Provider business plan?!

pmdelites's Avatar
this thread and the traci brooks post that ~ze~ linked to [entire thread here -] are great and not so great.

great - cos it might enlighten and inform some people about some of the things involved in being a provider. side question - what will we do w/ that info?

being one who likes knowing the back story of things, it's interesting to read about what certain providers do and don't do.
thus, i can appreciate and understand why providers charge what they do.

not so great - attempting to figure out how this works [just like anything in this universe of ours] can be so mind boggling that it can take all or most of the fun out of it. boooo!

being one who is in this for the delites (and not the b.s.), i really dont want to know what all the provider is going to use the money for or why. just like i really dont want to know what, how, and/or why any restaurant or service business is going to use the money i pay them. [i read one time that a Central Market needed to gross $400K per day to break even!!! and i just paid a plumber 350 to replace a hot water valve stem in my shower!!]

so, i'll keep it simple.
i'll meet with female providers that seem to offer the delites i'm interested in.
i'll pay them their quoted fee.
i'll leave.
and if i felt that their delites were really deliteful, i'll probably go visit her again.

thanks to all the women who have let me visit them and share and enjoy their delites!!!!

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Damn i guess i need to step my game up... 34k? A month? Sheesh!!! Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

What a great ass you have!

Now uh, what was the subject? I was distracted.
I live a somewhat frugal life. I don't carry expensive designer purses, wear designer clothes or shoes but I think I make cheap clothes look good. Hehe!!! And I am obsessed with saving money….I get excited every time I see my savings grow. With the savings that I have now, I can live 3 years of the same lifestyle without working….considering no unexpected things happens such as illness, and other scary stuff. :-)
But house maintenance has been killing me the past 3 months. Blahhh!!!
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I knew a hot redhead gal in this business some years ago, who started small, helped some other gals get started, then managed them and was rolling in money. Huge house in Plano, everybody thought she was in real estate. Then someone in her family found out what she really did and she lost it all.

She was able to keep her kids somehow and she went UTR. Little while later she came back and eased back into the game. Gone again. Don't know if that's good or bad, but she did know how to manage her money. I think she used money earned here for a start up company. Or she might be Jerry Jones' go to gal.
macbeth1000's Avatar
You see people ms Thom gets it. She has been making her money work for her, she has a business plan and is on par to retirement. What's all this bickering for !!!!
melannie_star's Avatar
I live a somewhat frugal life. I don't carry expensive designer purses, wear designer clothes or shoes but I think I make cheap clothes look good. Hehe!!! And I am obsessed with saving money….I get excited every time I see my savings grow. With the savings that I have now, I can live 3 years of the same lifestyle without working….considering no unexpected things happens such as illness, and other scary stuff. :-)
But house maintenance has been killing me the past 3 months. Blahhh!!! Originally Posted by samantha thom

+ 1.. I have been saving for a long time now. I am not a preacher or a saint, but I do believe there is a reason for everything. I know this is the path in life that is meant for me at this given time.

I have had stages in my life where I had not a dollar to my name, and then times where I have more than necessary. I know how to live/survive with or without it. Money can not buy happieness. My goal in this is not to get rich, my goal was to have a way of life.It works for me and I love it!

As far as my future goes.. I am not sure what is in store for me yet.As of right now, whatever it is, I am sure will still have to do with the sex industry. It is me. I wouldn't want it any other way. For now, I just keep putting away and living life the same as my neighbors do. I am not in a hurry to leave the business, it is what I know, it is what I am good at. Till I can find something greater than the wonderful experiences I have had, then I will sit my happy butt here and dream of my next encounter I count everyday as a blessing and shall I never find anything greater or ever get the chance to use my savings, atleast I know my family will be taken care of. Just my thoughts at this moment.
+ 1.. I have been saving for a long time now. I am not a preacher or a saint, but I do believe there is a reason for everything. I know this is the path in life that is meant for me at this given time.

I have had stages in my life where I had not a dollar to my name, and then times where I have more than necessary. I know how to live/survive with or without it. Money can not buy happieness. My goal in this is not to get rich, my goal was to have a way of life.It works for me and I love it!

As far as my future goes.. I am not sure what is in store for me yet.As of right now, whatever it is, I am sure will still have to do with the sex industry. It is me. I wouldn't want it any other way. For now, I just keep putting away and living life the same as my neighbors do. I am not in a hurry to leave the business, it is what I know, it is what I am good at. Till I can find something greater than the wonderful experiences I have had, then I will sit my happy butt here and dream of my next encounter I count everyday as a blessing and shall I never find anything greater or ever get the chance to use my savings, atleast I know my family will be taken care of. Just my thoughts at this moment. Originally Posted by melannie_star
This is the best thing I've read in awhile. Wonderful insights. I share so many of your sentiments. I, too, have been dead broke at times and down right rich at others. It gives me great comfort to know that at the times I was broke, I knew I could find a way to support myself. And when I was rich, I was never that far away from the business.

Like you, no matter what, I'm never that far from this business, in some form or fashion...

Good luck to you.

love_jones's Avatar
My 2cent on this meaningless topic...look common sense says from a "Business" standpoint if you are trying to establish a business in a saturated area your business success rate is going to be slim. That's just the nature of the beast. Trust me I am no advocate here for the ladies they can speak for themselves. Who really cares about what they make per month or per year...if they have a business plan or is more of "Them" than it is "US". We have no clue as to what they do, how they do it and how much work they put in their business...So instead of trying to figure out "THEIR EXPENSE REPORT" lets try to keep our word by not canceling our appointments and treating them like ladies when we spend time with them. If we do that then they just may look for a financial planner but then again they may already have one because they are fucking him at the moment... LOL!

BTW...hats off to MS and all the ladies who has a plan...that really speaks volume to those who passes judgement...they just mad because yall pockets/purses/bank accounts are much fatter than theirs...
FunwithRandy's Avatar
Money can not buy happieness.
This cannot be true! All business plans in this industry depend upon this not being true! For the sake of the hobby, say it isn't true!