6 month Covid19 report card

Just coming to that conclusion?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-06-2020, 06:17 PM
You really are a diluted moron Originally Posted by ben8888
That's even better than "your a moron".
It's deluded. Moron.

... Trump had the lowest unemployment in decades and lowest minority unemployment ever i think... show me one country without skyrocketing unemployment?
In other words, you can't cite one. Aaaaaaand, you don't seem to know what "trends" are. Ok then. If you come up with something, then by all means...

You dumb fuck liberals want everything shut down but are bitching about unemployment being high now? Its that high

because of your dumb fuck democrat governor's

... jesus you really do lick the fucking Windows dont you
Don't. And, windows.
Just a friendly tip - if you're going to refer to someone as a "moron" and a "dumb fuck", it's best to get the grammar right.
ben8888's Avatar
That's even better than "your a moron".
It's deluded. Moron.

In other words, you can't cite one. Aaaaaaand, you don't seem to know what "trends" are. Ok then. If you come up with something, then by all means...



Don't. And, windows.
Just a friendly tip - if you're going to refer to someone as a "moron" and a "dumb fuck", it's best to get the grammar right. Originally Posted by Doove
I blame most of that on auto correct on my phone because all my responses today were shot off between meetings.

So you democrats want everything shut down... But do not think unemployment will go up.....hmmm One reason not to vote for Democrats.

You want everything shut down and endless non stop stimulus packages to support the shut downs while the govt is hemorrhaging money due to everything being shut down and no tax revenue being generated.... Another reason not to vote for Democrats.

Most Democrats fail to realize our Govt makes no money... They dont make goods they dont sell services they literally only have the money they collect from taxes and Tariffs on income from business which you all want shut down and from payroll tax which there is a fuck ton less of because you all want stuff shut down......Democrats are bankrupting the economy and blaming trump... Its comical...

Fun Fact Customs and Tariffs alone funded the Govt for the first 100 years...

People are gonna die it happens i wont ever feel bad about it.. You pro hoe god Obama Paid a Shiite Sheikh one million dollars a month to be loyal to the US so his Shiite Militia wouldn't attack US forces.. But you know what his Shiite Militia did that my fellow Marines and i had to watch and not interfere with because they were our "Friends"... See the aftermath of his Shiite Militia slaughtering Sunni Muslims including women and children and your President Obama was A OK with it bud...So feel free to doubt that but i lived it i seen it ask any provider ive been with my body bears the scars from my service. People die every day in the world im numb to it... Its part of life... People are gonna die to covid it may kill me who the fuck knows but until i die im gonna live my life and i dont care wtf the Governor or anyone says...

I really thought you Democrats would of been Happy with the Covid killing off mostly Elderly... I mean Social Security might not got bankrupt now after Lyndon Johnson stated the money grab from Social Security...

One more fun fact for you baby dove... I failed English in high school while at the same time being in AP physics and AP econ and AP math..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-07-2020, 04:08 AM
I blame most of that on auto correct on my phone because all my responses today were shot off between meetings. Originally Posted by ben8888
Because of course you do.

One more fun fact for you baby dove... I failed English in high school while at the same time being in AP physics and AP econ and AP math..
LOL. This is like Trump going on his rally-riff to insist that he can drink a glass of water with one hand and navigate a ramp. You two seem to have a lot in common - I guess i can understand your support.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Tremendous virus and response, huge recovery. Huge. Whew
lilylivered's Avatar
"The sky is falling"
"The sky is falling"

old story
same results
ben8888's Avatar
"The sky is falling"
"The sky is falling"

old story
same results Originally Posted by lilylivered
My Favorite is when they liken Trump to Hitler... When its the Left that wont let you speak or your voice be heard if it dissents with them...
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-08-2020, 04:02 AM
My Favorite is when they liken Trump to Hitler... Originally Posted by ben8888
That kinda happens when ya suck up to Nazis.
lilylivered's Avatar
That kinda happens when ya suck up to Nazis. Originally Posted by Doove
You mean the kind that bully, loot, burn and riot
Really sad that Trump followers act like that : (
ben8888's Avatar
Or destroying history and statues... kinda shit that the Nazis did....

Because this is ok right?


While im proud no violence happened by legal gun owners you can not menace people like that...period
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Fawci bearish. Never bet against the Fed pamp whew

ben8888's Avatar
I cant wait for the presidential debates...

So Mr. Biden whats your plan for the economy...

On June 4, 2019, the Biden campaign released a $1.7 trillion climate plan that embraced the framework of the Green New Deal.[108] The plan called for the US to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier, and help coal workers to transition into jobs created from a clean-energy economy.

So saddle america with 1.7 Trillion more dollars of debt while collapsing the fossil fuel market and subsidizing the "Green New Deal" and im sorry but Transitioning of workers never happens those families will be poor and broke and fucked...

The company i work for had a factory Destroyed during Hurricane Harvy around Houston we chose not to rebuild the factory and took the Insurance money and invested it elsewhere... We offered to transition the workers to other factories in other states i think maybe a dozen did it... The other 200+ workers got fucked...

On July 5, 2019, Biden told CNN he did not support decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States,

Well Fuck me thats the same Immigration policy as Trump so not trump dont apply there....

Biden released his infrastructure plan on November 14, 2019, calling for investments of $1.3 trillion on infrastructure overhaul. The plan involves investments in the restoration of roads, bridges and highways, encouraging greater adoption of rail transport and electric vehicles. It also includes water pipe replacements, increases in broadband coverage, and updates to schools

Well fuck me another 1.3 Trillion debt so with the green new deal we are up to 3 trillion already....

Kinda Funny though Tom Golisano's Green light network is not subsidized and is fucking killing in New York at the moment..hmmm but yall were mad at trump for his tax cuts to business so i guess democrats is the polar opposite you just want to flat out give them money and subsidize it huh?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-08-2020, 05:14 PM
You mean the kind that bully, loot, burn and riot
Really sad that Trump followers act like that : ( Originally Posted by lilylivered
Nazis are worse.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-08-2020, 05:17 PM
I cant wait for the presidential debates... Originally Posted by ben8888
I read your little diatribe 3 times, and didn't see the part where you pointed out where i ever said i get special favors from providers that others don't get.

Ok, i lied. I didn't read it even once. But then, i'm guessing nobody else did either. So if it's in there, you'll need to point me to it.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
The biggest danger for your wealth is not being invested whew