He stole classified documents. When does the FBI raid take place?

rmg_35's Avatar
Get your facts straight. I don't make excuses for anyone, including you. Don't think you are kidding anyone. All your hate filled comments are directed at Republicans not any democrats. Try to be mature and show your true colors. Maybe that will gain you some respect. Originally Posted by chizzy
My comments are only directed at the magats from the Republican party, the far-right jackass extremists. And I really don't care if you like or dislike my comments and I'm certainly not looking for respect from radical far-right nut-jobs. So take your own advise and try to be mature and not call out other people in your posts.
HDGristle's Avatar
Ouch. Painful details that show a complete lack of self-awareness.

The 2nd set of docs were found in a storage area in his garage (near his Corvette) and an adjacent room at his home in Wilmington, DE.

He actually made the tone deaf claim that his corvette is in a locked garage so it's not like they were sitting out on the street.

They were mixed with personal and other political papers.

So yes. All the same questions for me that applied to Trump apply here. And DOJ needs to assign a Special Prosecutor.
chizzy's Avatar
My comments are only directed at the magats from the Republican party, the far-right jackass extremists. And I really don't care if you like or dislike my comments and I'm certainly not looking for respect from radical far-right nut-jobs. So take your own advise and try to be mature and not call out other people in your posts. Originally Posted by rmg_35
I will call out whoever I choose especially when they try to lump everyone together as nut jobs as u like to say based on nothing but their own hatred. Credibility based on facts is something you lack. But like u said, u could care less which suits me just fine
berryberry's Avatar
Biden's people turned them in as soon as they found them. Trump ignored subpoena's over and over and over to turn those documents in. For well over a year. Originally Posted by Cody69
Voluntarily turned them over when? Only after 6 damn years !!! And after hiding the fact from before the election til now !!!

And now they are being found in multiple locations including Senile Biden's unsecure garage

While the documents Trump had were all secure, in a rook locked to the specification of the DOJ, and Trump was negotiating with the DOJ about what documents needed returned

I have done research of all of your news groups. All extreme far right. Originally Posted by Cody69
My news groups? There are no news groups here. I do not belong to any groups
Cody69's Avatar
Voluntarily turned them over when? Only after 6 damn years !!! And after hiding the fact from before the election til now !!!

And now they are being found in multiple locations including Senile Biden's unsecure garage

While the documents Trump had were all secure, in a rook locked to the specification of the DOJ, and Trump was negotiating with the DOJ about what documents needed returned

My news groups? There are no news groups here. I do not belong to any groups Originally Posted by berryberry
what are you talking about, they found documents in Trumps golf cart.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden busted storing classified documents now at *MULTIPLE* locations over 6 years. Including his unsecure garage

I bet there’s more! When do the raid start? Where is the FBI?

One reason to suspect the full Senile Biden classified docs story is huge is because of the gentle and highly orchestrated roll-out of the info through admin allies in the propaganda press, in some cases the same reporters used for the Russia collusion hoax.
berryberry's Avatar
A former CIA analyst:

"When I was a CIA analyst, if I took classified docs home, kept them in my garage, and then told CIA security personnel that “it’s cool, my garage was locked” they would have told me to lawyer up, taken my badge, and escorted me out of the building, awaiting charges"
berryberry's Avatar

DOOCY: "Classified materials, next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?"

BIDEN: "My Corvette's in a locked garage, okay? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street."

Senile Biden's garage looks totally secure. Are those the documents?

berryberry's Avatar
OOOPS - In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Senile Biden kept classified documents that he stole alongside his Corvette in the garage

Oh, by the way. Hunter or Senile Biden's Wilmington home has a cottage on the property, that has been RENTED OUT AT TIMES to who knows who. Meaning there were other prople on the property coming and going for years who could have accessed the classified documents that Senile Biden stole.

