamaCare. Which means now, the health insurance they couldn't afford before, is now even less affordable to them. What a joke on the black people. But will a dummycrat admit it? Yeah, right!

Portland's mayor getting tear gassed was a hoot though. The Dimocrat libtard Wheeler-Dealer trying to lead the chanting with the protesters against the police. The same police that protect his sorry ass after he loses control of his city. PRICELESS. How ironic. baahahahaha!
Wallace should have the joined republican party, just like his buddy Strom Thurmond. You remember Strom right, the segregationist who had a child with a black woman.

You can make this stuff up, you really can't. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Ouch! You should have kept your mouth shut. Thurmond was a Dixiecrat. Their presidential candidate in 1948. However, he had a profound conversion in the years following which he talked about. He was the ONLY major democrat to switch parties. The rest of the racist bastards like Faubus, Byrd, and Wallace stayed with the one who brought them to the dance...The Democrat party.
You just highlighted how racist the Democrat party is by citing the exception.
adav8s28's Avatar
can you make this up?

Joe Biden Mourns Byrd Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Byrd was in the KKK. He left the KKK. He voted for the ACA (Obamacare). David Duke the former Grand Dragon of the Louisiana Klan is still in the Klan and in the Republican party. He is one of Trumps number one supporters.
adav8s28's Avatar
He was the ONLY major
DIXIECRAT to switch parties. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
How many minor dixiecrats went to the republican party J.D.? I bet it takes more than two hands to count them. John F. Kennedy a real democrat had to call the national guard on Wallace so that black students could register for class at University of Alabama in 1963. Dixicrats were democrats in name only. They align with the David Dukes of the world. You know what party David Duke is in right? The republican party.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How many minor dixiecrats went to the republican party J.D.? I bet it takes more than two hands to count them. John F. Kennedy a real democrat had to call the national guard on Wallace so that black students could register for class at University of Alabama in 1963. Dixicrats were democrats in name only. They align with the David Dukes of the world. You know what party David Duke is in right? The republican party. Originally Posted by adav8s28

yep. you fell for the lie. or you know you are lying and think no one will notice eh?

that lie of racist dems joining the Republican party has been debunked for years and yet you are still throwing it out there

were Dixicrats racists in name only?


adav8s28's Avatar
yep. you fell for the lie. or you know you are lying and think no one will notice eh?

that lie of racist dems joining the Republican party has been debunked for years and yet you are still throwing it out there

were Dixicrats racists in name only?


BAHHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
When Dixiecrats like Thurmond and David Dukes could not get traction in the democratic party, they left and joined the Republican party. The Republican party took them in with open arms.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When Dixiecrats like Thurmond and David Dukes could not get traction in the democratic party, they left and joined the Republican party. The Republican party took them in with open arms.

BAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by adav8s28

if you say so
adav8s28's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's not me. From the link.

Duke unsuccessfully stood as Democratic candidate for state legislature during the 1970s and 1980s, culminating in his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination. After failing to gain any traction within the Democratic Party, Duke left and successfully gained the presidential nomination of the minor Populist Party.

In December 1988, he became a Republican.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's not me. From the link.

Duke unsuccessfully stood as Democratic candidate for state legislature during the 1970s and 1980s, culminating in his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination. After failing to gain any traction within the Democratic Party, Duke left and successfully gained the presidential nomination of the minor Populist Party.

In December 1988, he became a Republican. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Duke does not prove your claim that there was some en masse movement of DEM racists into the Republican party. neither does Thurmond.

what party founded the KKK?


Munchmasterman's Avatar
Looks like a typical trumpy to me. Let's check his qualifications:

Started as a democrat. Failed to be elected.

Switched to far-right.

Is or will be a onvicted felon (after completion of the only elected office he won).

Former Grand Wizard of KKK (citation needed-trumpys frequently pad their resumes)

Advocates neo-nazi and anti-semantic conspiracy theories such as: Holocost denial, Jewish control of academia, the press, and the financial system

Claims to be a born again Christian.

His campaigns were denounced by national and state Republican leaders.

Defrauded his political supporters by pretending to be in dire financial straits and soliciting money for basic necessities (or had a fake and fraudulent school program).

Yep. A true trumpy.

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white supremacist, far-right politician, convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. He has advocated Neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories like Holocaust denial and Jewish control of academia, the press, and the financial system.[3][4] The Anti-Defamation League has described Duke as "perhaps America’s most well-known racist and anti-Semite".[5]

Duke unsuccessfully stood as Democratic candidate for state legislature during the 1970s and 1980s, culminating in his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination. After failing to gain any traction within the Democratic Party, Duke left and successfully gained the presidential nomination of the minor Populist Party.

In December 1988, he became a Republican and claimed to have become a born-again Christian, renouncing racism and anti-Semitism.[6] He soon won his only elected office, a seat in the Louisiana House of Representatives. He then ran unsuccessful but competitive campaigns for several more offices, including United States Senate in 1990 and Governor of Louisiana in 1991. His campaigns were denounced by national and state Republican leaders, including President George H.W. Bush. He mounted a minor challenge to President Bush in 1992 and has continued to run for public office through 2016, though his campaigns have become increasingly marginal.

During the 1990s, Duke defrauded his political supporters by pretending to be in dire financial straits and soliciting money for basic necessities. At the time, Duke was in fact financially secure and used the money for personal investments and recreational gambling.[7] In 2002, Duke pleaded guilty to felony fraud and subsequently served a 15-month sentence at Federal Correctional Institution, Big Spring in Texas.[8]

if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid