The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

I saw it today during a report on CBS regarding vaccine side effects. Since it was on CBS it must be true Originally Posted by AmishGangster
Over 600,000 people have died since the Virus began. Has there been that many that died from getting the shot? I think not. There are people that have died from taking an aspirin or any other type of medicine or alcohol or anything else as far as that goes. Everyone knows there are risks in everything. The majority of the patients survive the vaccine with out problems..

Most that get the virus have no problems. There is a small percentage that die from it. You odds of getting the vaccine and living through it are much greater.

Here is the deal, I could care who gets the vaccine. I got two and am going to try and get the third now. If you want it get it if you don't don't get it.

To refresh the topic it is The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine
Nicki Minaj says the vaccine makes you impotent, so it has to be true. Or maybe she meant “important”. Let me check my hoodrat to English translation.
I saw it today during a report on CBS regarding vaccine side effects. Since it was on CBS it must be true Originally Posted by AmishGangster
I Believe you think you saw it. Just like all the other false stuff you post. Either that or you are a no good liar, and that can't be true
bambino's Avatar
What if you have natural immunity? Why get the vax?
bambino's Avatar
��Dozens of Massachusetts troopers line up to quit over vaccine mandate as the state police are already critically short staffed.

Join @jSolomonReports
berryberry's Avatar
“The human body knows how to develop immunity to new viruses,” the suit reads.

A group of federal workers and contractors filed a lawsuit against the US gov't over President Biden's #VaccineMandates.
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Federal judge temporarily blocks NYC schools, nation's largest district, from enforcing vaccine mandate for teachers - AP

Around 3,000 New York City teachers have asked for medical and religious exemptions from the city’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate, according to the city’s teachers union.

Damn Trump voters. Oh wait, these are teachers, in liberal NYC
berryberry's Avatar
REPORT: “Officials at Northwell Health, New York’s largest provider of health care, estimate that they might have to fire thousands of people who have refused to get vaccinated.” - NYT



"Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse will temporarily close 22 of its 35 operating rooms starting Monday in anticipation of a growing staff shortage due to New York’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate."

Earlier in the day, the hospital warned employees who cannot prove that they’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19 by 5 p.m. Monday will not be allowed to work Tuesday per NY law mandating these healthcare workers be vaccinated

Hell of a job senile Biden and NY state !!!!!
��Dozens of Massachusetts troopers line up to quit over vaccine mandate as the state police are already critically short staffed.

Join @jSolomonReports Originally Posted by bambino
And tens of thousands line up for the vaccine. You forgot that part.
Also forgot how many people have died without it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And how many have died with it.
It changes daily. Google it. More than what is recorded.
bambino's Avatar
AmishGangster's Avatar
Somebody died from the seasonal flu today, better get Biden to issue the flu vax mandate quick before we lose dozens more
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Anyone remember when we treated the flu with chicken soup and herbal tea, not fascism?