Hilarious, obvious this is how they will stop Biden from running in 2024. They don’t want Heels up Harris either. I’ll guess it will be Jeffries.
They may also take down Biden so they can also take down Trump

Hillary destroyed thousands nothing was done, after she was told by the DOJ to turn over her computer.
Obuma also had documents he hadn’t turned over, they all have done this.

They will gladly take down Biden to get Trump. To begin with, Biden was put in office knowing they could totally control him.
rmg_35's Avatar
So yes. All the same questions for me that applied to Trump apply here. And DOJ needs to assign a Special Prosecutor. Originally Posted by HDGristle
That's exactly correct, but it's amazing that the extremism of the radical right wants to keep defending what tRump and parrot the far-right fake news bullshit that claim is credible. Total Hypocrites
berryberry's Avatar
So an office closet, a garage, and another room. Up to three locations now that we know of, could be even more and three troves of classified docs stolen by Senile Biden and left unsecured for over 6 years !!!

In a matter of days, Senile Biden has gone from claiming he knew nothing about stolen classified documents in his possession, to claiming of course he carefully stored and secured the classified documents in his garage, and the corrupt corporate media and leftists everywhere just nod and clap along like trained seals.

Yesterday, the propaganda press tried to argue that the persecution of Trump over a document dispute he was negotiating was justified because they were in a secure home office whereas Biden's docs were in an unsecured business office. Well, that argument went from very bad to somehow even worse.
eyecu2's Avatar
well I understand the Merrick G, has assigned a special counsel investigator to review the situation. I am guessing that it puts pressure to either force a case on both TRUMP and BIDEN, or dismiss a case equally. It wouldn't be a good look to prosecute one and not the other. I really could give a shit since they are nothing burgers in the end, and nobody is gonna do shit, say shit, or even have a single consequence. More conspiracies to shield eyes from the real issues at hand,.....like all the delicious investigations, that will result in a big nothing burger also.

I get it that all the angry ppl on the right feel that it's fair play and we will do what was done to Trump and all the investigations, (which were equally blocked, or not responded to at all) .....which in the end is a bunch of nothing. At some point do adults enter into the situation and take control, or is it tit-for-tat from here on out?

I can imagine just how wonderfully frustrated that this house of representatives will be when they get exactly NOTHING done- when nobody who gets subpoenaed don't show up.

Comer, Jordan, MCarthy, Scalise, Stephanik.....the furious Five like in Kung-Fu Panda.

Cept there won't be any sequel, there won't be an audience, and there won't be anyone but a few select FOX' people bemoaning in the chorus saying more more more.....like Murdoch, Hannity, and horse face Ingraham- and then cry cause nobody replies to a request for information...just as was done in the prior administration. FOIA's maybe, direct testimony, nope. whistleblowers, maybe, conspiracies...FUCK'N HELL YEAH!!

Regular Americans- middle america will simply look at the cluster-fuck shit-show and wonder what the fuck happened with this country's ability to get something done besides a bunch of cucks fluffing each other.
berryberry's Avatar
Why not just appoint Hunter as the special prosecutor if you are going to appoint this biased fraud? This appointment isn’t remotely neutral.


Hur wanted to keep a raid on a Clinton Foundation whistleblower a secret in 2018 when he was a US Attorney

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So an office closet, a garage, and another room. Up to three locations now that we know of, could be even more and three troves of classified docs stolen by Senile Biden and left unsecured for over 6 years !!!

In a matter of days, Senile Biden has gone from claiming he knew nothing about stolen classified documents in his possession, to claiming of course he carefully stored and secured the classified documents in his garage, and the corrupt corporate media and leftists everywhere just nod and clap along like trained seals.

Yesterday, the propaganda press tried to argue that the persecution of Trump over a document dispute he was negotiating was justified because they were in a secure home office whereas Biden's docs were in an unsecured business office. Well, that argument went from very bad to somehow even worse. Originally Posted by berryberry

the Biden "secure Garage defense"

that lamp shade is top secret!
