He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

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Can you say COLLUSION

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It just keeps getting worse, Remember those leftists earlier making excuses for Senile Biden saying in essence he did everything right disclosing them / turning them all in.

NEW - Biden’s attorneys misled the DOJ in November about the stashed classified documents stored at the Wilmington residence, NYT reports.
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Per Investigative Reporter Paul Sperry

US Attorney Lausch urged AG Garland to appoint a special counsel THE DAY AFTER his investigators (on Jan. 4) interviewed Senile Biden aide Kathy Sang-ok Chung regarding her role in packing/storing classified WH docs. Chung previously worked with Hunter who suggested VP Senile Biden hire her

The first person Senile Biden thanked in back of his 2017 memoir "Promise Me, Dad" is Sang-ok Chung: "Thank you for all this, and more, to Kathy Chung." Chung packed, moved, stored WH records Senile Biden used in book. As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.
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*Mike Pence joins the chat*
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  • Devo
  • 01-24-2023, 01:55 PM
*Mike Pence joins the chat* Originally Posted by HDGristle
Jesus told him to do it.
*Mike Pence joins the chat* Originally Posted by HDGristle
Let me guess, this bothers the cult a little less than Biden but a little more then Orange Turd. Lol
Jesus told him to do it. Originally Posted by Devo
There ya go. You guys are predictable. Lol
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Keeping things on the topic of this thread - which is about Senile Biden, White House Proudly Hangs '1 Day Without Classified Documents Discovered At President's House' Sign

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In recognition of Biden's tremendous accomplishment of going one full day without more classified documents found at one of his residences, the White House has proudly hung a banner saying: "1 Day Without Classified Documents Being Discovered At President's House."

"From day one, the President has been very clear that going even one day without illegal materials being found at his home is a feat worth celebrating," said gay black Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "We are proud to celebrate with the entire Biden family as we recognize somehow making it through an entire 24-hour period without more documents turning up!"

"Congratulations, Mr. President!"

Sources in Washington confirmed there will be a ceremony and a few remarks by the President this evening to celebrate the occasion. The ceremony will include some classified documents cake and some classified documents origami displays followed by a special reading of the classified documents.

UPDATE: The White House has been forced to take the banner down and cancel all festivities as more classified documents have been found at the President's home.

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McCarthy on Fox Business on Senile Biden/documents: I have never been able to remove any document from a SCIF. As a senator, how did he remove the document? How did he take it home? How has he moved it? Place to place?
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It gets even worse for Senile Biden

‘Incredibly suspicious’ Hunter Biden email may be based on classified info: GOP senator

A Hunter Biden email about Ukraine from 2014 looks ‘suspiciously’ like it could have come from classified information, a leading GOP senator has claimed.

Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said the April 12, 2014 message to one of the first son’s business partners resembles documents that the State Department gives members of the Senate when they travel overseas.

“It reads like one of those scene-setters — highly detailed information in terms of Ukraine,”
Johnson told Fox News Tuesday.

The email from Hunter to Devon Archer includes a granular 22-point memo the Biden scion described as “thoughts after doing some research.”

Those “thoughts” include the prescient predictions that Petro Poroshenko would be elected Ukraine’s president the following month and that “some sort of decentralization will likely occur in the East.”

“If it doesn’t the Russians will continue to escalate there [sic] destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale take over of the eastern region most critically Donetsk,” Hunter Biden wrote. “The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU[ssia] to Crimea.”

The 1,300-word email — far more detailed and lengthy than anything else found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop — also referenced an upcoming trip to Ukraine by then-Vice President Joe Biden and appeared to acknowledge the older Biden’s penchant for gaffes.

“The announcement of my guys [sic] upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking — but what he will say and do is out of our hands,” Hunter Biden wrote. “In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.”

Johnson noted that the email was written at the same time “when Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were trying to get on the board of [Ukrainian energy company] Burisma and get their $3, $4 million worth of payday trying to prove their worth.”

“Three days later, Vice President Biden meets with Devon Archer in the White House,” he said. “Then [Joe Biden] goes to Ukraine and is listed as the face of the Obama administration in Ukraine.”

“It’s obvious Hunter Biden is selling access to information,”
Johnson added. “Does that have anything to do with some of the classified documents Vice President Biden was squirreling away in his residence? I don’t know, but it looks incredibly suspicious.”

However, an official with knowledge of Ukraine intelligence matters scoffed at the notion that the email may have been gleaned from classified information, telling The Post late Wednesday: “It sounds like something he got from Wikipedia or a YouTube interview — like a paraphrased version of open-source reporting.”

Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were both named to the Burisma board of directors, with the first son getting paid as much as $83,000 a month — equivalent to $1 million a year — despite having no experience in the energy industry, according to information stored on his infamous laptop.

But that salary was slashed after Joe Biden left office and Hunter Biden resigned from the board in April 2019, when his business dealings began complicating his dad’s White House bid.

Johnson — who, with fellow Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), has been investigating Hunter Biden’s controversial overseas business dealings — added: “We’re starting to stitch together this sordid story of sleaze and corruption.”

In October 2020, The Post exclusively revealed the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop with a blockbuster scoop about how he introduced his father to a top Burisma exec in 2015.

An email also showed that Vadym Pozharskyi, who advised the company’s board, asked Hunter Biden for “advice on how you could use your influence” on Burisma’s behalf.

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Sen. Mike Lee - Senators see classified documents in 2 ways: (1) in a SCIF, (2) staff w/high-security clearance brings a document to a senator’s office in a locked case & opens the case long enough to read the document, no talking allowed, w/ doors closed. The docs NEVER remain with the senator.

In the second scenario, the staffer with security clearance immediately puts the document back into the locked case and leaves, promptly returning the document to the SCIF.

Bottom line, there’s never a good reason — or even really an opportunity — for a senator to hold onto classified documents in his or her office, or anywhere outside of a SCIF.

So Senile Biden blatantly stole these documents as a Senator
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White House Counsel Spokesman Ian Sams refuses to answer if the FBI has searched any other locations that the public isn’t aware of.


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BREAKING: The FBI has conducted two searches at the University of Delaware in connection with the investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of Classified Documents.